The 9th entry line to Tibet has been discovered in China, go and brag for a lifetime!

The 9th entry line to Tibet has been discovered in China, go and brag for a lifetime!

go bragging for a lifetime

Every moment here has an irreplaceable meaning

How many people go to Tibet

Not for the ghee and the beauty

Just for the purity of heart

How many people go to Tibet

Not for prayer flags and white pagodas

Just to pursue the legend hidden in the world

Everyone who loves self-driving tours should know the 8 major routes into  Tibet .

For example, the Sichuan-Tibet ; for example, the Qinghai- Tibet ; for example, the Bingcha Line, which “takes the worst and most dangerous road, and sees the most gorgeous and beautiful scenery”  ; for example, it is known as ” Yingfo Road”. , Tang and Tibetan ancient line with profound history  …

The 9th entry line to Tibet has been discovered in China, go and brag for a lifetime!

However, in addition to these 8 routes to Tibet, there is also the most primitive and mysterious route to Tibet, which is so beautiful that few people know about it.

It is called the 9th line into Tibet

The most primitive and beautiful line into Tibet

It doesn’t have the thrills of Bing Chacha, but this world-class hidden world secret road has primitive road infrastructure, few asphalt roads, and almost all dirt roads, even gravel sidewalks, and ruts…

And the peerless scenery hidden behind is worthy of a real road trip.

The 9th entry line to Tibet has been discovered in China, go and brag for a lifetime!

The 9th entry line to Tibet has been discovered in China, go and brag for a lifetime!

It does not pass through the roof of the world like the Xinzang line, but it is rich in natural landscapes such as snow-capped mountains, grasslands, forests, and lakes, as well as many sacred mountains and holy lakes… Among them, the sacred mountain of Sapu, which lives in the boudoir, is beautiful from birth Cry the world!

The 9th entry line to Tibet has been discovered in China, go and brag for a lifetime!

▲Sapu Shenshan©The Groomsmen

The 9th entry line to Tibet has been discovered in China, go and brag for a lifetime!

It is not as popular as Qinghai Lake on the Qinghai-Tibet line, but the various rare animals and plants here are all exciting!

The 9th entry line to Tibet has been discovered in China, go and brag for a lifetime!

It is not as famous as Xueyu Seda on the Sichuan-Tibet Line, but the cultural customs here are not too much polluted by modern civilized society. It is a primitive cultural landscape corridor, Buddhist temples that can be encountered everywhere along the way, and Wencheng with a history of more than 1,300 years. Princess Temple;

The 9th entry line to Tibet has been discovered in China, go and brag for a lifetime!

© Dajing

The 9th entry line to Tibet has been discovered in China, go and brag for a lifetime!

©Xu Bolei

It is kept in the boudoir

Go to the Tibet line of bragging for a lifetime


The Zaduo line starts from Yushu, and after passing through Zaduo, it crosses the Tanggula Mountains and enters Tashi to join the Sichuan-Tibet North Line. It is a magical experience that the old driver must not miss when entering Tibet.

The 9th entry line to Tibet has been discovered in China, go and brag for a lifetime!

© Jianshe Wang

The 9th entry line to Tibet has been discovered in China, go and brag for a lifetime!

The source of the three rivers    lies in Yushu

Juewu Shenshan    Mountain is in Yushu

The    peak in Yushu

Hoh Xil    Xinjiang in Yushu

Rare animals    live in Yushu

Kham culture    roots in Yushu

Four Schools of Buddhism    in Yushu

The Soul of King Gesar    in Yushu

Ghana Mani    Stone in Yushu

Tang and Tibetan Ancient    Road in Yushu

From Yushu, an unexpectedly beautiful place, start this journey through the heavenly road.

The 9th entry line to Tibet has been discovered in China, go and brag for a lifetime!

1. Yushu (beautiful starting point)

Unexpectedly, Yushu has such a wealth of beautiful scenery!

The “Yushu Earthquake” once made the whole country know about it.

Today, Yushu has long been reborn, but few people really know this  Gesar’s Kham paradise !

The 9th entry line to Tibet has been discovered in China, go and brag for a lifetime!

The source of rivers and rivers, the ancestor of famous mountains, the land of yaks, the hometown of singing and dancing, the ancient road of Tang and Tibet, the Chinese water tower… From these well-known reputations, we can perceive the charm of Yushu.

But when you are really in it, you will know why it is called  the place closest to heaven on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. This is the area with the highest average altitude in China. The hidden beauty here is so rich!

The 9th entry line to Tibet has been discovered in China, go and brag for a lifetime!

