The overbearing 120VX rear suspension airbag finally has a problem!

The overbearing 120VX rear suspension airbag finally has a problem!

I haven’t posted on the forum for a few years, and this is the first time to post on the Prado board. I’m afraid I’ll explain the ins and outs. I’ve opened a few LC80s before and they’ve been bubbling up in the Beijing Brigade and the Lu Xun board. The well-known policy reason 80 The car is too old to play, especially in the imperial capital.

I didn’t hesitate for a minute to switch to an off-road vehicle. N’s wish and vision many years ago must be realized, and that is the domineering LC120VX! ! ! And I love Dabai! ! !

The overbearing 120VX rear suspension airbag finally has a problem!

The overbearing 120VX rear suspension airbag finally has a problem!

The overbearing 120VX rear suspension airbag finally has a problem!

The overbearing 120VX rear suspension airbag finally has a problem!

I have been driving the domineering 120VX in 2007 for a few years. Needless to say, it is practical and stable, but what I am worried about is the air suspension of this VX version. A friend’s car broke down outside. I didn’t take it seriously at first, but this summer There was a real problem when I was driving in the large circle of the Hulun Buir Prairie in the three provinces of Northeast China. Next, I will post the situation and solutions to the problems encountered when I travel outside my car to discuss with everyone and give it to future friends. Provide a reference.

Toyota vehicles, especially off-road vehicles, are all about durability. Before driving LC80 beams, front and rear hard bridges, dual electric, dual oil, and dual spare tires, it was for long-distance crossings. After changing to LC120, because playing with sand has become less and less, so only The auxiliary fuel tank, front winch and lens xenon lamp were added, and the rest did not move (pros and cons). Perhaps the weight of the auxiliary fuel tank was increased, or it was often pulling people and outdoor equipment. The rear air bag finally had a problem this time. If you think about it carefully, the LC120 will be more troublesome if the air bag is broken, which will affect the itinerary.

The overbearing 120VX rear suspension airbag finally has a problem!

That’s it.

The overbearing 120VX rear suspension airbag finally has a problem!

1. How do you know that there is a problem with the rear suspension airbag?

For more than 200,000 kilometers, it is recommended to prepare a pair of air bags on the car, even if it is an auxiliary factory.

It was fine when I parked the car the day before, but the car was lowered early the next morning. Slow down, change it as soon as possible, it won’t last for a few days

The car collapsed, and the air pump worked frequently. Can’t last for a few hours.

The bottom of the car collapsed and the air pump didn’t work. I can’t hold it anymore, the thermal protection of the air pump does not work, and a fault code has occurred.

I am in the third case this time.

2. The rear air suspension is broken, can I continue to run?

Yes, it depends on how you run and what kind of road conditions you drive.

My air bag was broken and the air pump didn’t work. I drove 1,200 kilometers on the road (too eye-catching and tiring, so I don’t recommend it), but the last 9 kilometers of off-road sections were really impossible to run.

The overbearing 120VX rear suspension airbag finally has a problem!

I have driven LC120 from Dandong along the border to the Arctic Village for 6,000 kilometers. With the rapid development of the country, the road conditions of the border patrol roads I ran in the past few times are getting better and better, so the journey went very smoothly.

However, from the Arctic Village, the provincial road from Mohe to Genhe is a nightmare, especially after passing Mangui Town, the shell crater and wave valley, the 200 kilometers of permafrost subsidence road is a thrill, relying on the powerful LC120 Although the performance is not overbearing, it is not considered fleshy, but I did not expect that it was this distance that laid the groundwork for my car.

I deliberately ran to the stone pillar of “I found the north!” in Beiji Village, and took a photo according to the pose when I came here 10 years ago. It feels like time flies.

The overbearing 120VX rear suspension airbag finally has a problem!

The overbearing 120VX rear suspension airbag finally has a problem!

Pick up friends at Hailar and start the small loop line of Aershan-Hulun Lake-Manzhouli-Shiwei-Hailar. The first two days are estimated to be jogging air with rear suspension airbags. I didn’t pay attention to it. When I got to Manzhouli, I felt something was wrong. The buttocks of the car were obviously short After driving down, I couldn’t hear the buzzing sound of the built-in air pump at the rear of the car when I started and stopped. At night, I filled up the main and auxiliary fuel tanks in Manzhouli. , I went to repair the vehicle, but I didn’t expect to be hacked by the repair shop in the beautiful Manzhouli.

The overbearing 120VX rear suspension airbag finally has a problem!

Navigate to a repair shop near the hotel in Manzhouli. I remember a repair shop called Sandao Street. The fat owner and repairman is very talkative and can communicate with foreign customers in fluent Russian. After a while, the fatter lady boss will pick up the fatter one When the son returned to the shop, he was able to start repairing the car. . Ha ha. . sharp

1. If the air pump does not work, check the insurance first, everything is fine

2. Check on the computer, it shows that the air pump does not supply power continuously

3. Check the balance adjustment small connecting rods on both sides of the car bottom, no problem

4. Remove the air pump to check and clean it, only to find that the carbon brush is still very long, and the electric pump works fine

5. Eliminate the fault code, the plug of the air pump has power, and the air pump works normally after reinstalling it, no problem

After testing, I found out that the air pump doesn’t work just by turning on the key.

It is a big taboo to fix the car wholeheartedly, and there is no price negotiation before! ! !

The chubby boss said, “I chatted with you, and you know a lot about cars. This is a technical job. If someone else’s car is being repaired by me, you can take 3000.”