The Secret of the Successful Operation of the 50 Mu Hualu Leisure Farm

The Secret of the Successful Operation of the 50 Mu Hualu Leisure Farm

Hualu Leisure Farm is a flower-themed farm in Miaoli, Taiwan. It is surrounded by mountains and countryside, and the environment is quiet. The gardens and landscaping in the farm are carefully designed by the farm owner. Strolling into the farm, you will find yourself surrounded by flowers inadvertently, as if walking into a world of flowers.

The Secret of the Successful Operation of the 50 Mu Hualu Leisure Farm

Compared with other scales of thousands of acres, Hualu Flower Leisure Farm is considered small, with a scale of only about 50 acres, but it is divided into leisure water pavilions, vanilla energy gardens, rainforest restaurants, lavender gardens, green fields, castle hostels, essential oil museums, The product exhibition hall, etc., a small piece of land, has been managed in separate blocks to form a leisure place with rich content. More importantly, each theme park has been integrated into cultural characteristics.

We analyze five important points:

1. There are flowers and fruits every month and never get tired of playing

The Secret of the Successful Operation of the 50 Mu Hualu Leisure Farm

In the “Flower Zone” there are Rieger crabapple, cyclamen, orchids, etc., including vanilla plants ranging from NT$10 per pot to high-priced pines and cypresses; in the “Cactus Zone”, various drought-tolerant plants are planted. The most famous is the cactus, which has a variety of colors; the special fruit tree park has collected nearly 40 kinds of carnivorous plants from all over the world, such as pitcher plants, sun pitchers, etc., and the variety is the most in Taiwan. Teaching service.

The Secret of the Successful Operation of the 50 Mu Hualu Leisure Farm

Among the farms covering an area of ​​nearly 50 mu, in addition to the mutual cooperation of foliage plants, cacti, organic vegetables, etc., Hualu Leisure Farm is also the most natural herb energy garden. Hundreds of vanilla plants, rosemary, Australian tea tree, lemon eucalyptus, tung tree, etc., can emit various fragrances inadvertently. The reason why it is called “energy garden” is because the owner of the garden believes that plants will transmit energy to people through their own fragrance.

2. Fragrance Museum IP + secondary production is small but beautiful and high-profit

The Secret of the Successful Operation of the 50 Mu Hualu Leisure Farm

The Secret of the Successful Operation of the 50 Mu Hualu Leisure Farm

There is a farm specialty store in the park, which is basically related to flowers and plants, such as ginger mint shampoo, lavender, rosemary conditioner, ginger mint body wash, lemongrass mint and herbal three-in-one body wash, ginger Essential oil bath essence, natural soapberry cleanser, and various essential oil soaps with different scents are suitable for souvenirs and gifts. 

The Secret of the Successful Operation of the 50 Mu Hualu Leisure Farm

The farm was built by Chen Ji-neng, a veteran with a discerning eye, who bought 50 acres of land. Although Chen Ji-neng, the owner of the farm who loved flowers and plants since he was a child, did not come from a farmer background, he brought his favorite flower world to the world with his strong interest. The business is impressive.

Because he firmly believes in the long-term and sustainable foundation of agricultural methods, Boss Chen never adopts any tricks that can quickly attract customers, and only wants to do every basic action solidly. No matter whether it is accommodation or play, it is designed with original ecological items and styles. Most of its customers are wealthy people in Southeast Asia such as Singapore. The farm is also engaged in the extraction of various essential oils. He has collected essential oil samples and equipment from a hundred years ago, and is planning to build an essential oil museum. The digital video project will cost about one million RMB.

The Secret of the Successful Operation of the 50 Mu Hualu Leisure Farm

The Essential Oil Museum is one of the characteristics of Hualu Leisure Farm, and it is also the only essential oil museum in Taiwan. The owner of the farm, Chen Ji-neng, upholds the ideal of inheriting the past and opening up the future, and hopes to preserve the spirit of raising the next generation of Taiwanese people in the early years by extracting citronella oil and camphor oil. Knowing the origin and production history of essential oils, it also shows some Japanese colonialism. Times Taiwan’s distillation ovens allow more young people to understand the hard life of the Hakka people who used to live in Taiwan, as well as their indomitable spirit. The museum also introduces many different vanilla plants, and also introduces the extraction process of vanilla plant essential oils, and allows visitors to experience the extraction of essential oils, learn to make perfume, natural skin cream and other beauty products DIY courses.