▲Gala Mountain©Zhang Youcai

Here is the source of the Yangtze River, the Yellow River, and the Lancang River; there are more than 2,000 peaks over 5,000 meters above sea level; there are 4.5 million hectares of the most beautiful ecological homes on the roof of the world; here is the most mysterious and original Gaduo among the four sacred mountains of Tibetan Buddhism. consciousness……

It is a collection of snow-capped grasslands, forests, lakes, and various rare animals and plants.

The 9th entry line to Tibet has been discovered in China, go and brag for a lifetime!

The 9th entry line to Tibet has been discovered in China, go and brag for a lifetime!

Here is the largest Mani stone pile in the world; here is the seat of the Gesar Kingdom; here is the only way to pass through the ancient Tang and Tibetan roads and an important town for the tea-horse trade…

The culture here is surprisingly deep.

The 9th entry line to Tibet has been discovered in China, go and brag for a lifetime!

© Zhang Youcai

You can’t miss the most beautiful ecological home on the roof of the world

It’s called Hoh Xil

Hoh Xil, selected as a World is the most beautiful ecological homeland on the roof of the world and a paradise for animals.

The 9th entry line to Tibet has been discovered in China, go and brag for a lifetime!

The 9th entry line to Tibet has been discovered in China, go and brag for a lifetime!

The average altitude here is about 4,500 meters, with an area of ​​450 hectares. It shelters nearly half of the world’s wild yak population, as well as wild animals such as Tibetan wild donkeys and Tibetan gazelle. There are more than 230 kinds of wild animals.

It is the responsibility of each of us to protect the ecological environment like protecting our eyes and treat the ecological environment like we treat our lives.

The 9th entry line to Tibet has been discovered in China, go and brag for a lifetime!

The 9th entry line to Tibet has been discovered in China, go and brag for a lifetime!

©Lu Jianhua

You can’t miss the most mysterious mountain of Tibetan Buddhism

It’s called Ga Duo Jue Wu

The 9th entry line to Tibet has been discovered in China, go and brag for a lifetime!

© Tsering Thondup

The “high” of Ga Duo’s awareness, so far no one has been able to reach the summit of the main peak; the “steepness” of Ga Duo’s awareness is like cutting an axe; Longjiang source.

The 9th entry line to Tibet has been discovered in China, go and brag for a lifetime!

© Tsering Thondup

The 9th entry line to Tibet has been discovered in China, go and brag for a lifetime!

© horse cart dust

You can’t miss the most important cultural relics on the Tangbo Ancient Road

It is the Temple of Princess Wencheng

The Princess Wencheng Temple, also known as the Dari Tathagata Buddhist Hall, is located in the “source of the three rivers” in the southeast of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. It was first built in the Tang Dynasty. According to legend, it was built by Tibetans in the Tang Dynasty to commemorate Princess Wencheng. It has a history of more than 1300 years!

The 9th entry line to Tibet has been discovered in China, go and brag for a lifetime!

The 9th entry line to Tibet has been discovered in China, go and brag for a lifetime!

You can’t miss the Chinese Water Tower, the mother of the mother river

it is sanjiangyuan

Sanjiangyuan is the source of the Yangtze River, Yellow River, and Lancang River, known as the “Chinese Water Tower”.

It has magnificent frozen snow-capped mountains, vast grasslands, surging rivers, dotted lakes of all sizes, and rare wild animals and plants…

The 9th entry line to Tibet has been discovered in China, go and brag for a lifetime!

The 9th entry line to Tibet has been discovered in China, go and brag for a lifetime!

But there is no other place in the world where so many famous mountains and great rivers gather; it is also difficult to find three similar great rivers in the world, whose sources are so close and connected by blood. Has a magical charm.

The 9th entry line to Tibet has been discovered in China, go and brag for a lifetime!

The 9th entry line to Tibet has been discovered in China, go and brag for a lifetime!

You can’t miss the Tongtian River in Journey to the West

It is actually called Tongtianhe

Tongtian River is the name of Yushu where the Yangtze River flows through. In “Journey to the West”, the story of a monk in Tang Dynasty who was overturned by an old turtle to dry scriptures in the river happened here.

The 9th entry line to Tibet has been discovered in China, go and brag for a lifetime!

This is a piece of uncultivated virgin land, and a rare ice circle appeared earlier this year.

The 9th entry line to Tibet has been discovered in China, go and brag for a lifetime!

The 9th entry line to Tibet has been discovered in China, go and brag for a lifetime!

You must not miss the First Canyon of the Lancang River

It’s called Ga’er Temple Grand Canyon

Ga’er Temple, an ancient temple hanging on the cliff, is the largest temple in the Baijiao of Tibetan Buddhism. Master Lianhuasheng once practiced here, and the treasure of the town temple is even more amazing.

