The 80-year-old grandma drove around 58 countries: such a life is really cool!

You are 60 years old, don’t bother.

You are 70 years old, you can retire with peace of mind.

You are 80 years old, don’t bother your children.

Some people are young but old; some people are old but still young.

The 80-year-old grandma drove around 58 countries: such a life is really cool!

Want to ask what is the most carefree retirement life? Is it square dancing? Or raise flowers and birds, walk the dog?

Grandma Heidi, 78, says to you: “Come on, get in my pickup!”

The 80-year-old grandma drove around 58 countries: such a life is really cool!

Grandma Heidi was born in Germany in 1937. In that war-torn era, like a boy, she liked excitement.

When she was 14 years old, her friends were thinking about how to look beautiful, but she especially liked motorcycles.

The 80-year-old grandma drove around 58 countries: such a life is really cool!

At the age of 16, I had the opportunity to learn more about motor vehicles. While helping the car dealership run by my family, I learned various professional knowledge.

The 80-year-old grandma drove around 58 countries: such a life is really cool!

At the age of 31, she took over the family business and made the business bigger and bigger. The original small family business was managed by her to become the largest distributor in Germany.

All these achievements are due to love.

When she was young, she was busy with her career. When she got older, she began to collect all kinds of classic cars. In her opinion, this is both a treasure and a dream.

The 80-year-old grandma drove around 58 countries: such a life is really cool!

Because, since she was very young, she has always been very curious about this unknown world.

After falling in love with cars, she has always wanted to drive her own car to see the world.

The 80-year-old grandma drove around 58 countries: such a life is really cool!

When you were young, you were busy making money, and forgot to take a good look at the world. When you are old, you still don’t set out. What reason are you looking for?

Fed up with the boring retirement life, Grandma Heidi decides to travel around the world by car.

That year, she was 78 years old.

The 80-year-old grandma drove around 58 countries: such a life is really cool!

As long as you have a heart yearning for freedom, it is never too late to travel.

She chose one of her favorite vintage pickup trucks and named it “Hudo”.

She painted the car the color of the earth, drew a map of the world on it, and started a crazy trip.

The 80-year-old grandma drove around 58 countries: such a life is really cool!

At an octogenarian age, others choose to spend their old age in a rocking chair, but she stepped on the accelerator even harder, constantly refreshing the limits of life.

The 80-year-old grandma drove around 58 countries: such a life is really cool!

Along the way, proceed according to plan.

Nearly 80 years old, she is like a child, her eyes are full of expectation and curiosity, so asking passers-by to take pictures of herself has become her most frequent thing.

Punch in Bryce Canyon, USA

The 80-year-old grandma drove around 58 countries: such a life is really cool!

Check out the Andes

The 80-year-old grandma drove around 58 countries: such a life is really cool!

Punch in Turkey

The 80-year-old grandma drove around 58 countries: such a life is really cool!

Punch Canada

The 80-year-old grandma drove around 58 countries: such a life is really cool!

Everywhere Grandma Heidi goes, she will plant the flag of this country on the car.

The 80-year-old grandma drove around 58 countries: such a life is really cool!

Chatting enthusiastically with the locals on the street, even though they speak different languages, even the police have become friends.

The 80-year-old grandma drove around 58 countries: such a life is really cool!

Of course, there were a lot of troubles along the way.

For example, when she was about to enter the Chinese border, she was rejected.

The 80-year-old grandma drove around 58 countries: such a life is really cool!

Because the age limit for foreigners to apply for a driver’s license in China is 69 years old, but my grandmother was nearly 80 years old at that time.

Do you want to give up like this? Fortunately, a Chinese guide gave her an idea to try from another pass in Kyrgyzstan.

Finally, Grandma Heidi finally entered China.

The 80-year-old grandma drove around 58 countries: such a life is really cool!

Driving all the way south, the deeper I went, the more I fell in love with China.

learn to pray

The 80-year-old grandma drove around 58 countries: such a life is really cool!

Tasting food

The 80-year-old grandma drove around 58 countries: such a life is really cool!

Walk into the most authentic China

The 80-year-old grandma drove around 58 countries: such a life is really cool!

However, no matter how reluctant to leave, she still had to continue as planned.

He kicked the gas pedal coolly and continued on the road.

The subsequent journey was also not as easy as imagined, and at least Hudo was playing with his temper.

The 80-year-old grandma drove around 58 countries: such a life is really cool!

More seriously, because of an accident, grandma amputated part of her little finger.

But none of these became the reason for Grandma Heidi to stop.

The 80-year-old grandma drove around 58 countries: such a life is really cool!

Starting from Berlin, crossing Turkey, the Middle East, crossing China, sailing through Australia and New Zealand by cruise ship, sailing from the United States and Canada to South America…

The adventure traveled 100,000 kilometers and visited 58 countries.

The 80-year-old grandma drove around 58 countries: such a life is really cool!

The 80-year-old grandma drove around 58 countries: such a life is really cool!

I once saw a sentence from an old man on the Internet, “There is no such thing as youth in our generation. When we were young, we were trying to fill our stomachs. Now the best time has come, and we don’t have the energy to enjoy it.”

Grandma Heidi said: “At least once in this life, you should do something for yourself.”

Wearing flowery skirts and driving motorcycles, I can be busy with my career with peace of mind, and have the energy to go crazy for my dreams.

The 80-year-old grandma drove around 58 countries: such a life is really cool!

The 80-year-old grandma drove around 58 countries: such a life is really cool!

It is said that “if you are not crazy, you will be old”, but more and more people are overturning this sentence with their actions.

What about old age? You can still be crazy!

What do you think is 60 years old, is raising a baby at home?

But someone became a pilot at the age of 63, parachuted at the age of 85, and practiced yoga at the age of 94.

The 80-year-old grandma drove around 58 countries: such a life is really cool!

Phyllis Sues

Do you think that at the age of 70, being able to eat is a blessing?

But there is someone who learned how to play discs at the age of 68 and became a DJ at the age of 80, and toured the world at the age of 80.

The 80-year-old grandma drove around 58 countries: such a life is really cool!

Ruth Flowers

Do you think 80 years old is a good thing if you don’t get sick?

But someone became a dancer at the age of 80, and won 700 awards.

The 80-year-old grandma drove around 58 countries: such a life is really cool!

Tao Porchon Lynch

There are two major misunderstandings in life: one is to show people how to live, and the other is to watch other people’s lives.

No one will force you to give up your dreams, and no one will respect your dreams more than you.

The 80-year-old grandma drove around 58 countries: such a life is really cool!

Dreams have the greatest inclusiveness, no matter when you decide to start, it is ok, because every day is the youngest day in the rest of your life.

If you haven’t had time to be young, I hope you will grow old seriously.