Thrilling moments Land Rover brothers love boundless

Not long ago, the Beijing Tiger Club encountered a dangerous situation on the way of self-driving through Laozhanggou Haohanpo in Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province. The president Zhang Xinyu rescued the danger with justice.

It is reported that when Haohan Slope crossed the middle section, a car broke down suddenly and rushed down the steep break quickly. Facing danger, Zhang Xinyu, president of the Beijing Tigers Club, came to the rescue wittyly at the critical moment, blocked the car with a car, and rescued all the people in the accident car.

According to the video record and the description of the owner of the accident, it is known that the broken surface becomes steeper on the downhill section, and there are more gravel on the road surface. The driver Zhang Xuezhi realized that the car was going too fast and wanted to step on the brakes and found that the brakes failed. At this time, the car driving in front of him was the car where President Zhang was. When the companions waiting at the foot of the mountain discovered this situation, they quickly informed Chairman Zhang through the mobile station, and wanted him to avoid the accident vehicle. However, when Chairman Zhang discovered that Xuezhi’s car was out of control, he did not choose to dodge to the side or quickly go downhill to avoid it, but slowed down and stopped on the slope. His approach made the crowd who were watching at that time exclaimed.

In the video, it can be seen that there was a thick puff of smoke immediately after the two cars collided, and many riders could be heard anxiously shouting and asking about the safety of the people in the car. It wasn’t until the smoke and dust cleared that everyone in the car came out safely that everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

In the interview, Chairman Zhang Xinyu said: “I didn’t think much about it at the time, but I thought that if I didn’t block it at that time, the consequences would be disastrous. Because the slope is very steep and deep. If he rushed down, this person might life would be in danger.”

From President Zhang’s words, we can know that the first thing he thinks of is his companions when he encounters danger. Such a quality and such great love are worth learning from, and we also praise President Zhang’s resourcefulness.

The riders in the accident car also said: “Between the thought of surviving and not surviving, fortunately, Brother Yu was there and really saved our lives.” The gratitude is beyond words.

Fortunately, the accident only caused damage to the vehicle, and no one on board was seriously injured.

In the end, the Land Rover Alliance pays the greatest respect to President Zhang Xinyu of the Beijing Tiger Club, and also reminds all car owners to thoroughly check the safety of their vehicles before going out for fun, and to be responsible for themselves and their lives.

Thrilling moments Land Rover brothers love boundless