The “gentle township” of the chain caravan park, the brand road of the U.S. Tourist Inn caravan park

In the early 20th century, with the rise of mass consumption in the United States and the development of the road network, motels (Motel) appeared frequently on both sides of the road. After a period of prosperity for independent motels, budget hotel chains gradually replaced them. In recent years, the development of camps has also followed this rule. The gradual development from individual camps to chain camps has become the only way for camp brand transformation and adjustment.

Cruise Inn Park is a brand new caravan park brand in the outdoor hotel industry. Cruise Inn has nearly 125 years of experience in traditional hotel industry management in the United States. Relying on excellent hotel expertise and excellent resource integration capabilities, Cruise Inn decided to carry out a new campaign in the field of outdoor hotels in November 2013. Try, under this premise, the Cruise Inn Park brand came into being.

The entire caravan park system network of Huanyou Hotel can provide customers with reliable, comfortable and popular caravan park facilities and equipment. The park strives to gain a foothold in the market with its high-quality and low-cost products and services. Not only is this an exciting development, it offers many great opportunities for American RV park and campground owners and developers.

From January 27th to 29th, 2014, the world’s largest hotel investment conference – the American Lodging Investment Summit was successfully held in Los Angeles. The Universal Inn RV Park brand was rated as the most innovative new-concept outdoor hotel in the industry. From the beginning of the establishment of the brand to winning this award, it was only a new year’s turn. The “darling” born with a golden spoon.

Roger Bloss, the founder of Vantage Hospitality, the world’s top hotel company, and member of the board of directors of Universal Inn RV Park, once said, “At present, there are more than 120 brands in the US hotel industry, but the hotel brands that focus on RV parks There are only 3. There are more than 11,000 caravan parks nationwide, of which only 560 are chain flagship brand parks, and less than 40 individual parks can be booked online. So to a certain extent, it can be considered that Today, the development level of the park is still in the 1970s and 1980s. Undoubtedly, the development space of this industry is huge. From property management to technology, I believe that the RV Park of Universal Inn will bring the brand model of RV parks to the second stage. Eleventh century.”


Know how to adapt to the “old fritters”

As the brand continues to mature, World Travel Inn is also intensively recruiting members in various regions of the United States. Most of the parks and camps that join the World Travel Inn RV park system are corporate parks and hotels. However, in July 2016, Universal Inn RV Park focused on self-operated RV parks for the first time. After incorporating a caravan park in Minnesota into its brand, the first self-operated Universal Inn brand RV park was born. The park used to be named Alexandria RV Park and is now renamed as Universal Inn RV Park.

This Alexandra, Minnesota, RV park offers 20-50 amp-powered RV sites and an 18-room hotel for more lodging options. And all the members who join the Universal Inn RV Park are also equipped with comprehensive camping and accommodation facilities, including free WiFi, playgrounds, volleyball courts, laundry rooms, vending machines, and bonfire rings. The park is surrounded by lakes for fishing and water sports, shops, bowling alleys, golf courses and a winery. Scott Anderson, President and CEO of Universal Inn, once pointed out, “acquiring a caravan park and improving its quality is an important decision. Our unique management culture and business model can allow guests to work in a relaxed environment without any I will feel the pressure and urgency of the work. At the same time, it is of great significance to us to be the first listed self-operated caravan park.”


This young chain brand has been established for more than 4 years. Based on the successful operation of the excellent management team, the chain park membership brand is also increasing day by day. In just three years, the membership brand of Universal Inn RV Park has reached 35 in North America. As analyzed by Roger Bloss, there are very few hotel chain brands in the United States that focus on caravan parks, and the companies that first discover this undivided big cake will surely seize the largest market share in the entire caravan park chain hotel market. Businesses that bet on this caravan park chain will reap huge profit returns. In the torrent of good and bad chain hotel brands, how to attract member investment and expand brand influence has become a “dongfeng” after everything is ready. The management team of Universal Inn RV Park is a senior industry expert from the world’s top hotel companies. The influence of these “old fritters” in the hotel industry is self-evident. A very professional management team has become the key to the successful operation of the company. An important cornerstone, a series of member normative systems and welfare policies are the real soul to attract members to invest. All in all, excellent management makes the superstructure of the caravan park more stable.

“Let’s go” member freedom

According to statistics, when 58 members choose to join a brand, the first factor to consider is the franchise fee. The ratio of the input and output of the main body of the enterprise is related to the lifeline of the enterprise’s survival, and the franchise fee of the Tourist Inn RV Park is not a fixed amount. How much depends on the size of the member’s park and the number of campsites. This is different from most chain hotel brands. The lower initial investment will lower the entry threshold for members in terms of cost and attract members to join. The complicated joining procedures will also discourage members. Universal Hotel RV Park will sign a short-term membership agreement with each joining member, usually with a period of one year, and this short-term agreement is more worry-free than long-term bundled joining from the perspective of members. Members can have a preliminary understanding of the market prospect and profitability of the caravan park after joining for a period of time. On this basis, the decision to renew or terminate the contract will be more rational and scientific.


What is the core competitiveness

The original brand positioning of Huanyou Hotel RV Park is based on technological innovation in the RV park market, and the company is also constantly using its innovative technology to enable members to establish seamless network connections with customers. The headquarters will benefit each affiliated member park with the latest scientific and technological achievements, and use scientific and technological means to help members maintain old customers and expand new customers.

The simple and easy-to-operate hotel & caravan park reservation system can save tourists and hotel service personnel most of the reservation and waiting time. Universal Inn RV Park provides franchise members with high-quality reservation system and training courses. Although franchise members may not fully understand the importance of reservation system, it is very important for future camp operations. Universal Inn RV Park provides systematic online training services for members. Well-trained senior staff can come to members for hands-on training after making a phone call. This not only ensures that every detail of the system is accurate It can be understood by members and maximize the utilization of the reservation system.

In order to expand the market influence of member parks and improve brand recognition, Universal Inn RV Park has cultivated an experienced marketing team with tenacious fighting spirit to provide professional marketing services for member parks. The headquarters will promote and market member parks through a variety of media channels, including online promotion, Internet marketing activities, national advertising scheduling, public relations services, social media promotion and publication promotion, etc. Through continuous brand promotion, the brand of member parks will continue to be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, thereby increasing the number of park tourists and increasing the income of park hotels.


Usually, both the chain hotel industry and the chain camp industry will regard standardized management and business model replication as the standard, but as far as the Universal Inn RV park brand is concerned, members are encouraged to continuously explore innovative thinking and unique business concepts, combining regional and regional differences , to combine all business elements together to create a label with its own distinctive attributes and increase the internal recognition of the brand. Based on the above reasons, 100 members will continue to renew their contract in the second year after the first cooperation with Cruise Inn, which is also the best embodiment of members’ more trust in the company.