3. Retention is an important growth point for profit

The Secret of the Successful Operation of the 50 Mu Hualu Leisure Farm

In order to realize the dream of tourists living in the castle when they were young, the boss specially designed the dream city in Hualu Leisure Farm – the essential oil castle. The design of the castle room is very modern, with log beds, high-grade stress-relieving mattresses, essential oil bath tubs, floor-to-ceiling landscape windowsills, 42-inch flat-screen TVs, and floor-to-ceiling glass, allowing you to enjoy the scenery while in bed or in the bath.

Some rooms have a large terrace with a wide view, preserving the most primitive rural style, overlooking the beautiful scenery of Daxue Mountain, and a large orchard. The sunset in the evening, and watching the stars and the moon accompanied by singing frogs and insects at night, is a special enjoyment.

The Secret of the Successful Operation of the 50 Mu Hualu Leisure Farm

The Secret of the Successful Operation of the 50 Mu Hualu Leisure Farm

There are a variety of characteristic B&Bs to choose from in the castle, such as the Rose Queen Room, Tung Flower Room, and Fragrance Room, all of which are very comfortable and romantic, unlike being on a farm. She can also make the occupants release their stress and reserve more energy to start again. They also used the well-known local tung flowers to make cultural and creative products such as necklaces, and created a unique “hand in hand with tung heart” tung flower wedding in Taiwan.

4. What is more important than eating

The Secret of the Successful Operation of the 50 Mu Hualu Leisure Farm

When you come to Hualu, in addition to enjoying the flowers and smelling the fragrance, of course, there are also flower-scented food and beverages that cannot be missed. The vanilla plants and aromatic roses planted in the park can become table delicacies, such as perfumed rose meal, herbal tea brewed from flowers and plants picked in the park, and organic vegetables grown in the farm are also not to be missed. The boss also cooks good dishes, such as osmanthus vinegar health-preserving vegetable and fruit shrimp, rosemary Kung Bao Shuang, tea pheasant, fruit and seafood hotpot, which are delicious and reasonably priced.

The Secret of the Successful Operation of the 50 Mu Hualu Leisure Farm

The Secret of the Successful Operation of the 50 Mu Hualu Leisure Farm

The Secret of the Successful Operation of the 50 Mu Hualu Leisure Farm

There is also a specially designed garden restaurant here, where you can sit by the pool where the fish swim leisurely, or have breakfast or afternoon tea by the grass, and enjoy the herbal organic meal comfortably. Their homemade muffins are still hot when they are served, the skin is still crispy, and the strawberry jam with grains is even more delicious. The mini paella here is also highly recommended.

The Secret of the Successful Operation of the 50 Mu Hualu Leisure Farm

If you want to go to the restaurant, you have to pass through a restaurant called “Erbian Cultural Concept Museum”. At first, I didn’t know what it was, but after looking closely, it turned out to be a toilet. Erbian means stool and urination. The owner gave it a very beautiful name: Erbian The Convenience Culture Concept Pavilion is indeed beautiful. The faucets outside the toilets are also very stylish. The faucets in the men’s and women’s toilets are in the shape of fluttering butterflies and owls that symbolize wisdom. The men’s toilets are even more surprising. Every urinal turns into a beautiful flower. Even the toilets are Pay attention to culture, to urinate is to “water the flowers” to your heart’s content…

5. Creativity + word of mouth is the core

The Secret of the Successful Operation of the 50 Mu Hualu Leisure Farm

The Secret of the Successful Operation of the 50 Mu Hualu Leisure Farm

Creativity is the foundation of Hualu Farm’s position. Chen Ji-neng, who is determined to build Hualu Farm into the most exquisite and beautiful garden in the world, said that his products never advertise. “Media advertisements last for a few days at most. The real good products depend on quality and word of mouth from customers.” , so that it will have lasting vitality.”

Source: Zennong Commune

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