“RV travel” camping in no man’s land, the average altitude of the whole journey is 3000+ unique records

      Haike talks about Yingzhou, Yantao is faint and letter is hard to find.

Li Taibai described a fairy mountain on the sea beyond the Three Realms in the opening chapter of “Sleepwalking in the Heavenly Mother”, which is fascinating. Especially those who have lived in a cage of reinforced concrete for a long time are looking forward to this kind of trip that “makes me happy!” Maybe you are looking forward to a different no-man’s land RV trip as I do.

Overnight at Qinghai Lake, moonset and Milky Way may be visible

Traveling as soon as you say it, sometimes it is easier than you think. Pack your bags in Xining, I will take you, you take the money, and we will set off in a caravan.

The convoy drove from the city to Qinghai Lake, and walked around the lake. There was no rush at work, and some only yearned for the West Sea. Self-driving, biking, motorcycle, hiking, people use all the means of transportation they can imagine to see the beauty of Qinghai Lake.

Rapeseed Flower Sea renders the world in one color with bright yellow. At sunset, the sky, the sea and the flowers are integrated into one, making people linger. The old rule is to take a photo and let people in Moments see it first. (Remember to attach the coordinates: Qinghai Lakeside)

Traffic jam, daily operation in the city. But I didn’t expect that this topic would still continue 1,800 kilometers away from Beijing. Fortunately, the sunset is beautiful, and I also took the kitchen, bedroom and toilet with me.

At 11pm, we arrived at our campsite for tonight. It’s so dark, I don’t really know where this is, but we’re all excited. Meadows, stars, picnics, camping, all these make the hormones continue to soar. However, the real beauty has to wait until after the moon sets – the Milky Way gradually appears. We in the city seem to have forgotten how the Milky Way flows from the sky.

Even on an August morning, the campsite was covered with frost. But all this became unimportant after we found out that our camp was only tens of meters away from Qinghai Lake. I saw you flying from the sun, the blue princess Qinghai Lake, her beauty can no longer be described in mortal language.

Look for gold in the sea of ​​gold, look for aliens by the Keluke Lake

The next day campsite, Jinzihai. However, the passing fossil beach is what excites the team the most. Fossils, a magical object that only appeared in popular science books in the past, can appear in front of them.

Jinzihai has an old-fashioned legend. It’s nothing more than a relationship with a celebrity. A spring in the desert and a bay of water are indeed different, but what is more impressive is the hot pot in the wild and the leg of lamb in Delingha.

The third day may be the most uncomfortable day for those who are camping for the first time. Fortunately, on this day, we came to Keluke Lake next to the alien ruins, a place with water and electricity. For us, this place can take a bath.

Everyone sighed, oh my god! Let the aliens die, those who don’t take a bath are aliens.

Well, our curse is in effect, and the alien ruins are not allowed to be seen.

Emerald Lake is even more beautiful than in the photos

Before going to Emerald Lake, go to Dachaidan to eat bowl noodles. This is a recommended noodle shop that does not charge advertising fees, and the taste is quite good.

Dachaidan has a large character in his name, but it is really not that big. The busiest commercial street in the city, you can hang quilts at noon. The Emerald Lake, which is 16 kilometers away, is much more lively. It may be due to the fact that the place is too large. It is not only the bus that sends people here, but it is far from the crowds of people in traditional scenic spots. There are two other things that need special explanation here. First, there is no admission fee here, and second, you can camp here.

Large and small lakes of various colors are inlaid on the surface like emeralds. Here, if you want to take photos and send them to Moments, you can completely occupy the whole lake by yourself, take pictures at will, open up the shots, and use all the poses you can think of to take pictures. In order to take better pictures, first of all, you need to wear a long red dress, it doesn’t matter if you don’t have one, the narration is available for rent. Secondly, you need to practice difficult postures in advance to avoid being blinded on the spot. Third, turn on beauty. (I personally think the third article is the most important)

Enjoy the time without signal in Qaidam no man’s land

Thirty kilometers in four hours, with a convoy of RVs into no-man’s land, maybe we are the only ones who dare to go. Due to the performance of some RVs and the presence of children, we resolutely gave up our plan to move forward. Then there is camping, burying pots, cooking, and bonfires.

What would it be like to spend a night in a place with no cell phone signal? There is no imaginary uneasiness, but more long-lost tranquility.

This night, I don’t need a circle of friends.

Have a date with Sand Lizard at Sugan Lake

Walking out of no-man’s land, the last campsite is located at the northwest end of Haizi Grassland, Sugan Lake. There are many water birds here, including white swans, bar-headed geese, black-necked cranes, Lou geese, yellow ducks, green-winged ducks, skylarks and so on. Too bad I didn’t see any of them, but the guano by the lake proves that’s where they hang out. I used to have a habit of always tasting the water when I went to rivers, lakes and seasides. After seeing the bird droppings all over the floor, I decided to change this habit.

Although no water birds were seen, sand lizards can be seen everywhere. The desert by the lake is full of small holes, and in each small hole lives a sand lizard. This cute little creature is very cooperative when facing the camera.

Saying goodbye to the sand lizard, I went to Jiuquan to see the only wild camel that was raised artificially, and bought grapes from Erdun Village with my heart’s content.

from discomfort to miss

Looking back at the whole travel process, from the discomfort at the beginning to getting used to it, and then returning to the city, I began to miss the tranquility of the wild.

Maybe one day, we will miss it and go back there to touch the warm sand.

Traveling is a kind of disease, and the disease will be cured only when you go to a familiar place.

Hope to see you next time…