There are stories, there are wines, the river crosses the camping and barbecue brief notes

With a cloud-piercing arrow, thousands of troops will meet each other.

There is a saying in ancient times that “with an arrow piercing the clouds, thousands of troops and horses come to meet each other”. There is an activity post today, and the e-clan teammates are here to gather.

Accompanied by the motherland mother’s 70th birthday salute, friends from Mengzi, Gejiu, Hekou, Pingbian and other places were invited to celebrate the 11th holiday. On October 5th, they gathered in Dishui Miaocheng to start river crossing and barbecue camping on the grass on the top of the mountain journey of.

There are stories, there are wines, the river crosses the camping and barbecue brief notes

The professional photography of this event is provided by ID Jingshuishenliu. The rest of the photos are basically collected from everyone’s mobile phones. If you need to hide the license plate, please contact me.

There are stories, there are wines, the river crosses the camping and barbecue brief notes

A few days before the event registration post was sent out, it was difficult for everyone to determine the time, so there were not many registrations at the beginning, until the night before the departure, great gods from all walks of life flocked to register. Life is sad year after year, and wine is hard to drink at any time. In fact, every activity has its own things. Those who make money stop, those who go to work donate their holidays, those who have family affairs plan strategies, and those who manage their wives sneak away… …Every gathering is an emotional story of everyone adjusting various family affairs and squeezing out precious time.

There are stories, there are wines, the river crosses the camping and barbecue brief notes

As usual, gather at the gas station and set off. I set off from the river mouth and rushed to Pingbian to meet up. I dragged my family and I didn’t have time to take pictures.

There are newcomers who have just joined in this event, as well as the friends they each brought.

After everyone was assembled, they ran to the Liangji at Baihe Bridge, and then started to enter the water. The mothers and babies who were dumped by the winding mountain road for nearly two hours changed into different people as soon as they entered the river, and began to be excited and screaming… while the savages were habitual Throwing myself into the embrace of nature and blending into my own car, at this moment, no pressure, worry, or pain has anything to do with me. With an excited heart and trembling hands, I will walk freely while holding the steering wheel…

There are stories, there are wines, the river crosses the camping and barbecue brief notes

There are stories, there are wines, the river crosses the camping and barbecue brief notes

There are stories, there are wines, the river crosses the camping and barbecue brief notes

There are stories, there are wines, the river crosses the camping and barbecue brief notes

The black pharmacist is researching to prescribe medicine? ?

There are stories, there are wines, the river crosses the camping and barbecue brief notes

Take a short run, stop for a rest.

There are stories, there are wines, the river crosses the camping and barbecue brief notes

There are stories, there are wines, the river crosses the camping and barbecue brief notes

There are stories, there are wines, the river crosses the camping and barbecue brief notes

Taking a nap again, my mouth is a little thirsty, did I take the wrong water glass… (Actually, there was a caterpillar crawling on my son’s hand, after taking it off, my son’s hand was red and itchy, I quickly took out the necessary pot for home travel to give He applied some disinfectant)

I remember there was a subtitle at the end of the first season of Into the Wild: “There is a text in the Banff outdoor movie that is recognized by explorers all over the world. Adventure is not about who is the first to cross a certain sea area, or the first After reaching the top of a certain mountain, the adventure lies in the growth of the heart, in breaking through your own limits, reaching places you could not have reached, and then returning to life to make life more meaningful.” Although we are not adventurers, we are not Playing with the limit, but I highly agree with the last sentence “then come back to life and make life more meaningful”.

After more than two years in the pit, many relatives and friends around me do not understand what off-roading is, why we are obsessed with off-roading like a group of patients and lunatics, and we are obsessed with a certain car even more than the goddess in our hearts when we first fell in love. The investment in maintaining and refitting your car is far more than other things. No matter where your teammates are in need of rescue, we have never been so active, and we have never been so active even when our wife wants to eat when she is pregnant… And I often have such a situation: how luxurious it is I don’t take a second look at cars and sports cars in front of me, but every time I stop for a dilapidated, muddy off-road vehicle parked on the street, maybe this is the “mature” love of adults, this kind of love It is not the instantaneous impulsive hormone secretion between men and women, but the calm and sincere orientation after the wind and rain and the waves wash the sand. I have also asked myself many times when my mind is clear or when emotions are flooding my heart, I have thought about this question, what are we doing, what are we trying to achieve, and where will we finally pass away.

