The real No.1 of China’s highways, the most beautiful border corridor, every old driver wants to go back!

Between the frozen Himalayas and the Karakoram

On the “roof of the world” Pamir Plateau with thousands of miles of permafrost

Across a thousand miles of road line

The real No.1 of China's highways, the most beautiful border corridor, every old driver wants to go back!

© Mr. Xiaoqiang

That’s right, it’s in “Couple 3”

270 and his team walked through the border corridor

– Karakoram Highway

The real No.1 of China's highways, the most beautiful border corridor, every old driver wants to go back!

The real No.1 of China's highways, the most beautiful border corridor, every old driver wants to go back!

© Douban Movie “The Third Season”

It was rated as “one of the ten most dangerous roads in the world”

“Chinese National Geographic” likened it to “the ribbon among the mountains”!

Media from all over the world have used multiple “most” to describe it:

The real No.1 of China's highways, the most beautiful border corridor, every old driver wants to go back!

© Mr. Xiaoqiang

The most beautiful highway in the world, the tallest cross-border road in the world, and the most thrilling corridor in the world!

1. Risk is just one word

The Karakoram Highway crosses three famous mountain ranges in the world:

Karakorum, Hindu Kush, Himalayas

The real No.1 of China's highways, the most beautiful border corridor, every old driver wants to go back!

The real No.1 of China's highways, the most beautiful border corridor, every old driver wants to go back!

© what net

From the Khunjerab Port on the Pamir Plateau to the west,

the ancient silk road

Along the way are Qianren Ice Peak and cliff canyons

Average altitude of nearly 6000 meters

The air here is thin and the climate is harsh

The real No.1 of China's highways, the most beautiful border corridor, every old driver wants to go back!

Takot, the lowest point on the highway at an altitude of 460 meters

Khunjerab Pass is the highest point at 4733 meters above sea level

The real No.1 of China's highways, the most beautiful border corridor, every old driver wants to go back!

© what net

For nearly half a year every year, some areas may be closed due to heavy snow

Only available from May to the end of November

The real No.1 of China's highways, the most beautiful border corridor, every old driver wants to go back!

© what net

Going through ditches and ravines all the way, flying over eaves and walls,

When I looked up, the majestic snow-capped mountains were in front of me.

“The body goes to hell, but the eyes go to heaven”,

Not exaggerating at all!

The real No.1 of China's highways, the most beautiful border corridor, every old driver wants to go back!

© what net

2. The Path of Heroes

In 2017, the “Pakistan Discovery” channel on youtube was launched

A 1 hour 7 minute documentary

Introducing this highway known as “Crazy Engineering”

The real No.1 of China's highways, the most beautiful border corridor, every old driver wants to go back!

old photos. Provided by Zhang Chunxiang, former Chinese ambassador to Pakistan

as early as 1959

Pakistan has started building roads in its northern mountains

However, due to the dangerous terrain, until 1965

It’s just a road on a rugged mountain road, and it doesn’t meet the standard of a road.

In the same year, at the request of the Pakistani government

The Chinese government and the Pakistani government reached an agreement to jointly build roads

The real No.1 of China's highways, the most beautiful border corridor, every old driver wants to go back!

Old photos © International Online

In 1966, construction began

More than 10,000 Chinese road builders have left the motherland

Come to the Karakoram Mountains with thousands of walls and cliffs

He just carved out a smooth road with his own flesh and blood

The real No.1 of China's highways, the most beautiful border corridor, every old driver wants to go back!

Takot Bridge on the Karakoram Highway. Xinhua News Agency in 1978

Statistics show that there are 24 main bridges on the entire highway

70 small bridges and 1,700 culverts

Shared 8,000 tons of explosives, 80,000 tons of cement, and transported 30 million cubic meters of earth and rock

The real No.1 of China's highways, the most beautiful border corridor, every old driver wants to go back!

The real No.1 of China's highways, the most beautiful border corridor, every old driver wants to go back!

Pakistan, an old man guarding the grave of Chinese martyrs © Douban movie “The Journey 3”

In 1978, the Karakoram Highway was completed under the efforts of builders from China and Pakistan

The land route between the two countries has since been connected

By May 1986, the highway was officially “opened to the outside world”

During the construction, more than 100 Chinese builders died and 314 were seriously injured

The real No.1 of China's highways, the most beautiful border corridor, every old driver wants to go back!

© Song Wei Guan Tianxia

It can be said

This road was built with the blood and sweat of every Chinese road construction aid worker in Pakistan.

The real No.1 of China's highways, the most beautiful border corridor, every old driver wants to go back!

Checkpoint in Pakistan©Song Wei Guantianxia

3. The Road to Great Beauty

Imagine this is a desolate land

But the real beauty will surprise your eyes~


If you don’t step on the Karakoram Highway

You don’t know that deep in the mountains can be so wonderful!

Iceberg, Red Mountain, Sand Mountain, Green Mountain

Mountains are different

Known as the “Father of the Iceberg”

——Mustagh Peak (Xinjiang, China)

The real No.1 of China's highways, the most beautiful border corridor, every old driver wants to go back!

