Record of Qilian column passing through the tower (3)


“Lu Xun” lying down

On March 9th, the “Lu Xun” lost its rear brake. Everyone reported the road conditions at any time, and kept abreast of the car’s condition. After walking not far, “Sunshine” said that it was no problem to drive, so everyone can rest assured. The marching speed was surprisingly fast. After passing a big slope, the “pot” was below. Suddenly, “Sunshine” said: “No, there is no direction.” I was shocked and sweated, and when I came back, “Expo” said that the ball head tie rod was broken. well! The old car is the same as the old man. I shouted “on the road” on the platform to return. “On the road” had just stepped off the sand wall at this time, and it was difficult to return. I immediately said firmly that I would return by detour. After a while, I came back “on the road”. Everyone helped unload the generator, took out the electric welding machine, and prepared to weld and fasten it. I took out the drone and took a few photos. The car was repaired in about an hour. ! I said to Sunshine: “When you arrive at the supply point tonight or tomorrow morning, you can withdraw.” “Sunshine” said: “No, I can’t withdraw, and I can’t leave regrets!”

At this time, I was walking in the fourth car, a half slope, and I saw that “Sunshine” was stuck in the car. I felt that the tone of my words just now was too heavy, and I was under a lot of psychological pressure on “Sunshine”, so I immediately said to the co-driver: “Return to rescue ” David took out the rope, “Sunshine” said: “Boss let me save myself for a while, I haven’t been stuck in a car yet.” Ah! I was taken aback, and immediately asked on the platform: “Who has rescued Sunshine?” Everyone said no. It’s really “Brother Tamer”, my brother! It’s amazing not to get stuck in the car for three days!

I was delayed for 3 hours before and after the car repair in the morning. I once again made it clear that the head car should not wait for the car behind, and ran quickly. “Star Rain” should not leave the “Sunshine” side to ensure that the faulty car keeps up. “Expo” is also arranged in the car of Sunshine. On the request, the total distance cannot be opened by 3 kilometers.

The original plan was to arrive at the supply point at night, but due to the delay in repairing the car, coupled with the deep mountains, deep ditches, steep slopes and soft sand, it was difficult to drive. “Jin Shao” got stuck in the car one after another, and the rescue was not counted. He just dug the sand and rescued himself three times in one afternoon. His car is a “dominant” car with low power and a long car. In addition, he is a careful person. Huo’s car is not strong enough, and it is common for the car to get stuck. I quickly overtook him on the big slope, and he was so angry that he just wanted to curse. Jin Shao said on the car platform: “FJ, FJ, I will buy an FJ when I get home, the red one, let you abuse me again.”

The sun was setting, and there was still 30 kilometers to go. “Lu Xun” was a one-eyed man again, and one headlight was not on. It was meaningless to wear it at night. We drove 90 kilometers that day. “Jeep Breaking the World” said with emotion: “The pot is connected with the pot, and the nest is connected with the nest. When you get out of the pot, you enter the nest. If you are energetic, you enter the nest. If you are boring, you enter the pot. You can’t judge the pot and the nest!”

My brain is buzzing!

One word can solve all problems, do it! That’s it!

Record of Qilian column passing through the tower (3)

drone photo

Record of Qilian column passing through the tower (3)

drone photo

Record of Qilian column passing through the tower (3)

Record of Qilian column passing through the tower (3)

Record of Qilian column passing through the tower (3)

Record of Qilian column passing through the tower (3)

Record of Qilian column passing through the tower (3)

Record of Qilian column passing through the tower (3)

Record of Qilian column passing through the tower (3)

star rain

Record of Qilian column passing through the tower (3)

Record of Qilian column passing through the tower (3)

Record of Qilian column passing through the tower (3)

Record of Qilian column passing through the tower (3)

Record of Qilian column passing through the tower (3)

Record of Qilian column passing through the tower (3)

Record of Qilian column passing through the tower (3)

Record of Qilian column passing through the tower (3)

On the road, I used the generator and welding machine I brought, and Lu Xun’s ball head tie rod was repaired!

(to be continued)