The world’s first full cabin interactive 5G car is here! Roewe R standard flagship mass-produced car teaser first exposed

Recently, the teaser image of SAIC Roewe’s first flagship mass-produced car with the new R standard was exposed. The new car is the world’s first full-cabin interactive 5G car, named Roewe MARVEL-R. The new car will be equipped with SAIC’s most advanced 5G technology, and will be the first in the industry to realize the mass production of L3 autonomous driving. It will truly transform the car from a means of transportation into a super portal for full-scenario travel services, leading a new travel experience in the 5G era.

The world's first full cabin interactive 5G car is here! Roewe R standard flagship mass-produced car teaser first exposed

(Roewe MARVEL-R, the world’s first full-cabin interactive 5G mass-produced car)

The 5G era has arrived in an all-round way. SAIC has precisely grasped the outlet, strengthened independent research and development, and foresighted the layout. It not only took the lead in landing the world’s first 5G concept car – the Roewe Vision-i Concept, but also brought users an intelligent interactive experience in multi-scenario mode. At the same time, SAIC has also joined forces with Alipay and Banma Network to create a “digital travel” model in the 5G era, realizing the seamless connection of people, vehicles and services, and pressing the fast-forward button for the “Internet of Everything” smart travel life. In addition, SAIC has also joined hands with cross-industry giants China Mobile, Huawei, and Shanghai International Automobile City to jointly create the country’s first “smart transportation” demonstration zone to explore the scenario-based application of 5G smart travel and car life.

The world's first full cabin interactive 5G car is here! Roewe R standard flagship mass-produced car teaser first exposed

(Roewe MARVEL-R, the world’s first full-cabin interactive 5G mass-produced car)

Today, the Roewe MARVEL-R, SAIC’s first mass-produced vehicle with 5G technology, is a collection of intelligence, fully demonstrating SAIC’s new achievements in the field of 5G technology. The new car is equipped with L3-level automatic driving including functions such as parking and starting guidance, intelligent deceleration on curves, vehicle speed guidance, and reminders to avoid conflicts at traffic intersections, allowing users to enjoy the convenience and temperature of smart cities in advance. The new car will also adopt a parametric design with a strong sense of technology, equipped with leading three-electric technology and forward-looking intelligent interactive technology, showing the style of the Roewe R standard flagship series.

The world's first full cabin interactive 5G car is here! Roewe R standard flagship mass-produced car teaser first exposed

(Roewe MARVEL-R, the world’s first full-cabin interactive 5G mass-produced car)

Unbounded future, one step faster! Roewe MARVEL-R, the world’s first full-cabin interactive 5G mass-produced car, will be officially unveiled on May 10th at the Roewe Brand Day. Stay tuned for more exciting events!