There is a distant place worth visiting again and again, that is the Northwest

There is a distant place worth visiting again and again, that is the Northwest

There is a distant place worth visiting again and again, and that is the Northwest.

Where is the Northwest?

There is a distant place worth visiting again and again, that is the Northwest

Northwest, probably at the top left of the map of China.

(should be there)

Northwest is the intersection of some provinces and some provinces.

(Piece together can say it)

Northwest is a collection of plateaus, basins and corridors.

(a vague feeling)

Northwest is a poem I recited when I was a child,

The place where the road trips you grew up craving lie.

(sometimes clear and sometimes distant)

There is a distant place worth visiting again and again, that is the Northwest

There is a distant place worth visiting again and again, that is the Northwest

There is a distant place worth visiting again and again, that is the Northwest

There is a distant place worth visiting again and again, that is the Northwest

What is there in the Northwest?

barren, lonely, free, open

monotonous color, rich color

road, desert, starry sky, lake

childhood stories

The trip I longed for when I grew up

Or the ballads that grow out of the Book of Poetry

It seems that the Northwest has

There’s nowhere like the Northwest

captivating us again and again

every year


There is a distant place worth visiting again and again, that is the Northwest

There is a distant place worth visiting again and again, that is the Northwest

In the northwest, there is barrenness. is lonely

At the end of loneliness, I will think of those warm people and fragments

in normal life

High-rise buildings and people coming and going

loneliness is fake

Waiting to go to the vastness of the Northwest

After driving for hundreds of kilometers, I don’t see a single person

The picture is still, the color is still, and the thoughts are still

empty space


Gives you no direction and possible barrenness

loneliness comes out

How long have you stayed in that solitude

time and space are broken

Those warm people and fragments in the past have been brought out

There is a distant place worth visiting again and again, that is the Northwest

There is a distant place worth visiting again and again, that is the Northwest

There is a distant place worth visiting again and again, that is the Northwest

There is a distant place worth visiting again and again, that is the Northwest

In the northwest, there is openness. is free

Free to the end, will forgive the repetition of the 9 to 5 routine in daily life.

“When you are crowded in the crowd waiting for the train on the subway line 1

I am collecting the last sliver of sunset in the northwest desert, and the sky is full of stars on the way back.”

Words like this have been around for a while

Express the difference in life status through the comparison of two extreme situations

to express the beauty of freedom

In fact, 9 to 5 is also beautiful, and it is necessary

But repetition does make people tired sometimes

No one can avoid repetition in daily life

But can “neutralize”

I can’t bear to squeeze the subway, let’s run out for a while

run into the vast world

clear your mind

Pick a star and put it in your eyes

In the future, if you are upset, the stars will come out naturally

shiny, bright

Bring you back to the vast world

In addition to the stars, there are sunsets and sunrises,

There’s also a pegasus and a rainbow


all in the northwest

There is a distant place worth visiting again and again, that is the Northwest

There is a distant place worth visiting again and again, that is the Northwest

There is a distant place worth visiting again and again, that is the Northwest

There is a distant place worth visiting again and again, that is the Northwest

Northwest, colored

It seems monotonous, but it is also rich in words

First feeling: what color is the Northwest? Yellow chant!

Yellow is not the same as yellow

Yellow, yellow to black, that’s Gobi

Yellow, golden yellow, that’s the desert

Yellow, grey-yellow, gray-yellow, that’s the soil slope

Yellow, it will flow, that is the Yellow River.

There is a distant place worth visiting again and again, that is the Northwest

There is a distant place worth visiting again and again, that is the Northwest

There is a distant place worth visiting again and again, that is the Northwest

There is a distant place worth visiting again and again, that is the Northwest

▲ Yadan in Qaidam, the desert in Badain Jaran, the gullies in the Loess Plateau and the Yellow River in Lanzhou

The Yellow River is yellow and blue

Green Northwest?

It is grassland, plain, and valley.

Grassland, the Qilian Mountains prairie.

Plain, Hetao Plain.

River Valley, Hehuang Valley.

Both are cyan.

There is a distant place worth visiting again and again, that is the Northwest

There is a distant place worth visiting again and again, that is the Northwest

There is a distant place worth visiting again and again, that is the Northwest

There is a distant place worth visiting again and again, that is the Northwest

▲Green grass in the hinterland of Qilian, sheep in the oasis of Badain Jaran Desert, Qinghai Lake and Riyue Mountain

red, yellow, black, purple

It’s Danxia

In Zhangye, Guide, and Sunan, there are

Zhangye is famous and colorful. Breathtaking.

Guide has a small reputation and pure color. Well worth the trip.

There is a distant place worth visiting again and again, that is the Northwest

There is a distant place worth visiting again and again, that is the Northwest

There is a distant place worth visiting again and again, that is the Northwest

▲Danxia in Zhangye, Guide and Qilian

blue white red yellow green

is a prayer flag

Ridges, passes, roads, temples

all colors

There is a distant place worth visiting again and again, that is the Northwest

There is a distant place worth visiting again and again, that is the Northwest

There is a distant place worth visiting again and again, that is the Northwest

There is a distant place worth visiting again and again, that is the Northwest

▲Prayer flags at the pass of Dadongshu Mountain, butter flowers in front of the hall, temples in Gannan, Ruyi Eight Pagodas in Kumbum Monastery

And snow.

