The small details that you don’t pay attention to in the use of the RV are very useful

With the increasing number of RV players, the frequency of RV outdoors is gradually increasing. As everyone knows, there are many differences between the use of the RV and the home, and new players in the RV circle may not understand it, so that it will cause some unnecessary troubles during RV travel. Now let’s take everyone to understand the small details on the RV that you haven’t noticed, the very useful ones.

The small details that you don't pay attention to in the use of the RV are very useful

screen window

The screen window originally only had the function of “insecting mosquitoes” in the house, and later evolved into a home improvement product mainly for decoration in high-rise buildings. However, the screen window in the RV can be said to be an important barrier when camping outdoors. When camping outdoors, remember not to open the screen window of the RV, don’t open, don’t open, otherwise the powerful Zerg will make you pay in blood after the sun goes down .

The small details that you don't pay attention to in the use of the RV are very useful

cabinet lock

Locking cupboards in homes is usually done to prevent children from stealing sweets. The cabinet lock in the RV has a greater effect-to prevent the items in the cabinet from “escape in groups”. RVs are fine on paved roads, but if they are driven on non-paved roads, the bumpy and swaying body is the “accomplice to jailbreak” for the bottles and cans in the cabinet. If you plan to take a romantic trip in an RV, first adjust the cabinet lock in the RV to the locked state. If the cabinet in the car does not have a locking function, then replace it as soon as possible, this is not difficult.

The small details that you don't pay attention to in the use of the RV are very useful


As an imported product, the caravan, whether it is a domestic caravan or an imported caravan, retains strong characteristics of Western civilization. One of them is the multitude of alarms, and when you set up your RV, you will find that there are many alarms in the car-propane alarms, carbon monoxide alarms, smoke alarms, and so on. These sirens are usually not turned on when the RV is delivered and require the battery diaphragm inside to be removed. It is worth noting that due to different living habits, many friends will inadvertently trigger the alarm device in daily life, and then remove its battery to turn off the alarm. Although the living habits are different, the safety awareness in the West is still worth learning. At the same time, for the safety of you and your family, please do not turn off the alarm.

The small details that you don't pay attention to in the use of the RV are very useful

emergency brake

This configuration only exists on trailers. Its function is that when the tractor and the caravan are accidentally separated during driving, emergency braking is used as the last insurance of the caravan to ensure that the caravan stops naturally instead of rampaging on the road. There was a car friend who parked his RV by the lake for camping before. Because the tires were not covered in time and the road had some slopes, the RV slipped. Seeing that the vehicle was about to fall into the lake, the rider pulled out the emergency brake pin of the vehicle, and the RV stopped immediately. It can be seen that this is a very important device, please don’t forget its existence, remember to care about it, love it, and use it.

The small details that you don't pay attention to in the use of the RV are very useful


Awnings are now almost standard equipment for RVs, and they are both practical and stylish when camping. Here are two points. First, the awning must be put away and locked during driving. Otherwise, the wind at high speed will not only tear the awning, but also tear the thin and light body. Second, the awning should be put away when resting at night. Otherwise, if the wind and rain come at night, I’m afraid you will have to brave the rain to pack the awning.

The small details that you don't pay attention to in the use of the RV are very useful

seat belt

The importance of the role of seat belts is not described here. Many riders like to move around in the car while the RV is driving, and so do many trailer-type RV riders. This is really a terrible thing, because the body of the RV is very stable during normal driving, but in case of an emergency, various items in the car will take off. At this time, the interior of the RV is far more dangerous than the interior of a general car. So please sit in the seat when the vehicle is driving, and fasten the seat belt.

The small details that you don't pay attention to in the use of the RV are very useful

Conclusion: After talking about so many small details of RVs, most of them are related to safety, because safety is the most important thing in travel. And many players can still operate in accordance with safety regulations when they first come into contact with RVs, but after a period of proficiency, the original operating regulations are usually completely forgotten. Problems often occur in this situation. For the safety of you and your family, you must always operate according to the regulations.