Tired of staying at home? Yanfeng mask + Roewe health cabin work together to help you travel healthily!

Yanfeng health mask rolled off the production line, Roewe actively purifies the health cabin, and SAIC Roewe MG helps healthy travel!

With the resumption of work and production in large areas across the country, masks have become an increasingly scarce necessity. In order to reduce the burden on public resources and leave important protective resources to users who need them most, Yanfeng, the world’s leading automotive cockpit technology company, urgently installed and debugged mask production equipment, and successfully rolled off the first batch of trial-produced Yanfeng on February 26. Health masks meet the epidemic prevention needs of SAIC employees at home and abroad. As the factory enters mass production, the daily production capacity of Yanfeng masks will reach 10,000, which will help relieve the pressure on social anti-epidemic supplies.

Tired of staying at home? Yanfeng mask + Roewe health cabin work together to help you travel healthily!

In addition to the rigid demand for epidemic prevention materials, travel health has also received widespread attention. To this end, SAIC Roewe has created an active purification health cabin to protect the health of users in an all-round way. Specifically, Roewe’s active purification health cabin can provide users with three layers of health protection: the first layer is actively isolated and anti-virus, and Roewe’s mainstream models on sale are equipped with PM2. Up to 95%, combined with the UVC optical anti-virus system of the car air conditioner, anti-virus special skills give further protection. The second floor is active in-cabin purification. All Roewe main-selling models are equipped with PM2.5 independent air purifiers. Users can also choose after-sales 360° fumigation and sterilization services, car fresh air systems and other high-quality accessories and services to further improve the anti-epidemic ability. The third layer of active fabric is sterilized. Roewe is currently stepping up the research and development of nano-fabrics that can inhibit and sterilize bacteria, which will be applied to the seats and ceilings of key models in the future to improve vehicle immunity. It is worth mentioning that among the electric vehicles, the Duracell Roewe Ei5 has become the first vehicle equipped with a deep ultraviolet “antivirus” air conditioner to help users improve the air quality in the cockpit. equipped.

Tired of staying at home? Yanfeng mask + Roewe health cabin work together to help you travel healthily!

In addition, SAIC Roewe also launched five online heart-warming services under the theme of “fighting the epidemic, Roewe people are in action”, 4-fold heart-warming anti-epidemic guarantee, 4-fold heart-warming service, warm loan, quick home repair service, extension A series of caring measures such as the warranty period provide users with reassuring and convenient services for car viewing, car selection, car use, and after-sales during the epidemic. Taking the four heart-warming services as an example, Roewe considerately provides users with four major services: online car selection, telephone consultation, zero-contact car booking, and one-stop online finance. Users can complete the entire car purchase process at home, “0 contact” to become a car owner.

Following closely the anti-epidemic process, SAIC Roewe will continue to fulfill its social responsibilities, take practical actions to participate in the national war against the epidemic, give full play to its own business system and technical advantages, coordinate various resources, and actively carry out epidemic prevention and control work, so as to win the epidemic prevention and control as soon as possible Contribute to the blocking war.