Things a salesman never says about an RV

Every year, the RV exhibition will attract a large number of RV enthusiasts to come to see and buy cars. However, although many novice players like RVs and love RV life, they don’t know much about RVs themselves. Today, Lao Bai will take you to know about the small secrets of the RV that the salesman is unwilling to tell you.

Things a salesman never says about an RV

1. Demand.

What you want is not what you need.

The salesperson will just follow you in order to close the purchase intention, and will not tell you that this is of no use to you. For example: you want to live in a bed for 6 people, but in fact you only want a two-person world. There are many such examples, such as kitchens, bathrooms and so on. Before buying a RV, don’t always think about traveling around the world, but also think about the trivial matters of daily necessities, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea. Calm down, you will know what you need.

Things a salesman never says about an RV

Second, the price.

Wumart is never cheap.

All kinds of low-priced models are suddenly popular in the RV show. That’s certainly a good thing, and there’s no better deal than a bargain. Of course, the lower the price, the more you need to keep your eyes open to figure out why the price is low? Is the configuration low, or the materials used are poor, or other reasons. As long as you can accept it, if you can’t accept it, resist the temptation.

Things a salesman never says about an RV

Three, configuration.

The right one is the best.

The configuration actually overlaps with the first two, but I still want to talk about it separately. The configuration includes from the chassis to the bodywork, from the outside of the car to the inside of the car, from what can be seen to what cannot be seen, many are very complicated. Please take your time and understand carefully. In particular, you must know that accessories also have brands, and brands often determine the quality.

Things a salesman never says about an RV

Fourth, the brand.

The brand is the soul of a car, but there are two RVs.

There are often two brands of RVs, the chassis of the RV and the top of the RV. For example, the new star Y600 RV, the chassis is IVECO” and the RV brand is “New Star”. But if it is a small RV brand, it will often say that it is “IVECO RV” to mislead you. But there are special cases, if SAIC Datong RV and Brilliance RV are modified RVs using their own sites, so the site and RVs are of the same brand.

Things a salesman never says about an RV

Five, after-sales.

The moment you get your car, the transaction has just begun.

Every time Lao Bai interviews with a RV brand, “after-sales” is a must-ask question. This also made many people reluctant to accept interviews with Lao Bai. After-sales service is a big problem, because small RV manufacturers often have extremely unsound after-sales services. Big manufacturers at least have someone to listen to when you want to swear.

Things a salesman never says about an RV