Pure white snow. The whiteness of snow.

Qilian Mountain is covered with snow for most of the year

look from afar

“The snow that falls from the sky stays in the sky”

There is a distant place worth visiting again and again, that is the Northwest

There is a distant place worth visiting again and again, that is the Northwest

Northwest, there is a song

grow out of the ground

Come, listen to those songs about the Northwest

“The flowers in Pingchuan under Helan Mountain are falling and blooming again.

The wind blows, the leaves turn yellow, the leaves blow old, what a boy

I can’t see the end of this road, I can’t walk to the end

Listening to the wild goose singing and singing, I sang to the outside of Xiguan”

There is a distant place worth visiting again and again, that is the Northwest

There is a distant place worth visiting again and again, that is the Northwest

There is a distant place worth visiting again and again, that is the Northwest

listen to one more song

“The water of the Yellow River keeps flowing

Flowed past home, flowed past Lanzhou

relatives far away

Listen to me sing a Yellow River Ballad

the sun always goes on

Walked through home, walked through Lanzhou

The moon shines on the iron bridge

I will sing to the Yellow River”

There is a distant place worth visiting again and again, that is the Northwest

There is a distant place worth visiting again and again, that is the Northwest

How about it?

Isn’t it very simple?

Does it look like the Book of Songs?

In fact, the Book of Songs also grew out of the Northwest.

just two songs

The first one is “Under Helan Mountain”, from Su Yang

The second song is “Yellow River Ballad”, from the wild child version

Remember to listen to the Northwest

almost mean in town

But come back and listen to it later

still interesting

There is a distant place worth visiting again and again, that is the Northwest

There is a distant place worth visiting again and again, that is the Northwest

There are mountains in the northwest

The mountain is in the sky, the mountain is at the foot

mountain at the foot

Because there was originally a plateau

high altitude

For no reason, it has entered more than 1,000 meters, more than 2,000 meters, and more than 3,000 meters from the sun

The air is good and the sun is strong

Far from the ocean, the air is still dry

so comfortable in summer

There is a distant place worth visiting again and again, that is the Northwest

There is a distant place worth visiting again and again, that is the Northwest

mountain in the sky

No matter how high the altitude is, you can still see the mountains when you look up.

The mountain grows out of the ground, looking up at the sky

people are small

standing at the foot of the mountain

looking at the top of the mountain

I can’t do anything but feel

There is a distant place worth visiting again and again, that is the Northwest

There are mountains in the northwest

There are all kinds of mountains

dry, hairless

green snow mountain

ever-changing colors

Countless grains of sand piled up

There is a distant place worth visiting again and again, that is the Northwest

There is a distant place worth visiting again and again, that is the Northwest

Northwest, there is a road

straight, meandering

Straight, is endless

The kind of “driving on the endless road”

The kind of “Yellow River far above the white clouds”

people on that road

It’s like losing your soul when it’s on

These words were written on the Northwest Highway:


The Gobi desert outside the car window

hasn’t changed for an hour

Sunshine at three noon

fifth day of travel

The mood sank”

There is a distant place worth visiting again and again, that is the Northwest

There is a distant place worth visiting again and again, that is the Northwest

“Why road trips are so attractive, I think it may have a magic power to prolong the time. Whether it is familiar or unfamiliar, a thing or a thought, it will always make you zoom in on it. The past Those people or things or songs, it turns out from the bottom of your heart; those you look forward to in the future, it keeps rolling in front of your eyes. It has such a magical power, you watch the road keep moving forward, and you watch the scenery change constantly , and you also watch yourself pause and sprint forward.

I don’t know whether those people who liked to travel far in ancient times were like this, let alone whether they planted such sensibility in our genes. I often feel that kind of loss of control when traveling on the road. I am taken to inexplicable distances by the road again and again . Those distant places may be the future or the past. The memory is no longer important. The important thing is that they travel through time and space so clearly. , as if a certain person, a certain event, a certain melody is infinitely lit, elongated, and extended at a certain point in time, at the end of the road…”

There is a distant place worth visiting again and again, that is the Northwest

There is a distant place worth visiting again and again, that is the Northwest

There is a distant place worth visiting again and again, that is the Northwest

There is a distant place worth visiting again and again, that is the Northwest

road and road are different

northwest road

sometimes desolate

between desolation and desolation there are villages

For example, in the Hexi Corridor

The village is an oasis

Oasis has groundwater

There is a distant place worth visiting again and again, that is the Northwest

There is a distant place worth visiting again and again, that is the Northwest

northwest road

circling from time to time

That’s turning the mountain

What is more powerful than the 18th bend of the mountain road is:

Turning and turning, the altitude is also climbing rapidly

It was hot just now

When we arrived at the pass, it suddenly rained and snowed


Prayer flags, Longda, cattle and sheep, worshipers

northwest road

just what you think

that’s right

There is a distant place worth visiting again and again, that is the Northwest

There is a distant place worth visiting again and again, that is the Northwest

In the northwest, there is the Gobi desert

a large group, a small group

As soon as the word Northwest is mentioned

everyone is like this

Northwest = empty


Empty and distant, sorrowful

Followed by stories, nostalgia, pictures

This is everyone’s Northwest feeling chain

“Lonely smoke in the desert”

“Why should the Qiang flute blame the willows?”