At the beginning, maybe it was the individual demand for models other than stereotyped cars and SUVs, maybe it was attracted by the wildness of a modified off-road vehicle, maybe it was the reminiscence of the off-road vehicle that I sat in when I was young, maybe it was real life. The turbulent emotions in the world drive us to seek a tranquility from the nature that embraces all things. Maybe we want to escape the hustle and bustle of urban life, enjoy a moment of loneliness away from the bustling crowd, or maybe we want to enjoy a different life in Douyin, a circle of friends. Wait, wait, until I saw this sentence, I found my destination: come back to life and make life more meaningful…

The avenue is simple, very simple, but very true. “Reading thousands of books is not as good as traveling thousands of miles.” A person’s growth and maturity does not lie in the length of his life in the world, but in how many “road sections” he has experienced. The more experiences he has, the richer his life will be. Off-road vehicles mean choosing a way of life. No matter how exquisite the leather shoes are, they are not born for the green grass of the football field, so there is a saying often said in the off-road circle, “The end of your road is the beginning of my road.” “Go to places that other cars can’t go, and see different scenery”, we played two different scenes.

There are so many ramblings, but in fact, it can be summed up to be rooted in the wildness and unruly personality. There is no summary that cannot be solved by three points. Natural way of life, the second is that the wildness in our bones is expressed in our love for off-road vehicles, so off-road vehicles are brothers and companions for us, not just a means of transportation, and the third is that the wildness in our bones makes us often need to escape from monotonous repetition , a short break away from the busy rhythm and hustle and bustle of life. After the body and mind get the relaxation they yearn for, they will devote themselves to the cycle of life with the spirit and body after bathing.

In this case, as long as the situation permits, it is natural to bring your family with you when you travel. The following is my favorite moment of “stopping and sitting in Fenglin for a night”. It’s a fun place, it’s just a happy moment to let the baby go…

There are stories, there are wines, the river crosses the camping and barbecue brief notes

There are stories, there are wines, the river crosses the camping and barbecue brief notes

There are stories, there are wines, the river crosses the camping and barbecue brief notes

There are stories, there are wines, the river crosses the camping and barbecue brief notes

There are stories, there are wines, the river crosses the camping and barbecue brief notes

There are stories, there are wines, the river crosses the camping and barbecue brief notes

In this era, as men, it is really difficult for us. We are not filial to our parents who are no longer young, we lack companionship for our children who have not grown up, and we owe too much to our wives who do housework. It is rare to have such family time. , Parent-child moments, naturally we must do our best to fulfill our responsibilities.

There are stories, there are wines, the river crosses the camping and barbecue brief notes

There are stories, there are wines, the river crosses the camping and barbecue brief notes

There are stories, there are wines, the river crosses the camping and barbecue brief notes

My Laomao V45 made its first appearance at the event, and I will give two more close-ups.

The following is the photographer of this event: ID Standing in the water and capturing the wonderful moments for everyone.

There are stories, there are wines, the river crosses the camping and barbecue brief notes

There are stories, there are wines, the river crosses the camping and barbecue brief notes

There are stories, there are wines, the river crosses the camping and barbecue brief notes

There are stories, there are wines, the river crosses the camping and barbecue brief notes

There are stories, there are wines, the river crosses the camping and barbecue brief notes

There are stories, there are wines, the river crosses the camping and barbecue brief notes

There are stories, there are wines, the river crosses the camping and barbecue brief notes

There are stories, there are wines, the river crosses the camping and barbecue brief notes

There are stories, there are wines, the river crosses the camping and barbecue brief notes

There are stories, there are wines, the river crosses the camping and barbecue brief notes

There are stories, there are wines, the river crosses the camping and barbecue brief notes

There are stories, there are wines, the river crosses the camping and barbecue brief notes

There are stories, there are wines, the river crosses the camping and barbecue brief notes

There are stories, there are wines, the river crosses the camping and barbecue brief notes

The happy parent-child time is always very short. After playing in the river, although the children are already wet, shivering from the cold, and their mouths are starting to turn purple, they still don’t want to give up this “natural playground” and move on. Start to climb the mountain and head towards Pingbian.

