Southern Thailand | What does Thailand look like away from the crowd? (Down)

Southern Thailand | What does Thailand look like away from the crowd? (Down)

I don’t know what day we arrived in pakmeng. There was no one on the street, and most of the shops were closed. When I went to a cafe I was familiar with, I found that the door was closed.

Worried that it had been closed for a long time, I quickly called the boss. The boss told us in fluent English: Today is my rest day, I will open the door tomorrow, don’t worry.

Southern Thailand | What does Thailand look like away from the crowd? (Down)

After many twists and turns, I booked the island hopping tour for the next day (because many of them are not open), on a tourist beach where many locals come only on weekends, there are not many choices, and I don’t need too many choices. The price is too touching.

As for the small shops that are open on weekdays, I often see the boss drinking wine by himself, as if the shop is opened for himself.

Southern Thailand | What does Thailand look like away from the crowd? (Down)

Southern Thailand | What does Thailand look like away from the crowd? (Down)

Perhaps the most interesting item of Trang’s island hopping tour is the train on the sea. Everyone grabbed one by one, like a train on the sea and drove towards the cave.

Although it was once dark in the cave, you don’t seem to feel so scary when you listen to the crew singing.

Everyone has to swim and swim hard to keep the “train” moving.

Southern Thailand | What does Thailand look like away from the crowd? (Down)

Coming out of this hole is a jungle, take a short rest and swim out the same way.

Southern Thailand | What does Thailand look like away from the crowd? (Down)

Southern Thailand | What does Thailand look like away from the crowd? (Down)

Twice snorkeling and one island landing, the island hopping tour here is really cost-effective, it is from here that the two of us have peeled off all kinds of skin.

One snorkeling point can clearly see the coral group, and the other point is the fish.

It is slightly different from the last time, and the marine life in areas where human activities are frequent will also change.

Southern Thailand | What does Thailand look like away from the crowd? (Down)

After playing on the island, the next step is to rent a small motorcycle to wander around. The owner of the coffee shop suggested a place for us, saying it was far away. When I asked, it was actually only 30km.

Small places are different. If you want to put a large Xinjiang, 30km is the distance to go for a walk.

40RMB rental fee, 6RMB gas money, we rode for 2 days. Riding a motorcycle back to the hotel every day feels like a local.

Southern Thailand | What does Thailand look like away from the crowd? (Down)

Get up, pack up, drink a cup of coffee, navigate and fix the location, and then shuttle on the path.

Southern Thailand | What does Thailand look like away from the crowd? (Down)

The scorching sun is in the sky, and the shade of the trees comes and goes, just like a pair of gentle hands gently touching our skin.

On both sides of the road are large rubber forests, and small bowls are hung on the tree trunks to suck the fresh liquid from the resin.

The sound of motorcycles covers part of the singing of flowers, birds and insects. The distant mountains are verdant. Although the sea is not particularly transparent, there is a different flavor between the mountains and rivers.

Southern Thailand | What does Thailand look like away from the crowd? (Down)

In the afternoon, smelling the smell of food, we found a simple sea view restaurant (all locals), and happened to meet a diner who was eating crabs and could speak English, and helped us order what we wanted to eat. 60RMB per kilogram of fresh crabs, the two of us can eat crabs directly.

Whether it’s the price or the friendliness of the locals, it will make you feel like you don’t want to leave.

Southern Thailand | What does Thailand look like away from the crowd? (Down)

Southern Thailand | What does Thailand look like away from the crowd? (Down)

Riding around on a small motorcycle every day, my skin color is getting closer and closer to that of the locals.

I was accosted by passers-by in Thai several times, but I was helpless by saying “sawadika”.

Southern Thailand | What does Thailand look like away from the crowd? (Down)

When chatting with the coffee shop owner, he recommended a place name – ranong, so this became our next stop.

Always feel free to take advice from locals, because for us, everything unknown is worth exploring.

Say goodbye to pakmeng, say goodbye to this mountain that looks like a human head sleeping in the sea.

Southern Thailand | What does Thailand look like away from the crowd? (Down)

Back to Trang again, only 100 baht was left to change the money before. I was going to change some money and found that today is Sunday, the banks are not open, and there is no other money exchange point in this small town with underdeveloped tourism.

If we can’t change the money, we can’t go to the night market that we’ve missed for a long time~

Just when we were at a loss, I suddenly had a suggestion: Why don’t we go back to the hotel to sleep first. a bit sleepy.

Then we both put the fact that we had no money behind us.

