The battlefield where every second counts: Chery’s “global action” rushes to help the prevention and control of the epidemic

January 25th is the first day of the Gengzi Year. Different from the New Year greetings received in previous years, more than 20 overseas directors of Chery International’s team also received an urgent task from Chery International’s general manager Zhang Guibing—the command team of Chery Holding Group to fight against the new virus pneumonia, requesting the international The company immediately started overseas anti-coronavirus material procurement, and raised medical resources in short supply in China, such as medical masks, medical gloves, surgical gowns, goggles, protective clothing, and thermometers, to help domestic epidemic prevention and control!

The battlefield where every second counts: Chery's

The picture shows Chery Russia’s emergency procurement team delivering 10,080 medical masks to Moscow Airport on February 2

A “race against time” emergency procurement was quickly launched in Chery’s major overseas bases and overseas partner channels. Brazil, Russia, Kuwait, Israel, Panama, Saudi Arabia, Argentina, Vietnam… The list of countries on the procurement list has increased one by one. Just 6 days later, on January 31, the first batch of more than 30,000 pairs of N95 masks and medical disposable masks urgently purchased from Israel, Central Asia and other regions arrived in China and were delivered to government departments.

As of February 2, the overseas team of Chery International had purchased a total of 56,060 pairs of N95 protective masks; 65,000 disposable medical masks; 1,200 sets of one-piece suits; 5,000 pairs of fog goggles; 10,000 pairs of medical sterile gloves. Two batches of materials have already arrived in China, and other materials will arrive in China within 3-7 days. Chery International plans to purchase a total of about 150,000 anti-coronavirus supplies from overseas and deliver them to government departments for epidemic prevention and control.

Race against time just to get the materials back home

Xu Qingsong, General Manager of Chery International Brazil Region, and Zhang Difei, Director, led the establishment of an emergency procurement team with Brazilian partners, contacted a number of local Brazilian suppliers to confirm the quantity, type and technical standards of medical supplies, and required direct delivery from stock and overtime production. It took only one and a half days from inquiry and negotiation to the collection of materials to the factory.

Brazil is a tax kingdom, and the invoicing process is particularly complicated. If you follow the normal procedure from creating an order to issuing an invoice, it will take about 7 days. time is life! Chery’s emergency procurement team launched an emergency plan, and staff from China and Pakistan advanced in multiple ways, and completed the financial bill six days in advance, gaining valuable time for material transportation.

The battlefield where every second counts: Chery's

The picture shows Chery Brazil’s emergency procurement team packing supplies overnight to take the earliest flight

After the outbreak of the domestic new crown epidemic, Europe and the United States canceled or reduced flights to China, and the positions were very tight. Among the materials purchased by Chery, there are a batch of finished body temperature testers with button batteries inside, which are parts embargoed by aviation. Chery’s China-Pakistan staff worked overtime overnight, removed the batteries of more than 1,000 body temperature testers and repacked them to reduce the packaging volume.

Global Action comes with the help of “family” abroad

At the critical moment of fighting the epidemic, Chery’s overseas partners who have cooperated with it for many years also extended a helping hand and participated in the “epidemic” battle. In Vietnam, Chery’s local partners worked with several medical mask manufacturers through various relationships, and finally gathered the planned purchase quantity. In Argentina, which is more than 20,000 kilometers away, SOCMA, which has cooperated with Chery for more than ten years, heard that Chery was trying its best to urgently purchase medical protective equipment. Mask resources that meet medical standards donated 26,000 medical masks on January 30.

The battlefield where every second counts: Chery's

Medical supplies donated by some overseas partners

Mr. Maffioli, CEO of Socoma Group, specially wrote to Chery and said: “We feel that the donation of 26,000 masks is far from enough. Besides that we are Chery’s partner, Chery and we are part of a big family. .When a family needs help, all family members must provide assistance.” At the same time, he himself is contacting the national authority of the Argentine Ministry of Health in the name of the vice president of the Argentine Automobile Business Association, hoping to obtain special support to increase the donation of medical masks and protective clothing, and continue to fight against the new coronavirus pneumonia for China Contribute to the epidemic.

Unite as one to win the fight against the epidemic as soon as possible

Since the outbreak of the new crown virus pneumonia, Chery Holding Group has acted quickly. On the one hand, it has established a command group to fight against the new crown virus pneumonia, headed by Yin Tongyue, the group’s party secretary and chairman, to guide all units to act quickly and implement strict deployment measures. Do a good job of strict internal prevention and control work, and strictly guard against the new type of pneumonia. On the other hand, through various forms such as donations, overseas procurement, and production of ambulance equipment, we have assisted in the prevention and control of domestic epidemics.

On January 28, in order to help contain the epidemic as soon as possible, Chery Holding Group Co., Ltd. decided to donate 10 million yuan, including providing cash, special ambulance vehicles, and medical protective materials such as medical protective masks, protective clothing, and goggles. During the Spring Festival, Chery River Special Vehicle Technology Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Chery Holding Group, took the initiative to apply to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology for the production task of 20 negative pressure ambulances to support the epidemic area, and officially started construction on the second day of the Lunar New Year. As of February 1, 12 vehicles have been rolled off the production line, and 20 vehicles are expected to be delivered on February 5.

The battlefield where every second counts: Chery's

Chery River worked overtime to produce negative pressure ambulances during the Spring Festival

In Wuhu, Anhui, where the headquarters of Chery Holding Group is located, in order to effectively block the spread of the new coronavirus, all urban parade taxis have been suspended since 24:00 on January 31. Free emergency travel services for special groups. The Pioneer Team of Chery Taxi, a subsidiary of Chery Holding Group, did its part. 15 drivers, mainly party members, voluntarily signed up to join the local emergency volunteer service team. Chery Holdings Group believes that under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, the people of the whole country will overcome difficulties and win the fight against the novel coronavirus pneumonia epidemic as soon as possible.