SAIC Volkswagen has donated a total of 40 million yuan to fight the epidemic

At present, the prevention and control of novel coronavirus pneumonia is in a critical period. On February 3, SAIC Volkswagen made an additional donation to the epidemic area, with a total donation of 40 million yuan, fully supporting the prevention and control of the epidemic.

The donation will be mainly used in Hubei and other provinces and cities with severe epidemics to purchase protective equipment, medical equipment, medicine and other materials, and to support related epidemic prevention and control, vaccine and drug research; staff to provide help and support. In the future, the donation will also be used to support the construction of a longer-term public health and epidemic prevention system, including epidemic emergency response, material transportation, epidemic prevention education, aftermath recovery in epidemic areas, and hardship subsidies.

SAIC Volkswagen has donated a total of 40 million yuan to fight the epidemic

The epidemic is an order, and prevention and control is a responsibility. SAIC Volkswagen donated again to contribute to the fight against the epidemic. At the same time, I also pay tribute to all the medical workers who are fighting on the front line of the epidemic, and all people from all walks of life who stick to their posts and fight against the epidemic!