Those Things in the RV——Winter

There is no autumn in Beijing, people living in Beijing say so. With only three weeks to go from late summer to early winter, such a rush leaves no time to prepare. Experienced RV players have already shown their abilities to prepare for the winter of the RV, while the new RV players are a little at a loss. Today, I will talk to you about those things about the RV for the winter.

How to survive the winter in the RV is a very important issue. If it is not handled properly, various problems such as water leakage and power shortage will occur the next time you use the RV. The editor summarizes three methods here for your reference.

Those Things in the RV——Winter

Method 1: Archive

Because many RVs are not suitable for use in winter in the north, it is a good choice to seal up the RV and wait for the spring to continue to use it. The storage steps are as follows:

1. Take out the perishable items in the refrigerator and storage compartment, cover the bedding and clothes with a dust cloth, and properly place dehumidification and insect-proof camphor balls and other items in the corners.

2. Park the body to a horizontal position, and then drain water from water systems such as clean water tanks, water heaters, faucets, toilets, hot and cold pipelines, water pumps, drainage pipelines, black water, and gray water. (Consult the dealer for the specific drainage method according to the different models) It should be noted that many RVs need to use the air pump to complete the drainage. If conditions permit, you can go to the dealer to complete the drainage work.

Those Things in the RV——Winter

3. Turn off the power, water, gas and other switches. Disconnect the negative pole of the living battery, and if possible, take out the battery and store it separately. Lubricate hinges such as doors and pedals.

4. Close the windows, curtains, and exhaust fans in the car, and choose a leeward and shady place for parking as much as possible. If you plan to cover the car, you need to wash the outside of the car thoroughly to prevent small stones from scratching the body.

Those Things in the RV——Winter

5. Start the RV for about 5-10 minutes every 10-15 days to charge the battery and avoid oil precipitation and bearing lubrication precipitation. Of course, you can directly disconnect the negative pole of the ignition battery and reconnect it when using it. (This article can be ignored for towed RVs)

Method Two: Heating

The editor has learned that many RV players have specially prepared RV garages for RVs, and are equipped with heating equipment in the garages. In this way, it is only necessary to park the RV in the garage and turn on the heating function of the garage when winter comes. This method can be described as waiting for work at leisure, but the cost after one winter is really not low.

Method 3: Migration

Spending the winter in the south has become the choice of more and more RV players to spend the winter, especially in Guangxi, Yunnan, Hainan and other regions where it is like spring all year round. Due to the mild climate in these areas, there is no need to worry about many problems caused by the winter of the RV. However, although the south does not have to worry about many problems caused by the cold, players in the north need to pay attention to the problems of acclimatization in life after arriving in the south.

Those Things in the RV——Winter


The above is the winterization plan for the RV summarized by the editor, especially the third method that the editor has been fascinated by for a long time. In the above, the editor has always avoided talking about the specific drainage method of the RV, because the design of each RV is also slightly different in the way of drainage. There are clear instructions in the RV manual that comes with the car, and the editor will not replace it here It’s gone.

As for which method to choose in the end, it depends on the specific situation. Here we need to remind players who plan to use the RV in winter to pay attention to the problem of antifreeze in winter. Don’t think that if the caravan has heating, you don’t have to consider the antifreeze problem of the waterway. In regions such as Northeast China, Inner Mongolia, and Xinjiang, the winter temperature can often reach below -20°C. The heat is lost, and the pipeline is easy to freeze. It should also be noted that diesel engine RVs are prone to failure to start at low temperatures, which needs to be prevented in advance.