The 9th entry line to Tibet has been discovered in China, go and brag for a lifetime!

The 9th entry line to Tibet has been discovered in China, go and brag for a lifetime!

© Blue Wind Photography

In addition to the ancient cliff temples, there are rare canyon wonders in the Sanjiangyuan area of ​​the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, alpine pastures, lakes, forests, and ancient villages.

The 9th entry line to Tibet has been discovered in China, go and brag for a lifetime!

Here is the largest Mani stone pile in the world

It is called Xinzhai Mani Stone Stack

In the mountains, intersections, lakesides, and riversides all over Tibet, you can almost see altars made of stones and slabs – Manidui.

There are nearly 2.6 billion Mani stones in the Xinzhai Mani stone pile. It is the largest Mani stone pile in the world. It is used to pray for blessings and is also the protector of people.

The 9th entry line to Tibet has been discovered in China, go and brag for a lifetime!

Coordinates: Jiegu Town, about 5 kilometers west of Yushu

You can’t miss the vast grassland like a picture scroll

It’s called Zaxika

The Zhaxika Grassland is also known as the Sun Tribe. It not only has a vast and magnificent grassland beauty, but also has a strong religious atmosphere. Temples of the Yellow Sect, the White Sect, and the Red Sect are all over every corner.

The 9th entry line to Tibet has been discovered in China, go and brag for a lifetime!

© Legend of Black Pigeon

Due to inconvenient transportation and high altitude, foreign tourists are rarely seen. It is a little-known and inaccessible pure land.

The 9th entry line to Tibet has been discovered in China, go and brag for a lifetime!

The 9th entry line to Tibet has been discovered in China, go and brag for a lifetime!

© Legend of Black Pigeon

2. Miscellaneous (important nodes)

A super low-key town in China

There are many, many people are hearing the name of this county for the first time.

But it is not too much to call this place the best and most low-key town in China. It has many and rich beauties, but few people know about it.

The 9th entry line to Tibet has been discovered in China, go and brag for a lifetime!

©Jiangnan First Beard

It is “the first county at the source of the Lancang River in China”, where the Lancang River, known as the “Oriental Danube” and “the longest river in Southeast Asia”, originates and flows out here.

The 9th entry line to Tibet has been discovered in China, go and brag for a lifetime!

It has a national geological park comparable to the Yellowstone Park in the United States, and the Grand Canyon of the Colorado, Angsai Danxia Geopark, with many cliffs, but few people, and the real scenery is beautiful with few people.

The 9th entry line to Tibet has been discovered in China, go and brag for a lifetime!

It has the eye lake of Yading milk lake in Bimei Daocheng, which is on the Tuohuqu prairie in Zaduo County.

The 9th entry line to Tibet has been discovered in China, go and brag for a lifetime!

It has an ancient temple built in 1684, and the wind horse flag on the top of the mountain still tells ancient stories.

The 9th entry line to Tibet has been discovered in China, go and brag for a lifetime!

© Hong Wu

It is the “No. 1 County of China’s Cordyceps sinensis”, where the best quality Cordyceps sinensis abounds.

The 9th entry line to Tibet has been discovered in China, go and brag for a lifetime!

It is the “Hometown of Snow Leopards in China” and the largest contiguous snow leopard habitat in China.

The 9th entry line to Tibet has been discovered in China, go and brag for a lifetime!

It also enjoys “the first county in the source of the Yangtze River in China”, “the birthplace of China’s snow-covered yak culture”, “the most valuable tourist destination in Yushu, China”, “the hometown of Gesar rap art”, “the hometown of snow-covered folk songs” And many other reputations, few people know, waiting for you to experience them one by one.

The 9th entry line to Tibet has been discovered in China, go and brag for a lifetime!

© Sun Tribe

3. Nagqu (drunk at the finish line)

The only county in China without trees, the scenery is beautiful and pure

Some people say that far away in Ali, drunk in Nagqu.

The average altitude here is 4,500 meters. “When I came to Nagqu, I realized that Lhasa is already in the south of the Yangtze River”;

The Nagqu area covers 450,000 square kilometers, but it is so “stingy” that it can’t even accommodate a tree. It is the only county in China without trees;

Moreover, the average annual temperature is only 2.1 degrees, which discourages many tourists.

The 9th entry line to Tibet has been discovered in China, go and brag for a lifetime!

The 9th entry line to Tibet has been discovered in China, go and brag for a lifetime!

© Documentary Polar

But there are still people who say: Far away in Ali, drunk in Nagqu.