Not everyone can participate in every activity, but there must be one or even a few newcomers, and there must be one or even a few cars that have problems. Sure enough, my friend’s two-wheel drive pickup slipped while climbing the mountain road and could not Moving forward requires a trailer. At this time, those slogans lingered in my ears, “Don’t abandon, don’t give up”, “No brothers, don’t go off-road”…

Little Sao Mao backed up and started towing the truck, passed the slippery road smoothly and arrived at Pingbian.

There are stories, there are wines, the river crosses the camping and barbecue brief notes

There are stories, there are wines, the river crosses the camping and barbecue brief notes

There are stories, there are wines, the river crosses the camping and barbecue brief notes

There are stories, there are wines, the river crosses the camping and barbecue brief notes

Departing from Pingbian County, there is still a section of winding mountain road and off-road section that is said to be close or far away when arriving at the campsite. The cars behind the middle were blocked by cattle and sheep in various ways, and were taken on the wrong road by QQ cars, causing all of them to arrive At the campsite, it was already dark, and we were hungry and rushed to the lamb soup pot and the barbecue next to it as soon as we parked the car.

Now I want to grandly introduce the guarantor of this event, the most beautiful boy on Pingbian Street, a feverish and fanatical Pingbian refitting car enthusiast—it doesn’t matter, ID: Michael. It doesn’t matter, I often express the primitive animal nature in the most straightforward language, always showing lustful and hungry eyes, singing “the people around the screen are fearless” at any time…

There are stories, there are wines, the river crosses the camping and barbecue brief notes

There are stories, there are wines, the river crosses the camping and barbecue brief notes

The two lamb legs were roasted separately. In order to ensure the safety of the teammates, the family members were dispatched to kill the lamb, cook the lamb, roast and barbecue. Thank you for your hard work.

There are stories, there are wines, the river crosses the camping and barbecue brief notes

There are stories, there are wines, the river crosses the camping and barbecue brief notes

There are stories, there are wines, the river crosses the camping and barbecue brief notes

There are stories, there are wines, the river crosses the camping and barbecue brief notes

There are stories, there are wines, the river crosses the camping and barbecue brief notes

There are stories, there are wines, the river crosses the camping and barbecue brief notes

After two bowls of hot mutton soup, according to international practice, it’s time to drink to one’s heart’s content again. There are three glasses of wine in the world of mortals, and a pot of tea in the great cause of Qianqiu. There is nothing that three glasses of wine can’t solve. If there is, then three more glasses.

There are stories, there are wines, the river crosses the camping and barbecue brief notes

Singing to wine, how much life is, originating from the love of the car, belonging to Daohe, laughing at the ups and downs of life, sleeping on the other side tonight, this scene is hard to find, let the time pass like running water, and the memory will be engraved in my heart!

People, once they live too rationally, they will have no fun at all, and if they see too clearly, they will lose their passion. Therefore, it is rare to be confused is the highest state of life. However, occasional indulgence and drunkenness are harmless and elegant. The car has been parked to prevent potential safety hazards. There is no signal on the mobile phone, forcing the troubles to be put aside. The tent is set up, and there is nothing to worry about. It’s like being ready before a big battle, everything is ready, only the drunkenness, it seems that everyone has been suppressed for too long, and suddenly there is nothing else to focus on, emotions pour out like a flood, singing one after another, people drink one after another One, in a place outside the Tibetan area, today this place should be regarded as a place relatively close to the sky. The deep night, the bright starry sky, and the diffuse mist are accompanied by “the blue lanterns do not return, but because of the turbidity.” The “passers-by” and “dream chaser” of “Jiu Lian Hong Chen” fell asleep drunk.

Early in the morning, which is also an unshakable international practice, the biological clock woke me up. I climbed out of the tent and saw that we were in such a fairyland on earth, but it was already dark when we arrived last night, so we couldn’t see the surrounding environment clearly. I don’t know the true face of the fairyland, just because I am in this scene.