“Looking at the sword with the light on while drunk”

“Do not teach Huma to cross the Yin Mountain”

What is emptiness?

What is empty?

Gobi desert

There is a distant place worth visiting again and again, that is the Northwest


a small lump of a small lump

It can be seen that the yellow contrasts with other colors

called sand dunes

a large piece of a large piece

Can only see yellow, continuous to see no end

It’s called the desert

There is a distant place worth visiting again and again, that is the Northwest

There is a distant place worth visiting again and again, that is the Northwest


You have to mix it with an oasis to feel it

The Hexi Corridor has the most feeling

one river one city

one city one gate

After leaving the customs, it is the Gobi

After entering the customs, it is an oasis

There is a distant place worth visiting again and again, that is the Northwest

Empty, desert and Gobi

Lively, it is a village in the desert Gobi

Those poems and stories we learned when we were young

either empty

either lively

all there

in the northwest

There is a distant place worth visiting again and again, that is the Northwest

There is a distant place worth visiting again and again, that is the Northwest

In the northwest, there are snow-capped mountains and grasslands

one by one, continuous

In addition to being empty, it is magnificent

There is no lack of grandeur in the Northwest

because there are mountains


there are lonely

lying on the ground

There are also those who are against the sky

There is a distant place worth visiting again and again, that is the Northwest

There is a distant place worth visiting again and again, that is the Northwest

There is a distant place worth visiting again and again, that is the Northwest

The water flowing down from the mountains in the northwest

not a drop is wasted

such as Qilian Mountain

One mountain feeds four cities

Four cities connect into one corridor

The corridors are full of stories

are legends

There is a distant place worth visiting again and again, that is the Northwest

There is a distant place worth visiting again and again, that is the Northwest

Mountains and water

there is grassland

Cattle and sheep are fine

The best barbecue is in Jiayuguan

Northwest, there are delicious food.

Eat noodle?

What kind of noodles?

beef noodles? Hand-Pulled Noodle? saozi noodles? Dough?

How thick do you want?

There are seven kinds of thickness

Large width (two fingers wide)

Two width (one finger width)

Leek leaves (the width of a leek leaf)

Two thin (about four millimeters in diameter)

Three thin (about three millimeters in diameter)

Thin (pencil lead thickness)

Capillary (fine wire thickness)

How about it

take it

There is a distant place worth visiting again and again, that is the Northwest

There is a distant place worth visiting again and again, that is the Northwest

There is a distant place worth visiting again and again, that is the Northwest

and beef and mutton





all are delicious

There is a distant place worth visiting again and again, that is the Northwest

There is a distant place worth visiting again and again, that is the Northwest

Except noodles and beef and mutton

and fruit

delicious, not expensive

sweet and juicy

Going to the Northwest without drinking water

Eating fruit is cheaper than drinking water

There is a distant place worth visiting again and again, that is the Northwest

Northwest, with wine

The key is where to drink

Many people who like to travel like to have a drink or two

drink local beer

Wusu in Xinjiang, the Yellow River in Lanzhou, and the snowy night in Lijiang

Alcohol is not important

The important thing is where to drink and with whom

There is a distant place worth visiting again and again, that is the Northwest

There is a distant place worth visiting again and again, that is the Northwest

Hello Northwest

Can sit by the Yellow River

You can sit by the desert lake

You can sit in an isolated city of Wanren Mountain

You can sit in the solitary sunset in the Gobi desert

You can sit on the street where the sun hasn’t set at eight or nine o’clock

such a place

one person can

a group of people can also

It’s okay to watch a group of people drinking alone

It will be all right

to those places

open the wine


wait for the wine to turn you on

There is a distant place worth visiting again and again, that is the Northwest

Northwest has a story

What I knew as a child, what I want to know when I grow up

has happened, desired to happen

all in the northwest

silk road

road trip

Qilian Mountains

Great Tang Story of the Western Regions


The Book of Songs


action movie

There is a distant place worth visiting again and again, that is the Northwest

There is a distant place worth visiting again and again, that is the Northwest


snow mountain




beef and mutton




The sun sets at ninety o’clock

The shooting star that lights up the night in the morning

There are ravines on the high slope of the loess

Roads in the Qaidam Basin

jump up on the road

sing on the prairie

dare not speak in front of the snow mountain

Make yourself a bonfire in the desert

all there

all in the northwest

There is a distant place worth going again and again

that’s northwest

There is a distant place worth visiting again and again, that is the Northwest

There is a distant place worth visiting again and again, that is the Northwest

— END —