Thanks to the moderator of the Liaocheng team for flying into Tibet and rescuing the local people when they crossed the border in Hanzhong, Shaanxi

Thanks to the moderator of the Liaocheng team for flying into Tibet and rescuing the local people when they crossed the border in Hanzhong, Shaanxi

Thanks to the moderator of the Liaocheng team for flying into Tibet and rescuing the local people when they crossed the border in Hanzhong, Shaanxi

Thanks to the moderator of the Liaocheng team for flying into Tibet and rescuing the local people when they crossed the border in Hanzhong, Shaanxi

Thanks to the moderator of the Liaocheng team for flying into Tibet and rescuing the local people when they crossed the border in Hanzhong, Shaanxi

Thanks to the moderator of the Liaocheng team for flying into Tibet and rescuing the local people when they crossed the border in Hanzhong, Shaanxi

Thanks to the moderator of the Liaocheng team for flying into Tibet and rescuing the local people when they crossed the border in Hanzhong, Shaanxi

Today (July 22nd) at about 9:00 in the morning, the person in charge of the rescue public welfare of the off-road e-family Shandong Brigade flew into Tibet-Li Gang and his party passed by Hanzhong to Tibet. The women at the foot of the mountain have done a great deed (✪▽✪), give them a thumbs up! Wherever brothers with positive energy go, they spread positive energy!

Thanks to the moderator of the Liaocheng team for flying into Tibet and rescuing the local people when they crossed the border in Hanzhong, Shaanxi

Thanks to the moderator of the Liaocheng team for flying into Tibet and rescuing the local people when they crossed the border in Hanzhong, Shaanxi

Thanks to the moderator of the Liaocheng team for flying into Tibet and rescuing the local people when they crossed the border in Hanzhong, Shaanxi

Last night, a group of eight of them entered Tibet and passed by Hanzhong, and we all met. The first one, with the thumbs up, is Li Gang, the moderator of the Liaocheng team of the Shandong Brigade of the off-road e family, who flew into Tibet. At 9:00 a.m. on July 22, Li Gang and Lin Haishan, members of the Shandong off-road e-family who came to visit the Shimen Plank Road in Hanzhong City, Shaanxi Province, were visiting the historical gallery of the scenic spot when they suddenly found a middle-aged woman lying under the gallery.

After questioning, it was learned that the woman accidentally fell into the bottom of the gallery at the bottom of the mountain due to the wet and slippery mountain road on a rainy day when the woman was viewing the scenery on the trail on the mountain. Her waist was injured and she could not move. In this situation, immediately take off the coat and cover the injured person, and then call 120 or 110 to request rescue.

At this time, the staff of the scenic spot came running one after another, some with medicine boxes and some with stretchers. At 9:16, the ambulance of Hanjiang Hospital Affiliated to Xi’an Medical College arrived, and at 9:20, the 110 police who received the police report rushed to the hospital. Arrive, take evidence and take photos immediately after getting off the car.

Under the command of the police comrades, the staff of the scenic spot and the police climbed into the lower end of the gallery one after another, and moved the injured onto the stretcher. It was raining at this time, and the tourists and the staff of the scenic spot held umbrellas for the rescuers. The staff of the plank road scenic spot, 120 emergency personnel, police comrades and tourists worked together to send the injured to the ambulance.

The injured received immediate medical attention. I did such a good thing while visiting Hanzhong! People with positive energy will infect the brothers and sisters around them wherever they go! Thumbs up for you! I wish you a safe and smooth journey into Tibet!