Take pictures of people sitting like this! They are beautiful

How to pose for a photo of a beautiful woman while sitting

What is more important in photographing beautiful women besides figure and appearance? Of course it is posture. Today I would like to recommend a few poses that are very commonly used in shooting. Whether you are a model, a photographer, or you are usually shooting by yourself, you can try the concave shape. Don’t go around forever with scissors!

Take pictures of people sitting like this! They are beautiful

Looking back must shoot

As the saying goes, look back and smile, Bai Meisheng! No matter what expression you have, especially when a girl with a big face sits down to take a picture, taking a picture with a posture like looking back will definitely not be ugly.

Take pictures of people sitting like this! They are beautiful

Looking back does not necessarily have to look at the camera, it may be more charming to look at your shoulders.

Take pictures of people sitting like this! They are beautiful

Or look into the distance, giving people a thoughtful feeling.

Take pictures of people sitting like this! They are beautiful

arm fit

When shooting beautiful women, if we sit next to a table, we need to use the table more to make a fuss. For example, resting our hands on it is a good posture.

Take pictures of people sitting like this! They are beautiful

Or sit on the edge of the sofa, hold the back of the sofa with your hands, and then turn your head to lean on the back of your hand, and then add props to give people a gentle atmosphere.

Take pictures of people sitting like this! They are beautiful

Leaning on this sofa, holding your chin with the back of your hand and looking into the distance, it gives people a kind of longing.

Take pictures of people sitting like this! They are beautiful

And put your hands on the table, and then use one hand to lift the hair on the side, it will give people a charming feeling.

Take pictures of people sitting like this! They are beautiful

And lifting the hair on the back of the head with your hands will give people a sexy hint.

Take pictures of people sitting like this! They are beautiful

However, holding the hair on both sides with both hands will give people a cute and simple feeling.

sit higher

If the shooting is done by beautiful women, we try to cross our legs as much as possible.

Take pictures of people sitting like this! They are beautiful

This will make the legs look longer and more elegant.

Take pictures of people sitting like this! They are beautiful

However, it is also possible to shoot with one leg bent and the other extended.

Take pictures of people sitting like this! They are beautiful

This way of taking pictures is not as mature as crossing your legs, and it will look sweeter.

sit on the ground like this

Take pictures of people sitting like this! They are beautiful

This posture is also more suitable for sitting with legs crossed, and the state of this eggshell is closer to nature. And it reflects the petite side of girls. If the figure is not good, it can be blocked by changing it.

It should be placed against the wall like this

This method of relying on the background is more practical, and the picture will not appear empty.

Take pictures of people sitting like this! They are beautiful

A sitting posture that looks very friendly is the basis of a picture. Of course, you can’t sit too relaxed.

Take pictures of people sitting like this! They are beautiful

We can also keep our knees against the wall, giving people a lovely feeling.

Take pictures of people sitting like this! They are beautiful

If the side shot is used, the legs can be easily laid flat. Although this is a test of the model’s figure, of course it looks beautiful!

Take pictures of people sitting like this! They are beautiful

When you sit sideways, you have higher requirements on your figure, and plump girls will look fat when you shoot like this.

You can actually swing your legs apart

Usually, the photos taken with the legs apart are mostly dark and depressive in a decadent style.

Take pictures of people sitting like this! They are beautiful

At this time, it is better for the model to separate the legs and let the hands hang naturally between the legs.

Take pictures of people sitting like this! They are beautiful

At this time, the whole feeling is bohemian or a bit ruffian.

Take pictures of people sitting like this! They are beautiful

A shot with legs bent and apart can be photographed as a symmetrical composition.

Take pictures of people sitting like this! They are beautiful

Of course, there are still some, such as finger biting, S sexy poses can be learned, and the specific shape still depends on the style.