The Alipay mini-program boarded SAIC’s new car and shouted “Hello Zebra” for all arrangements

The million-dollar Alipay mini-program will continue to ride on SAIC’s new cars, check violations, pay gas fees, steal energy, order takeaways, order restaurants, and listen to financial management… Just say “Hello, Zebra! I want ____” in the car , the Alipay applet immediately provides services.

The Alipay mini-program boarded SAIC’s new car and shouted “Hello Zebra” for all arrangements

On April 24, Alipay officially announced that it will join hands with SAIC Motor and Banma Network to build a 5G digital travel model car, and the million Alipay mini-programs will be put on the car for the first time. Users sit in the car and move their mouths, from transportation, travel, audio-visual entertainment, to leisure, shopping, financial management and health preservation, all kinds of services are arranged.

It is understood that the Alipay applet will be launched on the Banma Zhixing VENUS system for the first time, and will be the first to land on the Roewe RX5 PLUS, the Roewe RX5 PLUS, a smart networking SUV of SAIC Roewe Xin Guochao. The 35 Alipay mini-programs launched in the first phase cover transportation, audio-visual entertainment and leisure shopping. This time, the in-vehicle applet platform not only expands the human-vehicle interaction methods of touch, voice, and gesture, but also greatly enriches the car travel ecology, and the corresponding service content can also be customized according to the needs of different scenarios, allowing users to sit in the car Enjoy the intelligence and convenience of digital travel.

The Alipay mini-program boarded SAIC’s new car and shouted “Hello Zebra” for all arrangements

In the “2020 China Automobile Human-Computer Interaction Research Report”, Zuosi Automotive Research predicted that the next step of domestic and foreign automobile human-computer interaction will focus on function deepening and multi-modal integration. Different from the common practice in the industry of “mapping” mobile phone applets to the car, the car applets carried by the Banma Zhixing VENUS system have chosen a more difficult path, and have created a new unified base to achieve one-time launch of multiple terminals and display of applets and The system is highly integrated. Thanks to this, Banma Zhixing VENUS realizes the in-depth integration with voice interaction, map navigation, and scene intelligence, and realizes intelligent scene services that are naturally connected in series before getting on the car, while driving, and after getting off the car.

Taking driving as an example, when the user gets in the car, the car map will automatically navigate to the destination according to the user’s habits; Real-time reminder; the construction ahead will also be reminded in time to restart the navigation plan after use; after arriving at the destination, the system will automatically wake up the applet to recommend the nearest parking lot for the user.