Talking about the Nth possibility of Kiwi chain camps in New Zealand

The total area of ​​forest resources in New Zealand even accounts for 308.1 million hectares of the country’s total land area. There are many national parks and private camps with a long history hidden in the forest. The superior natural environment and developed economic foundation provide the development of the campground industry. Solid foundation.

The New Zealand Kiwi chain camp brand has a total of 41 independent holiday parks and camps across the country. Visitors in any camp can enjoy meticulous service and care, and the Kiwi chain camp brand is also considered to be the most popular family holiday park brand in New Zealand. Most of the campsites in New Zealand are managed by the New Zealand Ministry of Environmental Protection, including land and equipment such as campsites, cabins and sheds. There are many free campsites of a public welfare nature in New Zealand, but the internal facilities are relatively simple, and even many public Free campsites are not equipped with hydropower piles, such campsites are more suitable for tents, and RV camping is very limited. Due to the improvement of people’s leisure and camping awareness and economic income, many private camping brands have become the first choice of the middle and low class because of their complete facilities and high-quality services.

Talking about the Nth possibility of Kiwi chain camps in New Zealand

In the final analysis, the attribute of a camp is vacation and leisure, and providing a comfortable and suitable accommodation environment for vacation has become an important indicator for considering the quality of a camp. All the camps under Kiwi follow the principle of people-oriented and service-oriented. Like many chain camps, Kiwi has also developed a brand-specific mobile application. On the mobile phone, you can find the nearest Kiwi holiday parks, accommodation hotels and dump stations. At the same time It can display the location of WiFi, gas stations, supermarkets, and information centers, and can search for ongoing or upcoming activities around. The natural landscape of New Zealand is fresh and pure. When camping, tourists will visit the surrounding scenic spots together. RV self-driving tour has become the best carrier to carry the surrounding tourism, and the camp as a supporting RV has also developed rapidly.

Frugal by yourself

The distribution of Kiwi camps in New Zealand is relatively uniform. Unlike other chain brand camps, which are only laid out along the coastline, the layout pattern of camps and tourist destinations is still the same as other brands. Quantity is guaranteed. Kiwi’s accommodation units are mainly concentrated in cities, forests, national parks, seasides and lakesides. Because each campground or park is run by different people, the scenery varies from campground to campsite. Among the plethora of campsites, under the blessing of the brand, the chain brand campsites usually have certain advantages in competition compared with other single campsites, and the management is also more standardized and unified. As a Kiwi brand campsite that has been successfully operated for many years , its operating wisdom and ideas are worthy of consideration and reference by other camp operators. Over the years, the Kiwi chain camp has been committed to providing tourists with high-quality and affordable camping experience. So far, there are 41 Kiwi chain camps in New Zealand, including 19 camps in the North Island and 22 in the South Island. , although the scenery of the North and South Islands is slightly different, the distribution of chain camps is basically in the average number.

Talking about the Nth possibility of Kiwi chain camps in New Zealand

Almost all Kiwi chain campsites offer a variety of accommodation options for visitors, from motels to self-contained single-family homes, to cabins, tents and caravan accommodation. All camp facilities are different and have their own characteristics, and the special services of the facilities in the park also facilitate tourists to be more inclined when choosing.

Talking about the Nth possibility of Kiwi chain camps in New Zealand

benefit sharing

While providing diversified accommodation, the Kiwi brand also prepares considerable membership benefits for members. The Kiwi membership card is valid for two years, during which time members can enjoy 10% off at more than 200 top resorts in New Zealand and Australia. Kiwi chain camps provide a wide range of services, ranging from RV rental to catering services, from scenic spots to hotel accommodation. The substantive benefits that members can enjoy in the Kiwi chain camp include: 10% off on Bluebridge Ferry, 10% off on Apollo RV rental services, etc. Membership benefits are the biggest weapon for camps to attract tourists, but membership benefits and brand value cannot be separated, and the two should complement each other and promote each other.

Talking about the Nth possibility of Kiwi chain camps in New Zealand

Like many chain brand camps, Kiwi chain camps are committed to providing tourists with high-end leisure and vacation experience while also taking into account the promotion of corporate and brand value. Kiwi has very strict requirements for employees, and the training services for new employees are very strict. , which guarantees the brand’s service quality to tourists from the side. More importantly, Kiwi chain campsites in New Zealand continues to expand partners, from RV rental to catering and accommodation, and strives to provide members with more and better camping and living services. For chain camp brands, “holding together for warmth” has become a shortcut for camp development. On the other hand, camps are also constantly strengthening content services, carrying out more activities, adding more entertainment and leisure facilities in camps, and attracting tourists. After check-in, how to retain tourists is a question that camp owners and operators need to think deeply about, and there are N possibilities for the answer to this question.