The Pyramid of Tikal, Guatemala

We go to Tikal.

The Pyramid of Tikal, Guatemala

The Pyramid of Tikal, Guatemala

Tikal was the largest abandoned city in the Mayan civilization.

The Pyramid of Tikal, Guatemala

We parked our car in the parking lot, which requires a hike to access.

The Pyramid of Tikal, Guatemala

It is located in the jungle of Guatemala and consists of groups of buildings and a large square. The city was abandoned between 800-900 AD.

The Pyramid of Tikal, Guatemala

The Pyramid of Tikal, Guatemala

The city ruins were not discovered until about 1696, excavated in 1848, and opened to the public in 1955.

The Pyramid of Tikal, Guatemala

The city’s main six temple ruins cover an area of ​​about 2.6 square kilometers

The Pyramid of Tikal, Guatemala

While the entire city of Tikal covers an area of ​​about 60 square kilometers, most of it has not been cleared and excavated.

The Pyramid of Tikal, Guatemala

Temple No. 4, the largest, is 72 meters high and was completed in 720 AD.

The Pyramid of Tikal, Guatemala

You need to go up to the top of the tower through a steep wooden ladder.

The Pyramid of Tikal, Guatemala

The Pyramid of Tikal, Guatemala

The Pyramid of Tikal, Guatemala

There are no guardrails on the pyramid, so you need to pay attention to safety.

The Pyramid of Tikal, Guatemala

Tikal Pyramid has an amazing design with a slope of 70 degrees.

The Pyramid of Tikal, Guatemala

The Pyramid of Tikal, Guatemala

Standing on the steep pyramid, the dense tropical jungle is in front of you, stretching as far as the eye can see.

The Pyramid of Tikal, Guatemala

Under the blue sky, several pyramids rising from the ground pierced through the dense forest, echoing each other from a distance. I can’t help but sigh for the masterpieces of the ancient Mayans.

The Pyramid of Tikal, Guatemala

Monkeys and animals appear in the woods from time to time.

The Pyramid of Tikal, Guatemala

and the long-nosed raccoon

The Pyramid of Tikal, Guatemala

The Pyramid of Tikal, Guatemala

The Pyramid of Tikal, Guatemala

The Pyramid of Tikal, Guatemala

The Pyramid of Tikal, Guatemala

The Pyramid of Tikal, Guatemala

The Pyramid of Tikal, Guatemala

The Pyramid of Tikal, Guatemala

The Pyramid of Tikal, Guatemala

When I was taking pictures, I suddenly felt pain in my feet. I bent down and saw that several ants had got into my trousers and bit me twice.

The Pyramid of Tikal, Guatemala

The ground is full of ants

The Pyramid of Tikal, Guatemala

The Pyramid of Tikal, Guatemala

leave now.

The Pyramid of Tikal, Guatemala

Temple III was completed in 810

The Pyramid of Tikal, Guatemala

Except for the top, the body of the tower has not been excavated and is buried in the soil.

The Pyramid of Tikal, Guatemala

The Pyramid of Tikal, Guatemala

Schematic diagram of Temple No. 3

The Pyramid of Tikal, Guatemala

Temple Two

The Pyramid of Tikal, Guatemala

Back then, the Mayan king walked along these steep stone steps and walked step by step to the temple at the top of the pyramid. Here, they communicated with the gods and gained supernatural powers.

The Pyramid of Tikal, Guatemala

Standing on the steep pyramid, the dense tropical jungle is in front of you, stretching as far as the eye can see.

The Pyramid of Tikal, Guatemala

Under the blue sky, several pyramids rising from the ground pierced through the dense forest, echoing each other from a distance. I can’t help but sigh for the masterpieces of the ancient Mayans.

The Pyramid of Tikal, Guatemala

Monkeys and animals appear in the woods from time to time.

The Pyramid of Tikal, Guatemala

and the long-nosed raccoon

The Pyramid of Tikal, Guatemala

The Pyramid of Tikal, Guatemala

The Pyramid of Tikal, Guatemala

When I was taking pictures, I suddenly felt pain in my feet. I bent down and saw that several ants had got into my trousers and bit me twice.

The Pyramid of Tikal, Guatemala

The ground is full of ants

The Pyramid of Tikal, Guatemala

leave now.

The Pyramid of Tikal, Guatemala

Temple III was completed in 810

The Pyramid of Tikal, Guatemala

Except for the top, the body of the tower has not been excavated and is buried in the soil.

The Pyramid of Tikal, Guatemala

The Pyramid of Tikal, Guatemala

Schematic diagram of Temple No. 3

The Pyramid of Tikal, Guatemala

Temple Two

The Pyramid of Tikal, Guatemala

Schematic diagram of the second temple

The Pyramid of Tikal, Guatemala

The Pyramid of Tikal, Guatemala

You can go up along the wooden ladder

The Pyramid of Tikal, Guatemala

The Pyramid of Tikal, Guatemala

There is a hut on the top of the tower, but it cannot be entered.

The Pyramid of Tikal, Guatemala

Standing on the platform of Temple No. 2, we just saw Temple No. 1.

The Pyramid of Tikal, Guatemala

Temple One was completed around 695.

The Pyramid of Tikal, Guatemala

This temple seems to have appeared in a movie scene about Maya.

The Pyramid of Tikal, Guatemala

Tower of Temple One

The Pyramid of Tikal, Guatemala

Between the two temples is a large square with some steles.

The Pyramid of Tikal, Guatemala

These steles are neatly arranged, recording the natural phenomena, political events and major religious ceremonies of the Tikal era. The earliest piece was inscribed in AD 292 and the latest in AD 869, after which carvings ceased abruptly.

The Pyramid of Tikal, Guatemala

In 889 AD, the construction of the temple complex in Tikal was interrupted. In 909 AD, the last city of the Mayans also stopped the half-built stone pillars. The entire bustling city was suddenly abandoned almost at the same time. The reason is still a mystery.

The Pyramid of Tikal, Guatemala

buildings on both sides of the square

The Pyramid of Tikal, Guatemala

stone statue

The Pyramid of Tikal, Guatemala

The Pyramid of Tikal, Guatemala

The Pyramid of Tikal, Guatemala

The Pyramid of Tikal, Guatemala

The Pyramid of Tikal, Guatemala

Pick up in the car and we leave Tikal.

The Pyramid of Tikal, Guatemala

The Pyramid of Tikal, Guatemala