This couple of photographers modified a van to travel around China in 9 months, so cool! admire!

This couple of photographers modified a van to travel around China in 9 months, so cool! admire!

Gao Zhen and Tingting are a couple born in 1989,

Since 2017, they have brought a dog,

It took 9 months and traveled 45,000 kilometers,

With a caravan converted from a broken van,

Crossed half of China.

It turns out that life can still have such a possibility.

This couple of photographers modified a van to travel around China in 9 months, so cool! admire!

▲ Their footprints

This couple of photographers modified a van to travel around China in 9 months, so cool! admire!

This couple of photographers modified a van to travel around China in 9 months, so cool! admire!

▲ In Qinghai Lake

This couple of photographers modified a van to travel around China in 9 months, so cool! admire!

▲ In no man’s land in Hami

9 months ago, they were also office workers from 9 to 5,

Living a two-point and one-line life in Guangzhou.

One for photography and one for video.

Day after day of commercial shooting,

It makes them both feel tired and uninterested.

This couple of photographers modified a van to travel around China in 9 months, so cool! admire!

▲ Their shooting tools

The only way to “supplement life energy”,

It is to travel and breathe during the pitifully few vacations.

But what about after the trip?

Had to keep going with the flow…

This couple of photographers modified a van to travel around China in 9 months, so cool! admire!

After a boring job,

The two had a bold idea:

It’s better to take a complete rest for a year,

Traveling across China to shoot subjects that I really like,

escape from the city and the house,

Experience the RV life thoroughly!

Just do it!

First, find a car.

That’s right, it is the domestic Southeast brand!

This couple of photographers modified a van to travel around China in 9 months, so cool! admire!

▲ The car looks like this

Measure the size by yourself, draw the design drawing,

RV remodeling begins.

This couple of photographers modified a van to travel around China in 9 months, so cool! admire!

This couple of photographers modified a van to travel around China in 9 months, so cool! admire!

▲ After the rear seat is removed

There is about 4 square meters of space in the car

This couple of photographers modified a van to travel around China in 9 months, so cool! admire!

This couple of photographers modified a van to travel around China in 9 months, so cool! admire!

▲ Install sound insulation and heat insulation board

This couple of photographers modified a van to travel around China in 9 months, so cool! admire!

This couple of photographers modified a van to travel around China in 9 months, so cool! admire!

This couple of photographers modified a van to travel around China in 9 months, so cool! admire!

▲ Install the floor, storage space, circuit waterway

This couple of photographers modified a van to travel around China in 9 months, so cool! admire!

This couple of photographers modified a van to travel around China in 9 months, so cool! admire!

▲ Build a kitchen + bedroom + workbench

This couple of photographers modified a van to travel around China in 9 months, so cool! admire!

▲ Repainting, full of literary style

This couple of photographers modified a van to travel around China in 9 months, so cool! admire!

▲ Put on MT tires that are more suitable for mountain climbing

This couple of photographers modified a van to travel around China in 9 months, so cool! admire!

▲ The small space of 4㎡ is extraordinarily warm,

A “home” full of life has appeared.

Three months of RV remodeling, you’re done!

This couple of photographers modified a van to travel around China in 9 months, so cool! admire!

▲ The remodeled RV is at Erhai Lake

At the beginning of 2017, after celebrating the Spring Festival in Gao Zhen’s hometown Qiqihar,

The two headed north all the way, crossing the Greater and Lesser Khingan Mountains,

Arrived at the northernmost point of the Chinese border.

This couple of photographers modified a van to travel around China in 9 months, so cool! admire!

Along the way, they climbed mountains and ridges,

This is not only a complete slapstick,

It is still a challenge to the unknown again and again,

and the baptism of life.

When they were in Guangxi, they climbed to the top of the mountain for two consecutive days,

Just to capture the most beautiful moments.

This couple of photographers modified a van to travel around China in 9 months, so cool! admire!

