The innovative “reservoir” draws running water, and the Chery Youth Innovation and Creativity Contest presses the “start button”

Chery has brought fresh water to the innovation “reservoir”, and the annual Chery Youth Employee Innovation and Creativity Competition (hereinafter referred to as “Youth Innovation Competition”) has pressed the “start button” again since June. For Chery, with more than 60% of its employees under the age of 35, activating the innovative brains of every young employee and burning every innovative “micro-spark” is one of the secrets to maintaining its innovative advantages over the years.

The innovative

The innovative

The picture shows the first prize of Chery’s “Youth Entrepreneurship Competition” R&D Technology Innovation Category

  This year’s Chery Youth Innovation and Creativity Competition is the fifth session. The competition categories are divided into three categories, namely R&D technology innovation, manufacturing technology innovation and management innovation. The competition schedule will last from June to December. Compared with previous years, in addition to expanding the scale of the competition, this year’s competition expanded its participants to Chery’s major suppliers for the first time; the finals also added the “Best Technology Award” and “Best Creativity Award” to mobilize the contestants’ talents to the greatest extent. positivity.

  According to the organizer of the event, the Chery Youth Innovation and Creativity Competition is not a simple competition, but an effective carrier to demonstrate the innovative ideas of Chery young employees and an “incubator” for young employees’ innovative achievements. Since the Chery Youth Entrepreneurship Competition was established in 2015, more than 2,000 people have participated in the registration, and a total of more than 400 works have been collected. Most of the entries have been applied in the later production. Groups of young employees have emerged from the youth innovation competition platform and grown into innovative technology backbones, laying a solid foundation for Chery to establish an efficient technological innovation system.

The innovative

  Some people in the industry believe that Chery’s ability to maintain a trend of rising despite the complex and changeable external environment and the overall pressure on the Chinese auto market is due to its “savvy” for innovation and technology, and its adherence to the original intention and system capacity building. And Chery’s innovation lies not only in investing large sums of money in technological R&D and innovation every year, but also in building a global R&D system and activating innovation in laboratories or engineers, but also in inspiring the innovation of every Chery employee through the innovation culture rooted in the grassroots. Fighting spirit, let every grassroots employee, especially young employees, become an innovation “igniter” and can light up the “micro-spark” of innovation. It is precisely because of the “micro-sparks” that the prairie fires have formed industry-leading technologies, and more and more Chinese brands like Chery have been able to open up a broad market and burst out with strong creativity.