Seven-Day Tour Around Taiwan (2)

Before 2010, Taipei 101 was the tallest building in the world (but not the tallest building in the world, the tallest building in the world at that time was the CN Tower in Toronto, Canada).

The completion of the Burj Khalifa (828 meters) on January 4, 2010 made Taipei 101 the second tallest building in the world. The structure was capped on August 3, 2014, and the Shanghai Tower (Shanghai Tower), which will be put into use in mid-2015 (632 meters), has far surpassed the 509 meters of Taipei 101.

The shape of the building is like strong bamboo joints rising high, more than flexible, symbolizing the meaning of traditional Chinese architecture that is endless.

Building 101 currently has two world firsts: the world’s highest speed elevator: it only takes 37 seconds to reach the indoor observation deck on the 89th floor from the 5th floor, and the elevator climbs at a speed of 1010 meters per minute, which is the fastest elevator in the world. Its length is also the first in the world. The world’s first anti-shock damper is exposed to the overall design of the building, weighing 660 tons. You can see this decorative damper shaped like a big ball when dining on the 85th, 86th, and 88th floors. Its diameter is 5.5 meters. It is also number one in the world.

Seven-Day Tour Around Taiwan (2)

Seven-Day Tour Around Taiwan (2)

Seven-Day Tour Around Taiwan (2)

Seven-Day Tour Around Taiwan (2)

Seven-Day Tour Around Taiwan (2)

Seven-Day Tour Around Taiwan (2)

Taipei City Hall is an open office space.

Seven-Day Tour Around Taiwan (2)

Seven-Day Tour Around Taiwan (2)

Seven-Day Tour Around Taiwan (2)

Seven-Day Tour Around Taiwan (2)

Snapshots on the streets of Taipei.

As the Lantern Festival approaches, businesses on the streets of Taipei still have the atmosphere of the Spring Festival, and festive red lanterns are hung in many places.

The temperature difference between Taipei and Kenting, the southernmost point, is very large. Taipei wears thin down jackets, while Kenting wears short sleeves.

Seven-Day Tour Around Taiwan (2)

Seven-Day Tour Around Taiwan (2)

Seven-Day Tour Around Taiwan (2)

Seven-Day Tour Around Taiwan (2)

Seven-Day Tour Around Taiwan (2)

Seven-Day Tour Around Taiwan (2)

When I was in junior high school, I read a book called “Miscellaneous Notes of Guards and Guards”. This book described the struggle for power, intrigue, sensuality, and bizarre events between the top KMT officials in Chongqing and Nanjing in the form of a diary in the first person. A string of stories. Among them, the daily life of Chiang Kai-shek and Song Meiling is written in large chapters.

I was still a middle school student at that time, and my poor and poor imagination could not imagine the lives of those high-ranking officials anyway. Just like there is a joke that said: In ancient times, two old farmers chatted and imagined the luxurious life of the emperor. One said, “I think the emperor must be full of white flour buns every day!” It’s a golden hoe!

I think I am these two old farmers.

When I arrived at the Shilin Mansion, I suddenly thought of the book “Miscellaneous Notes of the Guards”. Although the book describes Mr. Jiang’s life in Chongqing and Nanjing’s official residences, I think that a person’s living habits will not change depending on where he lives.

The Shilin mansion is very large, divided into two parts, the mountain and the ground. It is said that the two mountains behind the mansion have been hollowed out. Whenever there is a disturbance, Lao Jiang immediately retreats into the mountain. There is also a secret passage hidden under the official residence, which is connected to the secret passage of the Taiwan military command post and leads to the helipad.

In the outer garden of Shilin’s official residence, you can also see a bunker covered by flowers and plants. If you don’t look carefully, it looks like a flower bed. Today’s Shilin official residence has changed from a heavily guarded restricted zone to a place for tourists to relax and explore history.

The entire garden has been remodeled, and the traces left by Lao Jiang and Mrs. Jiang have almost been wiped out. Even the rose garden that Mrs. Jiang loved most has been rebuilt.

Very disappointed.

