The lonely and wild peninsula adventure – Kamchatka

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

If you have a restless heart, a soul longing for freedom, and a little spirit of adventure, then you don’t want to miss this peninsula in the Russian Far East.

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

Russia, as one of the largest countries, spans Eastern Europe and the whole of North Asia. The extreme vastness of the environment is jaw-dropping. Each region can form a small world by itself. In this mysterious and little-known land, preserve The most primitive northern ecology on earth. On the eastern edge of this magical country, there is one of the most eye-catching areas – the Kamchatka Peninsula. In this remote and inhospitable wasteland, it was once blocked for many years, and only a few people have seen the beauty and wildness of “her”, and now it is open to the public.

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

The perfect intersection of heaven and hell, people can’t help but marvel at the uncanny craftsmanship of nature, life and death maintain an ingenious balance, deeply experience the realistic version of “Song of Ice and Fire”, here is Kamchatka.

Start a fantasy journey

Kamchatka – Vladivostok

Vladivostok in Chinese means a harbor rich in sea cucumbers, and its Russian name is Vladivostok, which means “ruling the East”. From this name, we can deeply feel the pride and arrogant ambition of Tsarist Russia after it acquired Vladivostok more than a hundred years ago. .

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

Due to the geographical location of Kamchatka, we can only go to Vladivostok by plane. After arriving in Vladivostok, in addition to the clear blue sky and layered urban buildings, the rest will be many ports.

When we arrive at a new place, we must first appreciate the local characteristics and landmarks.

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

Vladivostok Railway Station, the terminal station of the famous Trans-Siberian Railway, is located in the main road and commercial center of Vladivostok. There are various historical buildings on both sides of the street. It was first built in 1891 and has a history of more than 120 years. It no longer exists. The current main building was rebuilt in 1912 and has a history of more than a hundred years.

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

This railway station is the eastern terminus of the 9,000-kilometer Russian east-west artery of the Siberian Railway, and the western end is in Moscow.

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

The landmark building on the train platform, the 9288 Monument, is about four meters high, and the national emblem of the Russian double-headed eagle is placed on the tall spire.

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

An old Russian building that is still serving everyone.

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

Victory Square is also great for a stroll.

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

Statues can be seen everywhere in the streets.

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

In the port near the railway station, you can see many warships stationed. Friends who love the military can have an appetizer first.

Kamchatka – World War II Submarine Museum

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

History is something to remember, for better or for worse. Then the commemorative World War II Submarine Museum believes that you don’t want to miss it.

This Stalin-class submarine, which served in the Pacific Fleet in 1941 and showed Russia’s military glory, was permanently erected near the Golden Horn Wharf in 1975 to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the victory of World War II and became a museum for tourists to admire.

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

It can not only be admired from a distance, but also can be touched (experienced) at a close distance. See if you see it, this is the main course for military fans.

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

Everyone only knows that the capital of Russia is Moscow, but they don’t know the capital of Kamchatka, Petropavlovsk. The scenery here is not inferior to Tokyo in Japan and Seattle in the United States.

Kamchatka – Monument to the Soldiers of Soviet Power in the Far East

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

In fact, this city is the best memorial. If you walk in any building on the street, it has its own story.

For example, the statue on Victory Square, the Monument to the Soldiers of the Soviet Power in the Far East, was built in 1961 to commemorate the victory of the Bolsheviks in the Far East. Standing unswervingly on the square, it guards the city like a god of war.

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

Lenin statue.

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

If you are tired, you might as well go to the local supermarket to replenish your energy, and you will find that there are not only stories but also wine.

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

Get a taste of “Life in Kamchatka”.

As Kamchatka is the place with the most abundant fresh water resources, shouldn’t we go and see other people’s mountains (volcanic) rivers?

Kamchatka – Sakhalin Lake

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

Sakhalin Lake, also known as Qiandao Lake, is the second largest freshwater lake in Kamchatka. Every year in August and September, 3 million sockeye salmon will attract a large number of teddy bears (oh no, brown bears). Go and see dozens of bears.

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

So much that I don’t know which one to eat

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

Let’s have one bear and one bear, and don’t snatch it from anyone else.

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

Take a closer look, but be careful.

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

The location here is special, we can only go there by helicopter. If we are lucky, we can enjoy the volcanoes such as Viluchensky and Mutnov during the flight, as well as the winding river. “Beauty” will shed her misty cloak.