© what net

Looking towards Muztagh Peak from Karakuri Lake

like a gray-haired old man

There are Gonger Peak and Gonger Jiubie Peak in the surrounding area

The three mountains stand up like a jade pillar supporting the sky

Standing on the beautiful Pamir Plateau, it has become the symbol and representative of the Pamir Plateau

The real No.1 of China's highways, the most beautiful border corridor, every old driver wants to go back!

© Song Wei Guan Tianxia

Transparent red – Oytak Red Mountain

No need to deliberately look for scenery

Oytak Red Mountain automatically comes into view

From a distance, it looks like a huge oil painting

Looking closely, it is as unreal as a man-made sculpture

The real No.1 of China's highways, the most beautiful border corridor, every old driver wants to go back!

© what net

Paradise in the dream – Baisha Mountain

About 150 kilometers westward from Kashgar to the Pamirs

suddenly opened up

A continuous mountain range appears in front of your eyes

If it weren’t for its name, you might not know it’s a

The mountain is completely made of white sand as soft as silk and satin

The real No.1 of China's highways, the most beautiful border corridor, every old driver wants to go back!

© what net

There is also the prototype of “The Valley of the Wind” written by Hayao Miyazaki

—— Hunza Valley (Pakistan)

The surrounding mountains block the smoke of war

Preserve the natural and original style

Lush room

It’s like seeing the paradise that everyone remembers in “Lost Horizon”

The real No.1 of China's highways, the most beautiful border corridor, every old driver wants to go back!


If you don’t step on the Karakoram Highway

You would never know that the exotic style is so strong!

Hui, Uyghur, Tajik

Everyone is hospitable

Along the way, there are filming locations of the Hollywood blockbuster “The Kite Runner”

——Kashgar ( Xinjiang , China)

The real No.1 of China's highways, the most beautiful border corridor, every old driver wants to go back!

Everyone loves beauty here, and the house is always surrounded by flowers and fruits

People who have been there say,

Went to Kashgar, as if out of the country

Walking on the street, as if walking in a small foreign town Morocco

The real No.1 of China's highways, the most beautiful border corridor, every old driver wants to go back!

“Visitors on the Iceberg”, the only Caucasian hometown in China – Taxkorgan

This is definitely the most wonderful small town in western China

It is also the only small city that borders three countries (Tajikistan, Afghanistan and Pakistan)

85% of Ta County are Tajiks, who have lived in the Pamirs for a long time

Known as “Sun Tribe”, “Eagle Nation”

The real No.1 of China's highways, the most beautiful border corridor, every old driver wants to go back!

© LOFTER user Liu Xiao C_Lucchese

Men’s bravery, women’s beauty

Let everyone who comes here by accident

I can’t help but fall in love with this place, and I can’t bear to leave

The real No.1 of China's highways, the most beautiful border corridor, every old driver wants to go back!

© Landscape Photography Network

Apricot Blossom Township in Paradise—— Oyitak Township

Turn right at the three-way intersection in front of Oytak Town

After driving a few kilometers, you will come to Oytak Township

spring apricot blossom season

Here is a beautiful paradise

The real No.1 of China's highways, the most beautiful border corridor, every old driver wants to go back!

© Camel World Photography Adventure


If you don’t step on the Karakoram Highway

You wouldn’t know it, the north isn’t so dry and barren

Grasslands, wetlands, lakes

Silently decorating the northwest land

The real No.1 of China's highways, the most beautiful border corridor, every old driver wants to go back!

Comparable to Daocheng Red Grass Beach

——Aral Golden Grass Beach (Ta County, Xinjiang, China)

The terrain of Jincaotan is gentle and open, and the Taxkurgan River meanders through here.

Formed a spectacular and beautiful grass beach wetland

Aral Golden Grass Beach is not only a precious wetland in the Pamirs

A paradise for herdsmen, cattle and sheep

The real No.1 of China's highways, the most beautiful border corridor, every old driver wants to go back!

© what net

And it is also the best place to watch the sunset of Muztagh Peak and the scenery of Stone Town.

The real No.1 of China's highways, the most beautiful border corridor, every old driver wants to go back!

© Che Desktop

The Liusha River described in “Journey to the West” – Baisha Lake

A lake with an area of ​​44 square kilometers

It changes different colors under the sunlight, light green, emerald green, light blue, emerald blue…

No matter how you change the color, it is as beautiful as a jewel

Make people have infinite reverie

The real No.1 of China's highways, the most beautiful border corridor, every old driver wants to go back!

© LOFTER user Kira

The Black Sea on the Plateau – Karakul Lake

calm days

Karakul Lake is so quiet that it seems that it does not dare to make a little ripple

For fear of shattering the reflection of Muztagh Peak

And on windy days

Ripples on the surface of the lake

Under the sunshine, it is radiant and brilliant

The real No.1 of China's highways, the most beautiful border corridor, every old driver wants to go back!


Someone commented that

Karakoram Highway

It is the purest road in the world

It has the most essential thing of a mountain – high

The peaks here seem to have removed all burdens

only bones left

It also has the most primitive appearance of water – deep

The lake here seems to have never experienced the vicissitudes of life


A total length of 1032 kilometers

It can definitely satisfy your self-driving addiction

Satisfy your yearning for all the beauty!

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