Hahaha, food and clothing have become a problem. I didn’t expect the two of them to be able to sleep peacefully.

Southern Thailand | What does Thailand look like away from the crowd? (Down)

Woke up and went downstairs to ask the sloth front desk if there is a place to change money, she still told us a place in a very slow voice, let us go and see.

Finally, we exchanged money in the mall, and the two of them tacitly changed from listless to vigorous. With the money, we first went to the mall to buy, buy, and then went straight to the night market.

Southern Thailand | What does Thailand look like away from the crowd? (Down)

In the next few days, we took the local bus and came to ranong recommended by the coffee shop owner.

Southern Thailand | What does Thailand look like away from the crowd? (Down)

This is also a small town with few Chinese tourists. It is close to Myanmar. You can go to Myanmar from here, or you can take a two-day tour to Myanmar islands with a group.

When we got lost in a small village and the navigation failed, an uncle driving a pickup got off the car and asked us in broken English if we needed help, told him where we were going, and said a handsome “follow me”, so we picked up Cleared the way and found the place to go.

Thanks again and again, the uncle said another handsome “enjoy you day”, jumped on the pickup and disappeared.

The kindness of strangers is the best memory of the trip.

Southern Thailand | What does Thailand look like away from the crowd? (Down)

So we continued to wander around on our small motorcycles.

Southern Thailand | What does Thailand look like away from the crowd? (Down)

Southern Thailand | What does Thailand look like away from the crowd? (Down)

When we two silly foreigners rode for an hour to a certain hot spring, we really regretted that we were late. Such a beautiful natural hot spring has a beautiful environment and is free, but we can only watch other people soaking in the hot spring.

Sometimes I wonder why it is difficult to obtain such a simple and comfortable sense of happiness in China. It may be because the prices are too high and life is too hard.

Southern Thailand | What does Thailand look like away from the crowd? (Down)

In addition to wandering around the city, we went to Payan Island to play.

I booked a one-day round-trip ferry ticket on the first day, but when I boarded the boat the next day, I realized that the ticket was forgotten in another pocket.

Seeing that the boat was about to depart, I anxiously found the conductor, and then he was very nice and told us not to worry, and told the crew that it was okay, and when you came back, just tell them that you bought the ticket from me.

We were worried about whether to write a new voucher for us, but the other party told us sincerely, no.

Southern Thailand | What does Thailand look like away from the crowd? (Down)

So we landed on the island smoothly. The only means of transportation on the island is a motorcycle. We rented another motorcycle and experienced riding in various road conditions. I feel that my technology has improved by leaps and bounds.

Southern Thailand | What does Thailand look like away from the crowd? (Down)

The sea seen on the island is so beautiful, and drinking a coconut in such a beautiful place is even more beautiful.

Southern Thailand | What does Thailand look like away from the crowd? (Down)

At noon, I was fascinated by the roast pork in the restaurant. How much is it? The answer was 100 baht.

It was so cheap we ordered one on the spot.

As a result, another person told us that the person made a mistake, not 100 baht but 80 baht.

We have experienced price increases for no reason in various scenic spots. We were stunned. This is the first price reduction. After repeated confirmation, we realized that there are indeed such people in this world.

Southern Thailand | What does Thailand look like away from the crowd? (Down)

In the afternoon, I went to a beach with waves on the island, where the waves were so overwhelming that I didn’t want to leave.

No matter how badly I was exposed to the sun, I never wanted to leave the sea for a moment.

And we all like to play with waves, just like having a real interaction with the sea, it keeps embracing you, even though sometimes it takes too much force to shoot you into the bottom of the sea, we still like it.

Southern Thailand | What does Thailand look like away from the crowd? (Down)

On the bus back to Bangkok, Danmeier and I both wore earphones and opened the memo on the phone. I know, she is the same as me.

She said: The drivers who met on the road would hold the amulet hanging on the rearview mirror with their hands when driving through the bumpy road. After passing the bumpy road, they would bow to the amulet, as if they were like the Lord Buddha. Apologize. You can experience their kindness and integrity from it. Everything they do is not for others to see, nor for making themselves happy, but for the original kindness from the heart. Their faith cannot be manifested by wearing a bracelet, hanging a prayer bead, and worshiping a master. It is you who really feel the deterrent force from the authenticity, because we don’t have it, so we will be moved.

And they are just ordinary life.

Southern Thailand | What does Thailand look like away from the crowd? (Down)

I said: what is the meaning of travel? It is to bring you to think, and to gain an extra piece of kindness in your daily life.