Seven-Day Tour Around Taiwan (2)

Seven-Day Tour Around Taiwan (2)

Seven-Day Tour Around Taiwan (2)

Seven-Day Tour Around Taiwan (2)

Seven-Day Tour Around Taiwan (2)

Shilin Mansion

Seven-Day Tour Around Taiwan (2)

Seven-Day Tour Around Taiwan (2)

Seven-Day Tour Around Taiwan (2)

Seven-Day Tour Around Taiwan (2)

The first time I heard the name Lugang was an old song “Lugang Town” by Luo Dayou. “Taipei is not my home, my hometown has no neon lights”.

The town of Lukang is close to the sea, and it has risen because of the port economy. In Luo Dayou’s song, the small town of “the morning of Lukang and the dusk of Lukang, people wandering in civilization” has been inherited because of its humanistic style. Looking around, the town is simply an open-air museum of monuments. The town looks like it has been sealed in a vacuum for a hundred years.

Desserts in Taiwan are very famous, and it is the same in Lukang. Whether it’s cool mango milk ice or warm honey sweet potato, we walk from the street to the end of the street, tasting all the way.

Seven-Day Tour Around Taiwan (2)

Seven-Day Tour Around Taiwan (2)

Seven-Day Tour Around Taiwan (2)

Seven-Day Tour Around Taiwan (2)

Seven-Day Tour Around Taiwan (2)

Seven-Day Tour Around Taiwan (2)

Lukang Tianhou Temple is located in Lukang Town, Changhua County, Taiwan Province. It is the crown of more than 400 Mazu temples in Taiwan. In 1685 (the twenty-fourth year of Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty), Shi Lang, a native of Quanzhou, greeted Mazu from Meizhou, Putian, Fujian, the hometown of Mazu. It is also the only Mazu statue in Taiwan that came from Putian.

Seven-Day Tour Around Taiwan (2)

Seven-Day Tour Around Taiwan (2)

Seven-Day Tour Around Taiwan (2)

Forehead. Let’s continue shopping.

Internet celebrity food “Suzhu Taro Ball”. The signature of Suzhu Taro Balls is made with real fresh Dajia taro shreds, and then wrapped with some exclusive marinated hind leg meat stuffing, without adding any preservatives, insisting on completely handmade them, boiled The taro balls that come out have a unique taste and are topped with exclusive sauces, which will make people’s index fingers move and awaken the deliciousness.

I bought the original flavor, but the goose, I took two bites and quietly threw it away. It’s not that it’s not delicious, it’s just that it doesn’t suit my taste.

Seven-Day Tour Around Taiwan (2)

Seven-Day Tour Around Taiwan (2)

Seven-Day Tour Around Taiwan (2)

Beef tongue cake is a kind of Taiwanese snack, because there is a very different kind of cake in Yilan and Lukang in Taiwan, both of which are called beef tongue cake, so strictly speaking, they are two different snacks. The shapes of these two kinds of cakes are also long oval shaped like ox tongue, which may be the origin of their names. Lukang Beef Tongue Biscuits are wide and short, thick and round, with a crispy and soft taste. The rich and soft biscuit is covered with sweet but not greasy maltose filling. It is made by baking or frying. It can be regarded as a kind of noodle cake, while Yilan’s beef tongue cake is thin and crispy, and it is equally crispy and delicious whether it is eaten cold or hot.

Seven-Day Tour Around Taiwan (2)

Seven-Day Tour Around Taiwan (2)

White jade bitter gourd, I don’t know how it tastes.

Seven-Day Tour Around Taiwan (2)

Pineapple and pineapple, in my opinion, are the same, because there is not much difference in feeling. But one of my foodie girlfriends insisted that pineapple and pineapple are two kinds of fruits. She said that the pineapple can be eaten directly after peeling, but the pineapple must be soaked in salt water before eating. Pineapple is sweet, pineapple is slightly sour.

This is a pineapple, very sweet.

Seven-Day Tour Around Taiwan (2)

Seven-Day Tour Around Taiwan (2)

This is a pineapple field photographed on the side of the road. Anyway, I can’t tell the difference at all.

Seven-Day Tour Around Taiwan (2)

Seven-Day Tour Around Taiwan (2)

Seven-Day Tour Around Taiwan (2)

Seven-Day Tour Around Taiwan (2)

shoot with

Seven-Day Tour Around Taiwan (2)

Seven-Day Tour Around Taiwan (2)

Seven-Day Tour Around Taiwan (2)

(to be continued)