Southern Thailand | What does Thailand look like away from the crowd? (superior)

Southern Thailand | What does Thailand look like away from the crowd? (superior)

Flying from 3:00 am to 6:00 am, we landed in Bangkok again, and the two decided to go all out and fly directly to our destination—Trang.

I stayed in Trang for half a month last year. Because there were few tourists, after experiencing the traditional and simple humanities in southern Thailand, I was reluctant to choose popular places, even Krabi, which is only more than 100 kilometers away from Trang and suddenly became popular. , I don’t want to go either.

Southern Thailand | What does Thailand look like away from the crowd? (superior)

After another one-hour flight, I came to Trang, a small town in southern Thailand, took out a few hundred baht from my pocket last time, and took the minivan at the airport to the city.

People always wonder why they went to Thailand again. It’s hard to explain, so I have to answer, China is so big, have you been to every place?

I have said goodbye to punch-in travel a long time ago, and it is not surprising that I like to go to a place non-stop.

Southern Thailand | What does Thailand look like away from the crowd? (superior)

When we arrived at the reserved hotel, the front desk was like the sloth in the crazy animal city, very slowly copied our passports, registered our information, and helped us check in.

At this moment, the two of us have been exhausted by boat and car all night, and we are already too sleepy to keep our eyes open.

However, after a short break in the hotel, we revived again like chicken blood, changed our clothes, and went to exchange money first.

Southern Thailand | What does Thailand look like away from the crowd? (superior)

Southern Thailand | What does Thailand look like away from the crowd? (superior)

Although Danmeier and I have been traveling together since college, this is the first time we have gone abroad together. Apart from the language change to English, there seems to be nothing special.

A good travel companion will only make you feel the happiness of traveling at all times, not caring about where you are.

Southern Thailand | What does Thailand look like away from the crowd? (superior)

The first thing to do after changing the money is to go to the night market. The night market in Trang is simply a paradise for foodies. Roast pork, grilled seafood, cold seafood, boiled instant noodles, and mango sticky rice. . . There are so many delicious food, usually 40 RMB for two people can already eat the buttress.

When we bought a lot of delicious food and prepared to eat, we suddenly found that everyone around us stood up. I had just stuffed a shrimp into my mouth and hadn’t started chewing. Stand up consciously.

After listening carefully, I found that they were all singing the national anthem. At 6 p.m., the night market was crowded with people a minute ago, as if the pause button was suddenly pressed, everyone put down everything in their hands and sang together the national anthem.

I don’t know if this is the case in other places in Thailand. This is the second time I have experienced group singing of the national anthem in Trang. This kind of heartfelt action made me feel their love for their country.

Southern Thailand | What does Thailand look like away from the crowd? (superior)

The next day, we went to Chaomai Beach. Although the itinerary was similar to the last time, we still didn’t make a decision in advance. If we like it, we can stay for a few more days, which is always the case.

For lovers of sea depth, even in the afternoon with strong sunshine, it still can’t stop our restless heart. Changed clothes, smeared and smeared, ran all the way from the hotel to the beach, and then hid in the shade of the tree after being scalded into pig’s feet by the beach.

Southern Thailand | What does Thailand look like away from the crowd? (superior)

The two of them can only be quiet photographers when they go out with other people, but this time they can finally let themselves go and be photographed boldly.

Southern Thailand | What does Thailand look like away from the crowd? (superior)

The sunset is not magnificent, just like everything here, not coquettish, but sincere.

Southern Thailand | What does Thailand look like away from the crowd? (superior)

On the third day, we decided to go to pekmeng beach. When we made this decision and had a leisurely breakfast, we asked the hotel, and the only taxi had already left half an hour ago. We missed the only shuttle, which gave us another bold idea.

That being the case, we might as well hitchhike on the road.

Southern Thailand | What does Thailand look like away from the crowd? (superior)

When we were so excited about the decision because both of us were so excited, the first thing we did was make up. I saw us smearing and smearing again, changing clothes, and an hour later, we dragged our boxes and went out.

The only travel companions who can deal with this kind of temporary decision to go with the situation are friends from childhood to adulthood.

We fantasized that if we had encountered such a thing with our boyfriend, he might have rushed out the door when we were changing our second clothes.

Southern Thailand | What does Thailand look like away from the crowd? (superior)

After coming out, I found that this is really a quiet seaside town, and there is no car on the road.

While regretting why we dragged boxes instead of backpacks, we set up tripods. For such an experience, selfies are essential.

But God is so kind to us. When we just sent the selfie, a local who passed by in the opposite direction stopped, asked and stopped the car for us, passed by a pickup truck, and told him where we were going. Thus ended his apprenticeship career.

Southern Thailand | What does Thailand look like away from the crowd? (superior)

When we arrived at Pakmeng, we gave the driver the fare. The driver looked at us incredulously. Although he could not speak English, after we exchanged eye contact, he accepted our money embarrassedly and thanked us all the time. But obviously he helped us. So we said goodbye to each other in an atmosphere of mutual thank you.