The German brother has driven his own RV for 33 years and has traveled around the world for many times. This summer, he led his team to China to exchange experience

Why do foreigners know better about RVs? It’s not because we Chinese don’t know how to play. In fact, there are quite a few domestic players, but we are indeed inferior to foreign professional players. Just imagine that the domestic RV industry has only been developed for less than 20 years, while foreign countries have a history of hundreds of years. There is a certain gap overall, especially for professional RV players.

The German brother has driven his own RV for 33 years and has traveled around the world for many times. This summer, he led his team to China to exchange experience

Today I would like to introduce a RV expert from Germany: Kostya Abert (Kostya-Albert).

The German brother has driven his own RV for 33 years and has traveled around the world for many times. This summer, he led his team to China to exchange experience

Kostya Abert

RV veteran traveler

Mr. Albert , a senior German RV traveler , has started a RV self-driving trip since he was 18 years old. Yes, he is only 18 years old. At this time, our domestic children are still doing exercises seriously. He is now a household name in Europe. RV self-driving pioneer! He has organized more than 30 long-distance group self-driving trips, the longest record of which is one year, including two round-the-world self-driving trips. 33 years of RV self-driving travel, across 5 continents, driving more than 1.5 million kilometers, across more than 70 countries. As a real industry pioneer, you must first have sufficient experience and history.

The German brother has driven his own RV for 33 years and has traveled around the world for many times. This summer, he led his team to China to exchange experience

The Pioneer of Sino-German RV Exchange

He has organized more than 12 RV self-driving trips from Europe to China, and is considered as one of the pioneer experts for foreign RV riders to travel in China. During the China-Germany Tourism Year in 2017, Mr. Ebert led 40 European riders to spend 10 weeks and cover 15,000 kilometers. They drove their car from Germany along the Silk Road to Beijing AIC China International RV Show to meet with Chinese riders. , and was awarded the title of “International RV Culture Communication Ambassador” by AIC.

The German brother has driven his own RV for 33 years and has traveled around the world for many times. This summer, he led his team to China to exchange experience

Come to China for exchange every summer

Just this year, 2019, RV lovers are blessed. Mr. Albert will once again lead the European team to drive a RV from Germany to China. The trip is still in progress. They have already arrived in Xi’an and will soon arrive at their destination in Beijing. ! Then you can listen to him share anecdotes about RV travel.

The German brother has driven his own RV for 33 years and has traveled around the world for many times. This summer, he led his team to China to exchange experience

If you are a RV novice, if you are very interested in foreign RV travel, you can come to the site to interact with Albert and learn about RV self-driving knowledge. You can directly click on the bottom of the article to  learn more  and participate on the spot.