There are stories, there are wines, the river crosses the camping and barbecue brief notes

There are stories, there are wines, the river crosses the camping and barbecue brief notes

There are stories, there are wines, the river crosses the camping and barbecue brief notes

There are stories, there are wines, the river crosses the camping and barbecue brief notes

There are stories, there are wines, the river crosses the camping and barbecue brief notes

There are stories, there are wines, the river crosses the camping and barbecue brief notes

There are stories, there are wines, the river crosses the camping and barbecue brief notes

There are stories, there are wines, the river crosses the camping and barbecue brief notes

There are stories, there are wines, the river crosses the camping and barbecue brief notes

There are stories, there are wines, the river crosses the camping and barbecue brief notes

There are stories, there are wines, the river crosses the camping and barbecue brief notes

There are stories, there are wines, the river crosses the camping and barbecue brief notes

There are stories, there are wines, the river crosses the camping and barbecue brief notes

I found a place far away to release myself, and I couldn’t forget to pat the wild flowers on the roadside while squatting in the wild pit.

There are stories, there are wines, the river crosses the camping and barbecue brief notes

There are stories, there are wines, the river crosses the camping and barbecue brief notes

There are stories, there are wines, the river crosses the camping and barbecue brief notes

There are stories, there are wines, the river crosses the camping and barbecue brief notes

There are stories, there are wines, the river crosses the camping and barbecue brief notes

After getting up, I walked around the campsite and felt the wonderland I was in again. It’s a pity that Brother Jiawei left first last night and took the camera. It’s a pity that we were all just intoxicated and didn’t record it well. The beautiful scenery is all collected mobile phone photos, so let’s take a look.

This place surpasses the so-called ten miles of different days. There are four seasons in a day, and the weather can be achieved every two minutes. The mist mixed with water vapor rushes towards us. It is so cool in autumn. I hurriedly put on my jacket, but I came out two minutes later in the hot sun on the plateau. , hurriedly took it off, and within a few minutes, it got dark again and returned to the mist…

Accompanied by the big sun every few minutes and the gathering of Wuhua’s family of “getting up to dry rice noodles”, the drunken people Lulu got out of the tents and started various busy scenes of driving to find wild pits.

There are stories, there are wines, the river crosses the camping and barbecue brief notes

There are stories, there are wines, the river crosses the camping and barbecue brief notes

There are stories, there are wines, the river crosses the camping and barbecue brief notes

With last night’s thick white mutton soup and a bowl of rice noodles, it seems that everyone was drunk too fast last night, and there are still too many emotions that have not been expressed, and the emotions have not been expressed, so take out the prepared barbecue and continue… …It really doesn’t matter, there is nothing to be afraid of…

Just like the bloody case caused by a steamed bun, the rest of the incident revolves around two lamb leg bones…

There are stories, there are wines, the river crosses the camping and barbecue brief notes

There are stories, there are wines, the river crosses the camping and barbecue brief notes

There are stories, there are wines, the river crosses the camping and barbecue brief notes

There are stories, there are wines, the river crosses the camping and barbecue brief notes

There are stories, there are wines, the river crosses the camping and barbecue brief notes

There are stories, there are wines, the river crosses the camping and barbecue brief notes

There are stories, there are wines, the river crosses the camping and barbecue brief notes

There are stories, there are wines, the river crosses the camping and barbecue brief notes

There are stories, there are wines, the river crosses the camping and barbecue brief notes

The next day, the two brothers who came to the campsite again.

There are stories, there are wines, the river crosses the camping and barbecue brief notes

There are stories, there are wines, the river crosses the camping and barbecue brief notes

It seems that everyone is not full yet. After the barbecue is over, Mr. Ma brought out his private goods, marinated onion and beef, and someone just brought out a teppanyaki pot… This is how cross-country people are together, and all kinds of equipment are put into battle , Just so you have, just what I want, sparks often come out of friction like this.

There are stories, there are wines, the river crosses the camping and barbecue brief notes

Satisfied with wine and food, two lamb leg bones passed through the hands of the people present, and there was still not much meat. What I smoked was not cigarettes, but loneliness. What we gnawed was not bones. Meat seems to be laying the groundwork for the next event and gathering, laying a solid foundation. But today’s carnival still needs a short end, and I look forward to the next gathering.

Now it’s time for the rich kids to exchange …

There are stories, there are wines, the river crosses the camping and barbecue brief notes

There are stories, there are wines, the river crosses the camping and barbecue brief notes

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