Tibet: Where there is faith is heaven!


Where there is faith is heaven

that Tibet

Must be the closest to heaven

Tibet: Where there is faith is heaven!

Tibet: Where there is faith is heaven!

There’s a dazzling sun and a clear blue sky

There are flying prayer flags and praying prayer wheels

And the most devout believers and the purest smile

Tibet: Where there is faith is heaven!

Tibet: Where there is faith is heaven!

it’s a haunted place

Want to go to Nyainqentanglha Mountain

Look at the wind and frost of the millennium

I want to go to the Potala Palace

Touch the vicissitudes of the ancient wall

Tibet: Where there is faith is heaven!

I want to bathe in the bright sunshine

I want to see the quiet lake

I want to feel the simple folk customs

Tibet: Where there is faith is heaven!

go now

Together we will

go to tibet

Tibet: Where there is faith is heaven!

Tibet: Where there is faith is heaven!

There is a kind of blue called lake blue

blue sky, white clouds, snow mountains

With slices of clear blue lake water,

The warm sunshine shines down,

The years are quiet.

Tibet: Where there is faith is heaven!

The water of the lake is like blue ribbons that have just been pulled out of the dye vat;

It is also like a huge mirror with a face that can be seen from others,

Showing unpredictable scenery.

Tibet: Where there is faith is heaven!

The beauty of Namtso is pure,

She is like a naughty child,

The lake is as blue as a jewel,

but not calm,

There is wind blowing,

There were ripples.

Tibet: Where there is faith is heaven!

Tibet: Where there is faith is heaven!

if it is possible,

one person,

sitting by the lake,

basking in the sun,

Quietly in a daze.

Tibet: Where there is faith is heaven!

Tibet: Where there is faith is heaven!

There is a kind of white called Snow Mountain White

If faith has color,

I figured it would be white,

Because that is the color of the snow mountain,

is a sacred color.

Tibet: Where there is faith is heaven!

Tibet: Where there is faith is heaven!

The majestic and majestic snow-capped mountains pierced into the sky,

The lake below the mountain reflects the majestic snow-capped mountains,

A sense of sacredness arises spontaneously.

Tibet: Where there is faith is heaven!

Tibet: Where there is faith is heaven!

if it is possible,

I wish to be like Namtso,

Waiting for my Nyainqentanglha Mountain.

Tibet: Where there is faith is heaven!

Tibet: Where there is faith is heaven!

There is a kind of red called Tibetan red

Red walls, monk robes, plateau red on people’s faces…everywhere you go, you can see the red that belongs to the Tibetan people. Although it is not as gorgeous as Chinese red, it is more profound and heavy.

Tibet: Where there is faith is heaven!

Tibet: Where there is faith is heaven!

At the intersection of the street, there are many people coming and going. On the simple and dark face, there are two clusters of plateau red, and there are deep and shallow dimples.

Tibet: Where there is faith is heaven!

Tibet: Where there is faith is heaven!

Go here together to feel the peaceful, comfortable and quiet atmosphere. The red lamas and Tibetans walking by have smiles on their faces and whisper.

Tibet: Where there is faith is heaven!

There is a kind of comfort called Bajiao Street

Go to that Bajiao Street for a walk,

Look at the people who turn the scriptures along the way,

Needless to say,

I feel holy.

Tibet: Where there is faith is heaven!

Tibet: Where there is faith is heaven!

it’s here,

You can walk clockwise around Bajiao Street;

or here,

Lazily basking in the sun, drinking sweet tea;

Or just sit on the side of the road,

Close your eyes and feel the sun.

Tibet: Where there is faith is heaven!

Tibet: Where there is faith is heaven!

I really want to take a walk on Bajiao Street in a warm afternoon.

Tibet: Where there is faith is heaven!

Tibet: Where there is faith is heaven!

There is a sacred, called the Potala Palace

How many times have I approached in my dreams, this plateau temple closest to the sky is a holy place for pilgrims, and countless believers are worshiping devoutly.

Tibet: Where there is faith is heaven!

Tibet: Where there is faith is heaven!

With an awe-inspiring heart, perform a soul baptism in a holy atmosphere, and pray devoutly in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss.

Tibet: Where there is faith is heaven!

Tibet: Where there is faith is heaven!

Walk into the Cloth Palace and pray devoutly to all believers.

Tibet: Where there is faith is heaven!

Tibet: Where there is faith is heaven!

There is a kind of devotion called pilgrimage

that year,

I bowed my head and crawled on the mountain road,

not for audience,

Just to cling to your warmth.

Tibet: Where there is faith is heaven!

Tibet: Where there is faith is heaven!

The lamas in red walking around the corner, the Tibetans kowtow to pray for blessings, and the soul-stirring form of pilgrimage, what kind of piety should this be, so that people can measure the length of faith with their bodies, three steps and one worship.

Tibet: Where there is faith is heaven!

Tibet: Where there is faith is heaven!

Visit the holy places where believers worship and feel their piety.

Tibet: Where there is faith is heaven!

Tibet: Where there is faith is heaven!


Only been to Tibet

will understand

This has never been a place to hide from the world

but destination

Tibet: Where there is faith is heaven!

Tibet: Where there is faith is heaven!

Tsangyang Gyatso once said:

that day

I closed my eyes in the incense mist of the scripture hall,

Suddenly heard, you recite the mantra in the scriptures;

that month

I turn all the prayer wheels,

Not for extension, just for touching your fingertips;

that year,

I bowed my head and crawled on the mountain road,

Not for the audience, just for your warmth;

that life,

Turning mountains and rivers and pagodas,

Not to cultivate the afterlife, but to meet you on the way.