The press conference of the 14th Alxa Heroes Association in 2019 was held in Beijing

Celebrating the birthday of a hero

At 10:00 am on August 16, 2019, the press conference of the 14th Alxa Heroes Association was held in Beijing International Hotel.

The press conference of the 14th Alxa Heroes Association in 2019 was held in Beijing

It has been 8 years since I landed in Alxa, and after 13 years of spring and autumn, the Hero Club has already become the belief in the hearts of off-roaders, and the desert city of Tengger has already become the deepest concern in the hearts of e people. The eye-catching 14th Alxa Heroes Meeting will be held in Alxa League, Inner Mongolia from October 1-5, 2019.

The wind and rain are bumpy, and it is not easy to move forward. The Hero Club is undergoing changes, but what remains unchanged is that it has always been a Hero Club belonging to the e people.

The press conference of the 14th Alxa Heroes Association in 2019 was held in Beijing

This year’s Heroes Club will improve the new model of participating in camp planning and operation activities by various organizations of the cross-country e-family community system. In terms of site layout, normalized operations are the starting point, and the experience modes, participation methods, service products, and revenue models of each region are clear; the brigade camp returns to the original intention of members, breaks barriers, and makes friends from thousands of miles away.

Different from the previous ones, this year’s camping experience is more focused on improving the experience of desert camping, focusing on improving the experience content of sub-regional and sub-crowd projects, the immersive experience carnival in the cultural and entertainment sector in the core area, and the establishment of community-style social scenes for accommodation. The enrichment of experience content and the clarification of consumption guidelines have been upgraded in many aspects.

The press conference of the 14th Alxa Heroes Association in 2019 was held in Beijing

Highlights and entertainment sections of the 14th Alxa Heroes Meeting in 2019 were released at the press conference. The overall planning of three main lines, six major sections, and more than 50 events, including T3 series events, CERC China Electric Racing Championship, off-road e-family Alashan Heroes Auto Expo, Cool Car Challenge Grand Prix, off-road e-family SUV grand ceremony , Desert Art Palace, “Taste of Inner Mongolia” Cultural Tourism Industry Conference and Hero Praise Fireworks Ceremony and many other projects are only to achieve the comprehensive improvement of mainstream culture, activity content, member experience, mass experience and comprehensive benefits.

We look forward to giving each participant a different experience with a more humanized venue and camp environment and infrastructure supporting services, richer cultural and entertainment activities, and a more complete sports venue, so that this year’s Heroes will create another grand occasion.

At the press conference, it was also announced that the grand event of the 14th off-road e-family Alashan Heroes Meeting will be launched in late August with thousands of people surveying the road, and the oath of the environmental protection declaration was made.

The press conference of the 14th Alxa Heroes Association in 2019 was held in Beijing

The 14th Alxa Heroes Meeting in 2019

【Environmental Declaration】

Celebrate your birthday with the true colors of a hero

back to nature, free life

Enjoy the desert and run wild

It’s every off-roader’s dream

we are willing to act

Protect the environment, protect the desert

Beautiful Tengger, Green Heroes

【Heroes Club Environmental Protection Oath】

We promise not to dump all kinds of waste into landfills;

We are committed to saving energy, electricity and water;

We promise to love every plant and tree in Tengger;

We promise not to pollute the water source of Tengger;

We are committed to caring for animals and livestock of herders;

We are committed to using spotlights and high beams in compliance;

We promise not to scream in public places;

We promise not to raise dust and sand at high speed in the camp;

We promise to support environmental fundraising and contribute;

We commit to mobilizing others to take part in environmental action;

The Hero Club is our common dream, and the Tengger Desert is our common home, and every participant has the obligation and responsibility to maintain its cleanliness.

Thanks to Alxa Left Banner People’s Government, China Electronics Zhiyun Holding Co., Ltd. for joining, and Alxa League Cultural Tourism Investment Development Co., Ltd., Alxa League Dream Car Cultural Tourism Development Co., Ltd. for their support.

Thanks to the witness of every hero meeting participant for more than ten years, the future is coming, and the future is coming together.

Return to the original intention and create a grand event again.

On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the motherland, be your own hero!

The 14th Alxa Heroes Meeting in 2019

In the wind and rain, waiting for you!