▲ Capture the most beautiful mountains in the old cottage

On the most beautiful Duku Highway,

They drove into the Kuqa Grand Canyon,

Camp World Devil City,

Be neighbors with camels on the Gobi.

This couple of photographers modified a van to travel around China in 9 months, so cool! admire!

This couple of photographers modified a van to travel around China in 9 months, so cool! admire!

They came to the Tagong Grassland in western Sichuan,

I found that when I slowed down,

The unknown beauty is all around us…

This couple of photographers modified a van to travel around China in 9 months, so cool! admire!

▲ In Tagong Grassland in West Sichuan

In order to photograph Yala Snow Mountain,

They camped at the foot of the mountain and waited for two days,

Also broke a camera.

However, when I really saw the snow-capped mountains,

They feel that all the sacrifices are worthwhile.

This couple of photographers modified a van to travel around China in 9 months, so cool! admire!

▲ In Yala Snow Mountain

During the journey, they also made many new partners.

One of them went on the road with the two of them.

It is a stray dog ​​encountered on the Sino-Mongolian border,

Dogs are like a gift from God,

Hence its name: the sun.

This couple of photographers modified a van to travel around China in 9 months, so cool! admire!

▲ Enjoy the afternoon with the sun

This couple of photographers modified a van to travel around China in 9 months, so cool! admire!

▲ At Wuming Buddhist College

In addition to the partner of the same industry, the sun,

There are also friends from ethnic minorities.

In a small village on the China-Pakistan border,

A vast expanse of snow,

A little Tajik girl invited them to snowball together.

This couple of photographers modified a van to travel around China in 9 months, so cool! admire!

▲ Clothes are dirty, but the heart is very pure

This couple of photographers modified a van to travel around China in 9 months, so cool! admire!

▲ Practitioners of Yaqing Temple

This couple of photographers modified a van to travel around China in 9 months, so cool! admire!

▲ Tibetan children and marmots

More often,

They are still walking on the road,

To experience more beautiful scenery.

This couple of photographers modified a van to travel around China in 9 months, so cool! admire!

▲ In Lhasa

This couple of photographers modified a van to travel around China in 9 months, so cool! admire!

▲ On the way from Litang to Daocheng Yading

This couple of photographers modified a van to travel around China in 9 months, so cool! admire!

▲ In Guangxi

This couple of photographers modified a van to travel around China in 9 months, so cool! admire!

▲ Resting on the Sichuan-Tibet Line

Traveling completely changed the lives of two people,

But those who are by their side,

Always three meals a day,

And their cars and dogs.

This couple of photographers modified a van to travel around China in 9 months, so cool! admire!

This couple of photographers modified a van to travel around China in 9 months, so cool! admire!

Someone asked them: Why do you find such a beautiful place every time? Tingting said:

“I have been driving Minivan on the road for nine months. When we first started, we didn’t know where to park? Where is the safest place to park? In reality, the road is often tortuous and full of thorns. How to overcome difficulties? What to chase Is the answer in the heart? This may be the reason why we are so trapped in this way of life.

This couple of photographers modified a van to travel around China in 9 months, so cool! admire!

▲ Light a bonfire under the starry sky and enjoy life quietly

They say travel is also life: “A day in the RV life, when the sun sets, you will find: your shoes are covered with sand, your hair is dry and knotted, but seeing the beautiful scenery and delicious food at this moment, what else is there in this world? Unsolvable problem?!”

This couple of photographers modified a van to travel around China in 9 months, so cool! admire!

▲ Watch the sunrise and sunset at the highest point of Devil City

While envious of them, some people wondered: “How do you support yourself?” Gao Zhen and Tingting’s answer was also very simple:

“In this new era of the Internet, you can work anytime, anywhere – freelance outdoor photographer, online media brand consultant, travel blogger… as long as you open your mind, you can easily find a way!”

The one-year planned itinerary is coming to an end, and they are still on the road… The latest update of the two of them went to Hainan Island.

This couple of photographers modified a van to travel around China in 9 months, so cool! admire!

▲ Sunshine, beach, waves, coconut trees and their “home”