Shanghai Disney was brought to court by college students. Netizens: Strongly support it!

Recently, Shanghai Disney was brought to court again, claiming  46.3  yuan.

The plaintiff is a third-year student majoring in law at East China University of Political Science and Law.

Shanghai Disney was brought to court by college students. Netizens: Strongly support it!

Law students due to “prohibition of bringing their own drinks and snacks”

take disney to court

The cause of the incident begins with a trip by Xiao Wang, a third-year student at Shanghai Disneyland, at the beginning of the year. On January 28, 2019, she spent 365 yuan to buy a special ticket for a one-day trip to Shanghai Disneyland on a certain platform, and went to play on January 30. Before entering the park, Xiao Wang spent 46.3 yuan to buy biscuits and other snacks. At the entrance of the park, the staff stopped Xiao Wang and asked him to check his backpack.

Shanghai Disney was brought to court by college students. Netizens: Strongly support it!

Xiao Wang recalled that when the staff saw that there were snacks in her bag, “Let me throw them away first, but I said no, and he said that you should sit next to me and finish eating.” Xiao Wang believed that this was not in compliance with the law, so he fought hard with the staff on the spot. Because of a verbal dispute at the time, Xiao Wang called 110 to call the police. Xiao Wang said that after making a statement with the police, the matter was not resolved. So, she called the 12345 and 12315 complaint hotlines on the spot to make a complaint. “The other party told me that the rule of ‘no food to be brought’ was formulated by Disneyland and was in compliance with the law. I told them that it was obviously illegal.”

After many times of communication and complaints to no avail, Xiao Wang finally had no choice but to give up fighting, “After all, the tickets purchased cannot be refunded. In the end, I ate some of the snacks, threw away some, and gave one to others.” After entering the park , Xiao Wang spent 30 yuan to buy a cotton candy as a snack. She believes that the price of food in the garden is obviously higher than the market price, 20 yuan for a corn, 80 yuan for a turkey wing…

Shanghai Disney was brought to court by college students. Netizens: Strongly support it!

Afterwards, Xiao Wang believed that the rules formulated by Disneyland violated his legal rights, so he filed a lawsuit.

She filed two lawsuits with the court: 1. To confirm that Shanghai Disneyland’s standard clause prohibiting tourists from bringing food into the park is invalid; The cost of food that was forced to be discarded totaled 46.3 yuan.

Shanghai Disney was brought to court by college students. Netizens: Strongly support it!

Xiao Wang believes: “The Supreme Court said before that the ban on food and drink in the catering industry is an overlord clause . In practice, there are also courts that have ruled that the clause prohibiting bring-your-own food in movie theaters is invalid. We believe that Disney’s regulations are similar and violate consumers’ rights. Rights and interests. Many people may also feel that their rights and interests have been violated, but they did not sue due to time cost and other issues, and as law students, it is our ‘vocation’ to ‘compete’.”

At present, the case is still in trial and has not yet been judged.

Netizen: Well done!

Netizens have different opinions on this matter, but most of them support Xiao Wang’s actions.

Shanghai Disney was brought to court by college students. Netizens: Strongly support it!

Shanghai Disney was brought to court by college students. Netizens: Strongly support it!

However, many people expressed their support for Disney.

Shanghai Disney was brought to court by college students. Netizens: Strongly support it!

Disney’s new rules have long been controversial

In fact, Shanghai Disneyland has been brought to court for the same regulation more than once since the new regulations were added for more than a year. In addition, the regulations in the park such as “requires bag inspection when entering the park” and “determines whether children’s tickets can be purchased according to height standards” have also been controversial among consumers.

Shanghai Disney was brought to court by college students. Netizens: Strongly support it!

It is understood that the three Disneylands in the United States and France do not prohibit consumers from bringing food into the parks, but only the Disneylands in China and Japan do not allow food to be brought into the parks, which has also been criticized.

In this regard, Shanghai Disneyland responded that consumers may bring food with special smell or potential safety hazards into the park, and throw away garbage at will, and not allowing outside food is “a necessary clause based on the maintenance of public health and safety in the park.” .

Shanghai Disney was brought to court by college students. Netizens: Strongly support it!

In this matter, do you choose college students or Disney?