Those magnificent mountains and rivers are the journey of Escape to hone himself

9,634,057 square kilometers, of which there are 9,634,057 square kilometers of scenery. China, with its vast land, abundant resources and distinct seasons, has bred too many majestic and majestic scenes of mountains and rivers. For example, the northern Tibetan plateau has spectacular and vast scenery, with an average altitude of more than 5,000 meters. The climate is cold, the air is thin, and it is deserted. It is called “the forbidden zone of life” by the outside world. Another example is Lop Nur in Xinjiang, which has charming and magnificent scenery and is known as the “Earth of the Earth”. However, it is located in an arid area, and the climate is extremely dry and hot. The temperature in the no-man’s land is relatively high, and the surface temperature can approach 70°. Often, the more beautiful the scenery and the harsh environment, the more it can stimulate the desire to conquer nature, and the more it can test the overall performance of a car.

Those magnificent mountains and rivers are the journey of Escape to hone himself

Therefore, many automobile manufacturers will choose to test the overall performance of the vehicle in extreme environments. By verifying the “three high tests” of the vehicle in high temperature, plateau, and high cold environments, test whether the various performance indicators in the vehicle meet the design status and use conditions. Demand, so as to determine the quality status and adaptability of the vehicle under extreme conditions, and timely rectify the product through control system calibration, data collection and in-depth analysis to ensure the best and reliable quality of the vehicle. Recently, the upcoming new Ford Escape has also undergone rigorous tests in extreme environments such as high temperature and high altitude.

Those magnificent mountains and rivers are the journey of Escape to hone himself

Galloping the “flaming mountain” to withstand the test of extreme heat

Turpan, known as the “hot place”, has a large Gobi desert, high temperature and little rain, large temperature difference between day and night, and the amount of solar heat radiation ranks first in the country. The highest temperature reaches 49.6°C, and the surface temperature can reach 89°C. The number of days that exceed 35°C reaches about 100 days. The new Ford Escape completed the extreme heat test in such a high temperature environment with an average of more than 40 degrees.

Those magnificent mountains and rivers are the journey of Escape to hone himself

The high temperature test of the new Ford Escape mainly includes engine calibration test, air conditioning system test and so on. In the cold start test of the engine calibration test, the new Escape can meet and exceed the strict test standards every time tested, maintaining the average cold start time of about 0.5 to 0.6 seconds.

Those magnificent mountains and rivers are the journey of Escape to hone himself

The air-conditioning system test is also an important item of the high-temperature test. According to the test standard, the vehicle needs to be exposed to the sun at the time when the temperature is the highest in Turpan before the test, and the temperature inside the car reaches 60°C. 5 minutes, in order to achieve a relatively hot somatosensory experience. However, the air-conditioning system of the new Escape is not greatly affected by the extreme high temperature environment. It can make the cabin and passengers reach a comfortable state within 5 minutes, and the temperature can be cooled quickly and stably. In fact, the hot weather in Turpan and the sandy and hilly roads are not only a test for the new Escape, but also sharpen the willpower of the test engineer team. Performance SUV.

Those magnificent mountains and rivers are the journey of Escape to hone himself

Crossing the continuous plateau without fear of high altitude test

Kangding County, Sichuan Province, the plateau test site of the new Ford Escape, is located in the transition zone between the mountains on the western edge of the Sichuan Basin and the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Due to the altitude difference, the air pressure is poor, the oxygen content is low, and the air is getting thinner and other extremely harsh climate environments. So in the face of such a harsh environment of high altitude and low air pressure, what kind of temper will the new Ford Escape go through?

Those magnificent mountains and rivers are the journey of Escape to hone himself

Plateau test items include engine cold start, electrical equipment operation, and vehicle driving quality. During the cold start test, in order to allow the vehicle to be tested in a harsh environment as much as possible, the test staff will drive along the rugged mountain road to the test vehicle parking point every morning, and collect data from the test vehicle that has stayed here for one night. , and start the vehicle when the temperature is as low as possible. Judging from the test results, despite facing the harsh environment of high altitude and low temperature, the performance of the new Ford Escape in the plateau test is still very good.

Those magnificent mountains and rivers are the journey of Escape to hone himself

An important reason for choosing Kangding for the plateau test is that there are continuous winding roads here. As the altitude continues to climb, the air becomes thinner and thinner. The power of the engine and the amount of fuel injection will directly affect the driving experience of the vehicle. Driving on mountain roads with the process of altitude climbing and descending can test the vehicle’s passability, acceleration smoothness, noise and other performances. Taken together, the performance of the new Ford Escape is particularly outstanding in terms of engine. In addition, the steering of the vehicle also shows excellent sensitivity, precision, handling and stability when driving.

Those magnificent mountains and rivers are the journey of Escape to hone himself

With the end of the high temperature and plateau tests, the new Ford Escape has proved its excellent high temperature resistance and high altitude performance time and time again, but the journey of the new Ford Escape to sharpen itself is not over, and the high cold test will be carried out next. Withstood the extreme cold test of more than minus 50 degrees. The harsher the use environment, the more reliable the quality of a car can be tested; the more time and energy are invested in various tests in the early stage, the more you can see the intentions of a product, I believe The all-new Ford Escape, honed by the “three high tests”, will bring more surprises.