“There is a distant place worth visiting again and again, and that is Xinjiang”


The land farthest from the ocean in the world

The largest provincial administrative region in China

Equivalent to the size of 101 Beijing cities

In this sparsely populated land

Three tall mountains hug two of China’s largest arid basins

China’s largest and second largest deserts are also concentrated here




However, what should be the driest land

But it has the best alpine pasture in China

With winding rivers and crystal lakes

Lush forests, lush grasslands




Bayanbulak Swan Lake

Kala Jun Grassland

It’s all thanks to a mountain


A sharp sword that splits the barren and arid land of Xinjiang

A huge mountain range stretching for 2,500 kilometers with an average altitude of 4,000 meters

In the middle of the vast land of Xinjiang

Divide Xinjiang in two

The south of the Tianshan Mountains is the Southern Xinjiang, and the north of the Tianshan Mountains is the Northern Xinjiang.

This is what we usually call the division of northern and southern Xinjiang.

▲Tianshan is like a sword made of ice and snow piercing the arid Xinjiang

It is often said that the northern Xinjiang sees the scenery, and the southern Xinjiang sees the customs

Northern Xinjiang means snow mountains and grasslands

Southern Xinjiang means desert and Gobi

Northern Xinjiang means Kazakh and Oirat Mongolia

Southern Xinjiang means Uyghur and Tajik

Northern Xinjiang means grassland culture

Southern Xinjiang means agricultural civilization

Beijiang means horses and singing

Nanjiang means Muqam and dance

The northern and southern borders separated on both sides of the Tianshan Mountains have huge differences

Northern Xinjiang Sailimu Lake

South Xinjiang Lop Nur

And where does this difference come from?

And what kind of huge impact and changes will it have on the northern and southern Xinjiang?

This starts with the famous “three mountains with two basins”

Southern Xinjiang and Northern Xinjiang

One is the first large desert in China from the Tianshan Mountains to the south

Across the Tarim Basin, extending to the foot of Kunlun Mountains

One sits on the second largest desert in China from the north of the Tianshan Mountains

Crossing the Junggar Basin and connecting with the Altai Mountains

This is the famous “Three Mountains and Two Pots”

Huge mountains block the water vapor

And water changed the fate of a piece of land

Southern Xinjiang is surrounded by mountains on three sides. The warm and humid air from the Atlantic Ocean is blocked by the Pamirs in the west of southern Xinjiang, while the warm air from the Indian Ocean is blocked by the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.

But northern Xinjiang is different. Under the blessing of Tianshan and Altai Mountains, northern Xinjiang is like a natural water vapor channel. The nearly 10,000 glaciers in the Tianshan Mountains are a natural solid reservoir, and more than 300 rivers originate here.

The warm and humid air from the Atlantic cannot pass through the Pamirs or enter southern Xinjiang. However, it can flow unimpeded along the Eurasian Plain, blowing into the Ili River Valley in northern Xinjiang, and blowing into the mountains of Altay, bringing rainfall.


Northern Xinjiang has the best pastures, cattle and sheep, horses and grasslands

Southern Xinjiang is arid and deserted, but at the same time it has the sweetest melons and fruits

Grassland gave birth to nomadic civilization, while arid land gave birth to farming civilization

Kazakhs in northern Xinjiang carry their belongings and lead cattle and sheep

Stepping on the beat of the season, transition to the best pasture

People in southern Xinjiang have lived by water for generations, farming and harvesting

Apples from Aksu, pears from Korla, raisins from Turpan

There are ancient cities with a long history

Geography affects water and soil, and water and soil breed civilization

The Vicissitudes of Jiaohe Ancient City

Turpan Flame Mountain

Populus euphratica forest in Luntai, southern Xinjiang

The climate difference between northern and southern Xinjiang is also reflected in the seasons

Spring in southern Xinjiang comes earlier than in northern Xinjiang


In April, apricot blossoms in Datong Township in Kashgar, southern Xinjiang

Datong Township will turn into a pink world, and the petals of apricot blossoms will fall with the wind

【It’s summer】

In June, the lavender in northern Xinjiang will be in full bloom

In June, there is also perilla in Zhaosu


In October, Kanas in northern Xinjiang is golden and colorful in autumn

In October, the Luntai Populus euphratica forest in southern Xinjiang is burned to release

【In winter】

In December, the quiet Tianshan Tianchi has the purest colors

Southern Xinjiang and Northern Xinjiang are completely different, but have their own charms

We often say that the northern Xinjiang sees the scenery, and the southern Xinjiang sees the style. Walking into northern Xinjiang, into the Kanas and Ili River Valleys, you will encounter streams, seas of flowers, wetlands, grasslands and white snow-capped mountains in the sky. And when you walk into southern Xinjiang, you will find more ancient cities, Yadan desert, and desolate no-man’s land. The northern and southern Xinjiang with completely different temperaments together form a rich and extensive Xinjiang!