When you actually come here, the holy mountains, holy lakes, prairie and occasional shepherds along the way will really make you extremely unforgettable, and driving here by yourself is called a real road trip!

The 9th entry line to Tibet has been discovered in China, go and brag for a lifetime!

© South Ship

The 9th entry line to Tibet has been discovered in China, go and brag for a lifetime!

© Hongzang Dawa

From May to October, here has the most beautiful fairyland in the dream, and August is the best month, because there is also a horse racing festival here.

The 9th entry line to Tibet has been discovered in China, go and brag for a lifetime!

© Hao Hu

The 9th entry line to Tibet has been discovered in China, go and brag for a lifetime!

There are “mountains where eagles cannot fly”

It’s called Niantanggula Mountain

100 kilometers to the north of Lhasa, stands the world-famous Nyainqentanglha Snow Mountain, with Namtso on the north, and the highest point of the mountain is 7117 meters above sea level.

The 9th entry line to Tibet has been discovered in China, go and brag for a lifetime!

Nyainqentanglha Mountain is one of the three sacred mountains in the Tibetan area, one of the nine sacred mountains, and the first of the thirteen sacred mountains.

The 9th entry line to Tibet has been discovered in China, go and brag for a lifetime!

© Dudu

The 9th entry line to Tibet has been discovered in China, go and brag for a lifetime!

© Nante Zhang

Even if you see Tanggula Mountain from afar, your heart is satisfied.

Here is one of the most hidden three holy lakes in Tibet

It’s called Tangra Yumcuo

Anyone who has been to Tibet knows that there are three major yongcuos in Tibet: Yamdrok yongcuo, Mapang yongcuo and Tangre yongcuo.

In Tibet, not all lakes can be called “Yongcuo”. Even Namtso, known as one of the “Three Sacred Lakes”, has not been awarded the title of “Yongcuo”. “Yongcuo” has such a high standard.

The 9th entry line to Tibet has been discovered in China, go and brag for a lifetime!

© Big Bear

Here is a newly discovered peerless secret

it is sapu mountain

There are many sacred mountains in Tibet, but few people know that Nagqu hides a more remote and difficult Sap sacred mountain, which is covered with snow all the year round and is mysterious and amazing.

Until last year, a group of amazing photos aroused the desire of countless donkey friends to spy on it.

The 9th entry line to Tibet has been discovered in China, go and brag for a lifetime!

© Photographed on the road

It is the culmination of sacred mountains, glaciers and holy lakes. It has a unique shape of a pyramid mountain peak, and a rare and beautiful glacier that is the best in the world. Its birth will change many people’s aesthetics of mountains. view.

The 9th entry line to Tibet has been discovered in China, go and brag for a lifetime!

© Shu Xiaojian

The 9th entry line to Tibet has been discovered in China, go and brag for a lifetime!

© Shu Xiaojian

Here is the most beautiful alpine grassland in China

It’s called Nagqu Prairie

On the vast grasslands of Inner Mongolia, the beauty of “the wind blows the grass and sees the cattle and sheep” has been praised for thousands of years. However, when people came to the Nagqu area, such verses could not be reproduced.

Because the grass here is too short.

The 9th entry line to Tibet has been discovered in China, go and brag for a lifetime!

But it is an original creation of nature, and it is one of the few undeveloped virgin lands in the world today. It has been rated as one of the six most beautiful grasslands in China by China National Geography.

The 9th entry line to Tibet has been discovered in China, go and brag for a lifetime!

Self-driving tips

Self-driving route: Yushu – Zaduo – Zaa section – Jieduo section – Baqing – Nagqu (Yushu – G214 – 220km – S309 – X812 – 440km – G317 – 260km – Nagqu)

Driving nodes: Yushu – Zaduo – Baqing – Nagqu

Difficulty factor: ★★★★★

Time required: 3 days

The 9th entry line to Tibet has been discovered in China, go and brag for a lifetime!

It begins with longing and anticipation, and ends with awe and admiration.

Along the way, the clouds are superimposed behind the clouds, the snow-capped mountains are hidden behind the snow-capped mountains, the upstream of the river is connected to the river, and the end of the grassland is still a grassland.

The 9th entry line to Tibet has been discovered in China, go and brag for a lifetime!

If you have a chance in this life, then take advantage of your youth and go see this otherworldly place.

Everything is just right here.

The 9th entry line to Tibet has been discovered in China, go and brag for a lifetime!

This article is reproduced for Fun Tibet. The purpose of reprinting is to convey more information. It does not mean that Fun Tibet agrees with its views and is responsible for its authenticity. The copyright of the text and pictures contained in the reprinted article belongs to the original author!