Refitting with feelings – “alternative” sunshine RV refitting courtyard

The RV industry has developed rapidly in my country in recent years. If you enter “RV” in the search bar, you can find about 77.6 million related results. There are also about 5.44 million related results obtained by entering “RV modification”, and it is no exaggeration to describe the millions of search results as overwhelming. Among them, the rapid development of private RV modification can not be underestimated in promoting the development of the RV industry. Today, I will introduce you to a unique refitter—Sunshine RV modification.

Refitting with feelings -

“Sunshine RV Modification” is located in the southeast corner of Chengdu, known as Tianfu, and it also has another name “Sunshine RV Courtyard”. There are three long-term residents in the small yard: Sunshine, Conan and the farmer. They have different ages and experiences, but they have the same hobby – RV. Their home is in the three RVs in the small courtyard, and the name of the small courtyard also comes from one of them, “Sunshine”.

Don’t pay for feelings

In 2012, starting from converting a Maxus car into a RV, Sunshine fell in love with the free life of a RV, especially after his children went to college, they lived in the RV almost all year round. As a pioneer in refitting RVs, naturally many friends came to Sunshine for help in refitting RVs. In this way, “Sunshine RV Modification” was born in this small yard.

Usually small workshop-style refitting factories are mostly for profit, as long as customers put forward almost all requirements can be met. As for the quality of the product, whether it is practical, etc., we have to wait until the money is collected before discussing it. The modification of the Sunshine RV is actually more like the product of the three Sunshine people playing tickets, and it is also a shelter for the three men to find for their feelings. The difference from ordinary small workshops is that the ultimate goal here is not profit, and most of the receptionists are friends. Occasionally, people come here especially, but they are often told: because there is no appointment, the time is uncertain.

Refitting with feelings -

Give users peace of mind

The upgrading and refitting of Sunshine RV has always followed two principles: first, safety first, practicality is king. Second, proceed with caution and act according to the situation. Safety first, needless to say. To proceed with caution is to not change the structure of the original car. All modifications and upgrades are carried out on the basis of the original without rigid changes.

From the many modification plans they put forward, it can be seen that Sunshine, who specializes in mechanical manufacturing, knows this well. Whether it is the upgrade of the battery or the installation of solar energy, he tries to keep the structure of the original car as much as possible, and does not make major changes to the wiring and counterweight.

The RV constant temperature hot water system can be regarded as the proud work of Sunshine RV modification. Because anyone who has used a RV knows that both domestic RVs and imported RVs do not seem to be ideal in terms of waterways. Many water heaters for imported RVs, especially those produced in Europe, are only 5 liters, and the water heaters for domestic RVs are generally small. While the RV engine has a lot of excess heat that needs to be removed during driving, the RV constant temperature hot water system uses this excess energy to heat the cold water. The cold water is heated and stored in a food-grade water storage tank. The double-wrapped insulation layer and the intelligent constant temperature control system allow the RV to still have hot water for more than ten or even twenty hours without engine heating. use.

Refitting with feelings -

Such a seemingly simple RV constant temperature water system not only solves the problem of insufficient hot water, but also solves the problem of insufficient storage of purified water in RVs. Moreover, the entire installation process does not damage the structure of the original car, and the holes of the original car can be used to fix the connection, and anyone with a little hands-on ability can install it by themselves. However, in order to keep the weight of the car body light, the size of the thermal water tank is generally kept within 120 liters, and then it can be installed on the sofa, under the bed or under the spare tire according to different models.

Sunshine RV refitting solves the problems of acclimatization in many RVs in actual use. But it is worth thinking about, since these basic modified sun RVs can be done, is it easier to do than RV manufacturers. At the same time, under the circumstance that the current refitting regulations are not perfect, who should be responsible for the supervision of such small refitting factories should be thought deeply.

RV village dream

Many people who play RV want to have a RV camp with beautiful scenery, where they can chat with like-minded friends and watch the sunset together. People who live in RV yards have different ideas from others. Their idea is to build a RV village, not a camp. An enlarged version of a caravan yard, a utopian caravan gathering place.

Refitting with feelings -

The reason why I chose the village model instead of the camp model is that the camp is relatively open and not private enough, relatively speaking, the form of the village is more in line with our culture and national conditions. In the RV village, there are not only RV parking spaces, but also some houses for the elderly and children who are not suitable for living in RVs for a long time. At the same time, there is also a forest for shade, a garden for walking, and a vegetable field for fun. Compared with RV camps, the operation of RV villages is easier to get on track. Moreover, the formation of village-style RV culture is easier for domestic players to accept, and it is also more conducive to the promotion of RVs in China.


Sunshine RV modification that does not take profit as the ultimate goal can be regarded as a clear stream and a ray of sunshine in the mixed RV modification business. Their modification complements the differences between RV manufacturers and players, and at the same time can provide the most accurate information feedback and remodeling ideas to upstream RV manufacturers to a certain extent. It has played an active role in the development of the caravan industry, and its conception of caravan villages provides a new possibility for domestic caravan camps. Conversely, what needs to be considered is whether a RV manufacturer should have this “craftsman” spirit, and have more feelings in the process of RV design and RV production. Such products will be more humane, and the vitality of the enterprise will be stronger.