Three high-energy tips to help you prevent the risk of the epidemic

After experiencing the longest Spring Festival holiday, many working people will soon usher in the peak of returning to work. However, due to the severe situation of the pneumonia epidemic, many people avoid public transportation and choose the safer way of returning by self-driving. epidemic. When the severe epidemic situation meets the return trip during the Spring Festival, how to prevent the virus attack on the way to travel, the Tiggo 5x HERO high-energy version brings you high-energy tips to help you ensure the greatest possibility of worry-free return.

Pre-departure inspection: Disinfection inside the car and vehicle condition inspection are indispensable

This time when returning home to work, most office workers need to face long-distance self-driving. Before going out, they need to have a full physical examination for their car, so as to avoid minor problems on the road as much as possible. Long-distance self-driving, the tires of the vehicle will inevitably experience the test of different road conditions. Abnormal tire pressure will cause hidden dangers such as tire blowouts and other high-speed vehicles. Because of this, real-time monitoring of tire pressure changes is also an essential item to prevent danger.

Three high-energy tips to help you prevent the risk of the epidemic

In addition to the tire condition inspection, the fuel level of the vehicle also needs to be paid attention to in advance. The high-speed service area is often full of vehicles during the Spring Festival travel season, and it is even more difficult to refuel during the peak period of the return journey. Please drive and refuel before travel to ensure sufficient fuel during self-driving. Or avoid staying time in crowded places with people and vehicles. If the road is long and the road is long, avoiding large service areas is also an important step in itinerary planning.

Three high-energy tips to help you prevent the risk of the epidemic

This time, in the face of the peak return journey, in addition to the regular vehicle condition inspection, the vehicle can also be equipped with disposable disinfectant. After returning to the vehicle from the service area and rest area, hand disinfection will be carried out as soon as possible. The area can also be wiped with chlorine-containing disinfectant and chlorine dioxide disinfectant wipes to prevent viruses from being invisible.

Prevention during travel: mask + ventilation to ensure the air circulation throughout the process

When going out, wearing a mask in public has become the consensus of everyone. As masks are disposable consumables, it is recommended to keep multiple masks in the car and wear them continuously for 4 hours. After pollution or humidity, the masks need to be replaced. Wear masks in time at the epidemic monitoring points and gas stations and toll stations where there is a lot of contact with the staff.

Three high-energy tips to help you prevent the risk of the epidemic

In daily driving, the circulation of air is extremely critical. Although the internal circulation can block dirty gas, if the internal circulation is turned on for a long time, it will not only cause the growth of bacteria in the car, but also cause the lack of oxygen in the car, which will bring hidden dangers of fatigue driving. Therefore, when driving on an open road, you can properly open the windows for ventilation to maintain the air circulation in the car. After entering the city, you can consider turning on the internal circulation of the air conditioner to reduce the air exchange inside and outside the car as much as possible when passing in a residential area or business district with a relatively dense flow of people.

Post-trip review: full set of equipment checks to avoid residual infection

After arriving at the destination, you can put the shoes you wear outside the door, clean up the used masks, and quickly clean and disinfect the clothes worn on the return trip. If you live in a shared house, try to understand the travel situation and physical condition of your companions during the holidays. If you find that the other party has been to an area with a high incidence of the epidemic and is accompanied by symptoms such as fever and cough, you need to report it in time, and you must not conceal it or take chances. At the same time, take timely self-isolation measures and try to avoid going out during the observation period.

Three high-energy tips to help you prevent the risk of the epidemic

In addition to most people starting to return to work, some cities or communities have restricted the use of vehicles due to the epidemic. If the car is not used for a long time, the vehicle will face the risk of component aging, and the battery and tires are more prone to failure. At this time, it is necessary to start the vehicle on the spot for half an hour every week, and after starting, disconnect the positive and negative poles of the power supply. If possible It is also best to park the vehicle in a ventilated and dry basement or garage, and inflate the tire pressure to the maximum pressure marked on the vehicle in advance to avoid tire scrapping caused by insufficient air.

The above is the small knowledge of Tiggo 5x high-energy version compiled for you on the return trip during the Spring Festival. Tiggo 5x high-energy version is Chery Automobile’s brand-new “new trendy smart SUV”. The front McPherson rear multi-link suspension configuration and the C-ECAP ultra-environmentally friendly design low-VOC interior will help the co-workers return to work throughout the journey.