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

Kamchatka – Ksudach Crater

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

Kesudaqi crater, as one of the holy spots for shooting, is a stratovolcano located in the south of the Kamchatka Peninsula. The most violent eruption was in 1907, which is one of the most violent volcanic eruptions in Kamchatka. . Two crater lakes were formed after the eruption of Ksudaki Crater.

Kamchatka – Hodutka Hot Springs

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

After staying in the cabin for a long time, do you want to go to a spa, the last time you have to soak in a hot spring, then Hodutka Hot Spring, an open-air wild hot spring, is definitely a timely help.

Kamchatka – Mutnovsky Volcano

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

What do we often say about the two heavens of ice and fire, then Mutnovsky Volcano is the place where your dreams come true.

Mutnovsky volcano is 2323 meters above sea level, and the crater is surrounded by snow-white glaciers and mountain cracks.

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

Rainbows are everywhere here.

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

Looking back, two different worlds.

Kamchatka – volcanic ice caves

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

There are not only volcanoes and glaciers here, but also a secret place in the world – volcanic ice caves. The bottom of the ice caves is the gravel and streams at the mouth of the volcano. The top and two walls are completely ice. If the weather is fine, the sun will shine through the ice. The ice cave will display colorful light.

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

You ask me where is heaven, then this may be the entrance!

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

Kamchatka – Opasni Gorge Waterfall

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

If there are springs in the mountains, then is the torrent in the canyon called a waterfall? The waterfall in Opasni Canyon is in a wild place, but it shows the endless life to the surroundings.

Kamchatka – Valley of Small Geysers

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

If you want to experience the journey of the fairyland, then the Valley of Small Geysers will satisfy your curiosity.

The small geyser valley is the second largest spring valley in Kamchatka after the large geyser valley. The small geyser is located only next to the Mutnovsky volcano, and it is full of geothermal heat and gushing hot springs. In summer, the hillside is covered with a green carpet, and the scenery is very beautiful, as well as yellowberries, blueberries and various wild fruits.

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

The spring water along the road is as clear as white silk floating down, which is regarded as a secret place.

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

The mountain peaks shrouded in clouds and mist seem to be far away and near, as if they are out of reach, but also seem to be within reach.

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

Due to the needs of natural protection, there are few steps on the mountain climbing road here, and there is no cableway, so you can explore step by step by yourself. (Pay attention to the safety of your feet on foot)

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

The deeper you go, the more slippery the surface is, and the springs that can be seen everywhere are constantly bursting out with boiling spring water. It is really not easy to touch the beating pulse of the volcano.

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

Due to the special geographical location of the small geyser valley, there will be some wild hot springs nearby. It must be time to rest in the depths. You see, nature has already prepared for us, just waiting for us to cook.

Kamchatka – Fast River Rafting

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

Due to the extremely rich water resources, Kamchatka has 300 rivers. Take a flat boat and get close to nature away from the bustling. If you are lucky, you will also encounter brown bears.

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

Take a kayak down the river and listen to the past exchanges of wind and water. The tranquility here is something that the city has never had.

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

Moreover, fishing is also available here. If you are a big fisherman, this addiction will definitely satisfy you.

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

After everyone is busy enjoying the scenery or fishing, enjoy a variety of food, it is like waking up from a dream.

Kamchatka – Avacha Bay

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

Kamchatka’s closure has largely geopolitical reasons. Petropavlovsk, the capital of the Kamchatka Peninsula, lies in the Avacha Bay on the edge of the Pacific Ocean. Of course, this is also one of the local landmarks.

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

“Three Brothers” Column Rock

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

Here you will see the “Three Brothers” pillar rock, which is like the plaque of Kamchatka, one of the symbols of the peninsula. Of course, Avacha Bay is also a safe haven for many marine animals. You can see a large number of sea lions and seals living here, and sometimes you can even see some big guys who rely on their cuteness to beg for food. If you are lucky, you can also see sperm whales, killer whales, humpback whales, pocket whales, white squirrel dolphins and so on.

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

In addition to blowing the sea breeze and admiring the beautiful scenery, you can also experience a deep-sea fishing by yourself. If you are lucky enough to catch it, you can also enjoy what is called “fresh food” on the spot.

——Night Kamchatka——

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

At night in Kamchatka, we can enjoy the night view of the city, which is not like the quietness of Europe, where the heroism of the fighting nations can be seen everywhere.

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

The lonely and wild peninsula adventure - Kamchatka

Kamchatka is like a poem, whether she comes or not, she is there, when someone comes, she will silently dedicate her beauty to you, no one cares about her, and her wild arrogance has never gone away. For us, once-in-a-lifetime experiences are worth having.