This country crushes Switzerland and becomes the happiest country in the world in 2019!

If practical factors are not considered,

Which country would you most like to live in?

This country crushes Switzerland and becomes the happiest country in the world in 2019!

According to Xiao U’s observation

Although these young people are very realistic

But every now and then I want to escape from my own life

If there is a chance to live in another place,

Have you figured out where to go?

The following small U will provide you with some of the best options in the world⬇️

The World Happiness Report, an unofficial organization affiliated to the United Nations, ranks 156 countries and regions every year based on factors such as life expectancy and social security, and selects the top list of the world’s happiest countries.

This year, the top spots on the list were all “occupied” by the Nordic countries, while China dropped from 86th last year to 93rd.

This country crushes Switzerland and becomes the happiest country in the world in 2019!

For the second year in a row, Finland was named the “happiest country in the world” with a happiness index of 7.769.

This country crushes Switzerland and becomes the happiest country in the world in 2019!

How happy are these countries at the top of the list? Let’s take a look~

8. New Zealand

New Zealand is a country with a political system that implements a constitutional monarchy mixed with a British-style parliamentary democracy, and it is also one of the most beautiful countries in the world.

This country crushes Switzerland and becomes the happiest country in the world in 2019!

In New Zealand, no point on the island is more than 128 kilometers from the sea, and it is home to a large number of unique penguins.

This country crushes Switzerland and becomes the happiest country in the world in 2019!

7. Sweden

The Kingdom of Sweden, referred to as Sweden, is one of the five Nordic countries and its capital is Stockholm.

This country crushes Switzerland and becomes the happiest country in the world in 2019!

Swedes often go hiking in forests and fields, pick blueberries, go swimming, boating and fishing in sea lakes. Sweden has become one of the most visited countries in the world.

This country crushes Switzerland and becomes the happiest country in the world in 2019!

6. Switzerland

There is a kind of encounter called seeing each other late, and Switzerland is such a place where you can miss a lifetime at first sight. This country, which has been rated as the most livable and the most suitable for retirement for many years, is like a long-lost utopia in the world.

This country crushes Switzerland and becomes the happiest country in the world in 2019!

In Switzerland, when you open the window, you will see a huge landscape oil painting outside the window. The purity of Switzerland is hidden in the city, in the streets and alleys, and even more in the mountains and rivers.

This country crushes Switzerland and becomes the happiest country in the world in 2019!

If you want to see glass-clear lake water, go to Lake Brienz. On sunny days, it looks like a piece of translucent emerald; on foggy and rainy days, the lake surface is vast and misty, just like a fairyland.

Of course, you can also take a walk in Interlaken, this paradise town inlaid between two lakes, shrouded in clouds and mist all year round, like a shy girl.

Here, being in a daze is a kind of enjoyment.

5. Netherlands

Living in the Netherlands, I can really feel that the leisurely scenery is not far from us…

This country crushes Switzerland and becomes the happiest country in the world in 2019!

Go to Keukenhof for flower viewing in spring, and the colorful tulips are guaranteed to dazzle you. In summer, drink with friends on the canals of Amsterdam…In autumn, pick up an autumn leaf in the golden forest of The Hague, and watch the storks fly freely. In winter, enjoy a delicious cup of mulled wine at the Dutch-sized Christmas market.

This country crushes Switzerland and becomes the happiest country in the world in 2019!

Only 0.5% of Dutch workers regularly work long hours. Overall, they work an average of 30.3 hours a week, far below the EU’s 40.3 hours a week. They spend about 16 hours a day eating, relaxing and spending time with their families.

Aside from statutory traditional holidays such as Christmas, New Year, and King’s Day, Dutch employees have at least 20 working days of statutory holidays each year (including weekends, which is basically equivalent to one month); some companies even have 25 to 30 days.

4. Iceland

Many people yearn for Iceland. Haruki Murakami once described it as: the end of the world and a cold wonderland. Its name always gives people an arrogant, cold and aloof temperament. Even the air reveals a faint mint and cold smell.

This country crushes Switzerland and becomes the happiest country in the world in 2019!

Iceland is very small, stepping on the Harker on the street, walking in any direction from the center of Reykjavik, you will reach the suburbs within ten minutes.

Jarke is the name given by the Icelanders to the ice on the road, which means flying ice. Ice can’t fly, but people can.

This country crushes Switzerland and becomes the happiest country in the world in 2019!

It can’t help but make people smile, Icelanders’ humor is full of optimism. It is conceivable that a group of imaginative optimists live on this small island with harsh natural conditions.

The gift of imagination can be traced back to our ancestors hundreds of years ago. Faced with the long cold and dark winter, the ancient Vikings created dwarves, elves, and other magical creatures that lived in places where no one had ever visited. This tradition has been passed down to the extreme by Viking descendants in modern times.

3. Norway

Since the first release of the report in 2012, Norway has maintained a good score in the “Top 5 happiest countries in the world”.

This country crushes Switzerland and becomes the happiest country in the world in 2019!

An important reason why Norwegians are so happy is the beautiful scenery.

It is naturally appropriate to describe Norway with the phrase “endowed by nature”! The “midnight sun” in summer dyes the sky with brilliant colors;

This country crushes Switzerland and becomes the happiest country in the world in 2019!

The aurora in winter gives spirituality to the sky. Whether it is the scenic fjords, crystal clear lakes, snow-capped snowfields or mountains, the natural scenery of Norway will surely conquer you deeply.

When I think of such beautiful scenery all year round, I am so happy that I can’t stop it!

2. Denmark

Denmark, an almost perfect country, there seems to be no poor people in this country, and there is little to support and old people to depend on.

This country crushes Switzerland and becomes the happiest country in the world in 2019!

Denmark is also very rich in tourism resources. When traveling in Denmark, you must not miss the capital Copenhagen, where you can see the perfect fusion of classical and modern.

This country crushes Switzerland and becomes the happiest country in the world in 2019!

Kronborg Castle is located near the city of Helsingoer in Denmark and is a world famous cultural heritage. Shakespeare’s classic “Hamlet” was created on this background.

This country crushes Switzerland and becomes the happiest country in the world in 2019!

The bronze statue of the Little Mermaid, a landmark building in Denmark, is also not to be missed. It symbolizes beauty and steadfastness to love, and highly restores the image of the “mermaid” written by Andersen. 

1. Finland

Finland, a small Nordic country that has just been independent for 102 years, has a population of only 5.5 million, but it is the happiest country in the world.

This country crushes Switzerland and becomes the happiest country in the world in 2019!

Although Finland is the only republic among the five Nordic countries, it has the characteristics of Nordic countries: equality, integrity, freedom, and law-abiding, all of which make the people living in Finland feel proud and happy. At the same time, high wages, high benefits, and free schooling also added points to Finland’s victory.

This country crushes Switzerland and becomes the happiest country in the world in 2019!

Whenever Finland is mentioned, it seems as if a vast expanse of light blue opens up in front of your eyes.

This country under the Arctic Circle brings endless surprises to every traveler with its diverse life experiences.

This country crushes Switzerland and becomes the happiest country in the world in 2019!

There are aurora, Santa Claus Village, snow-covered snow and Arctic Circle cuisine. Here, people’s life is very close to nature, just like walking out of a Grimm’s fairy tale.

Regardless of practical factors, which country would you most like to live in?