Regarding trailer safety, I will tell you what is missing

Have you ever noticed that when European and American travelers travel with their RVs, they run on the road in a smooth and smooth way? When traveling by myself, the caravan is not so happy to run, as if something is missing. What is missing? If a worker wants to do a good job, he must first sharpen his tools. The first thing after getting the caravan is not to start traveling immediately, but to know what auxiliary accessories the caravan needs when driving safely.

Regarding trailer safety, I will tell you what is missing

widened rearview mirror

Widening the rearview mirror, as the name implies, is an accessory that widens the rearview mirror of the vehicle. The body width of ordinary passenger cars is generally within 2 meters, and even the width of the Ford pickup F350 is only about 2.2 meters. As a trailer that requires a lot of space, the width is mostly close to 2.5 meters. The trailer car in the United States can even reach a width of about 2.6 meters, so the function of widening the rearview mirror is to widen the rearview mirror of the vehicle, so that the situation behind the car can be seen clearly in time to avoid danger when overtaking and turning.

Regarding trailer safety, I will tell you what is missing

weight distribution rack

If you know something about widening the rearview mirror, then the weight distribution frame is a magical device, you must have never seen it. When a passenger car tows an RV, the general weight ratio of the tractor to the RV is 10:8 (depending on the vehicle model), which is a safe range within this ratio. However, when the RV is too heavy, the connection between the tractor and the RV will sink, and the front wheels of the tractor will tilt up. The weight distribution frame can redistribute the weight of the RV, and the four wheels of the tractor share the weight of the RV together. It’s so amazing!

Regarding trailer safety, I will tell you what is missing

swing controller

When traveling with a towed caravan, we often face a headache-the wagging movement of the caravan. Usually, during the normal driving of the towed caravan, the caravan swings slightly due to side cutting wind or other factors. This kind of swing will become larger and larger as the vehicle travels, and may even overturn the towing vehicle. At this time, if a swing controller is installed on the weight distribution frame, the occurrence of tail swinging can be effectively avoided, making the driving of the trailered car safer and more stable.

Regarding trailer safety, I will tell you what is missing

trailer wiring harness

The trailer wiring harness is equivalent to the blood vessels and nerves connecting the tractor and the trailer. It is used to connect the lights, brakes and power lines of the tractor and RV. There are two types of wiring harnesses for trailers: 13-pin and 7-pin. The 13-pin wiring harness is usually used on European RVs, and its wiring sequence is basically the same. The 7-pin wiring harness is divided into chip type and pin type. There are many connection methods for its wiring sequence. You need to consult the RV dealer for details.

Regarding trailer safety, I will tell you what is missing

brake controller

After many RVs are connected to the tractor, the brakes of the RV will lock up when braking. The brake controller is used to adjust the brake sensitivity of the RV. The brake signal is introduced into the brake controller through the wire, and after analysis, it is transmitted to the RV through the wire. It is worth noting that this device is only suitable for American trailers. European trailers usually use a bumper mechanism for braking, so no brake controller is required.

Regarding trailer safety, I will tell you what is missing

Trailer ball head

The trailer ball head is needed as long as the trailer is moving. The trailer ball head has various specifications such as 50mm, 2 inches (50.8mm) and 2 5/16 inches (about 58.7mm), which should be selected according to different models. Generally, European RVs mostly use 50mm ball joints, and most American RVs use 2 5/16-inch ball joints for traction. The key point is not to use the small ball head to tow the model with the big ball head. Don’t, remember.

Regarding trailer safety, I will tell you what is missing

Summary : With China’s awareness of RV culture and the use of RVs, towed RVs will inevitably become the mainstream in the future. And as players, we naturally can’t just stop at driving RVs, but also learn to use more passive safety accessories. Of course, auxiliary accessories are important when traveling in a trailer, but developing good driving habits is the best guarantee for travel safety.