The natural scenery of northern Xinjiang

Mainly in the Yili River Valley, Kanas, Keketuohai, Devil City and other places

(Please refer to the distribution map of the main travel destinations in northern Xinjiang below)

along the Tien Shan Mountains

Let’s first walk into the Yili River Valley of the 800-kilometer scenic corridor

This is the wettest place in Xinjiang, and the Yili River Valley is like the back garden of Xinjiang. Grasslands, forests, rivers, flower seas, snow-capped mountains, and glaciers can be seen everywhere here. It is an 800-kilometer-long scenic corridor winding along the Tianshan Mountains.

Here is Sailimu Lake, the “last tear of the Atlantic Ocean”

A touch of blue, always quiet and tranquil

Herdsmen set up tents on the grassland in the air of Nalati, raising smoke from cooking

Cattle and sheep run freely in the middle of the mountain

But grasslands and grasslands are different

To the west of the Nalati Grassland, you come to the Kalajun Human Grassland

The grassland is rolling and undulating, folding out a moving curve

In June, the lavender in Huocheng

Will dress up Yili as a fairy tale from the Garden of Eden

There are nine suns in Bayinbulak

The Kaidu River stretches for more than 500 kilometers

Bayanbulak, the second largest grassland in China,

There are more than 10,000 corners in total. It is said that the right angle is found

Nine suns can be seen at once in the curved channel of the Kaidu River

Across the Junggar Basin, to the foot of the Altai Mountains

Come to the famous Kanas

The beauty of Kanas exists beyond the seasons

The blue Kanas Lake is like a gem among the forests

Kanas Moon Bay

Kanas Fairy Bay

Kanas Baihaba Village

The charm of southern Xinjiang lies in

Its desert wildness, history, humanities and ethnic customs

(Distribution map of main travel destinations in southern Xinjiang)

When it comes to southern Xinjiang, almost everyone thinks of Kashgar

In spring, Datong Township in Kashgar will be full of apricot blossoms

like paradise

And in the Taklamakan Desert in the “Sea of ​​Death”

Has the Most Thrilling, Deserted Desert Road Trip

A car, deep into China’s largest mobile desert

For some travelers, there is a fatal temptation

Jiaohe Ancient City, 13 kilometers away from Turpan

With a history of more than 2,000 years, Jiaohe Ancient City is the site of the ancient Cheshi Kingdom.

After thousands of years of ups and downs

The streets, earthen walls and even the windows of the ancient city are still clearly visible

And Lop Nur in the no man’s land

There is an ancient country of Loulan that was buried in the yellow sand and disappeared

where the wind blows

The grotesque Yadan stands silently in the deserted desert

The unknown Kizil Thousand Buddha Caves

It is the place where Buddhism was first introduced to the Central Plains

Thousands of years of ups and downs

Countries that originally believed in Buddhism in history were forced to convert to Islam

A large number of exquisite murals in the Thousand Buddha Caves were damaged

This Buddhist cave that once suffered a catastrophe

It is an existence not inferior to Mogao Grottoes

In southern Xinjiang, there is also a red Grand Canyon

The continuous crimson rocks are the unique symbol of the Kuqa Grand Canyon

The canyon is deep and winding, sometimes wide and sometimes narrow

Looking out from the gap in the cliff, you will see a real ray of sky

Southern Xinjiang also has the sweetest melons and fruits in Xinjiang

Grapes from Turpan, Apples from Aksu

Red dates from Ruoqiang, pears from Korla

Despite drought and little rain, people use their wits

Grow the sweetest melons and fruits in this land

Look at the scenery in northern Xinjiang, and the customs in southern Xinjiang

The northern and southern Xinjiang together form a rich and extensive Xinjiang

someone said

If you don’t go to Xinjiang, you don’t know how big China is

In fact, you can add a sentence after this:

If you don’t go to Xinjiang, you don’t know how beautiful China is

Xinjiang, just going once is not enough!

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