To fight the “epidemic” of the whole people, you need this hardcore car interior air purification system!

At the beginning of the new year in 2020, the outbreak of the “new crown” has undoubtedly become the biggest “episode” of the Spring Festival, and private car travel has become the consensus of people’s epidemic prevention. However, pollution, pollen, droplets, odors, and other factors also plague the air quality in the car. SAIC Volkswagen’s intelligent air purification technology can purify the air in the car in an all-round way, and hard-core guards healthy travel.

The high-efficiency filter element creates a car purifier, which can effectively capture virus droplet nuclei and isolate PM2.5 and other harmful substances

The diameter of the virus of the genus Coronavirus is about 80nm~120nm, and it is generally transmitted by droplets. Most of the droplets are large enough to settle to the ground, while the small droplets are quickly dried and the remaining proteins and pathogens form the droplet nuclei. That is to say, the main component of the droplet nucleus is biological particles, whose diameter is very small, usually between 0.5 microns and 5 microns, and can be suspended in the air for a long time.

The filter element of the air conditioning system is the core of air purification. All SAIC Volkswagen models use new high-performance air-conditioning filters. The filter element is a multi-layer composite filter material as a whole, which adopts the same filtration mechanism as the medical mask material. The filter material is composed of a pre-filter layer of the spunbond process and an ultra-fine fiber layer of the melt-blown process, plus an efficient and stable electrostatic filter. The electret process ensures that the static electricity on the air conditioning filter element will last for a long time, and the charge density is extremely high, ensuring the effect and persistence of static electricity to capture fine particles.

The ultra-fine fiber layer and electrostatic electret process used in this high-performance air-conditioning filter element of SAIC Volkswagen are the double guarantee for the effective capture of ultra-fine particle droplet nuclei. For the droplet nuclei of 0.5 micron to 5 micron particles, its filtration efficiency can reach more than 95%, which is 20%~25% higher than ordinary filter elements, so as to ensure that the virus can be isolated no matter in the fresh air mode or the return air mode in the car out and maintain excellent air quality in the passenger compartment. Not only that, it can effectively fight against fine particles with a diameter of 2.5 microns or less (PM2.5) for a long time, with a filtration efficiency of more than 99%, and its anti-smog ability should not be underestimated.

To fight the

Hardcore epidemic prevention, please accept these tips for in-car protection

Tip 1 : Clean Air PM2.5 optimal solution for internal and external circulation of the air-conditioning system

SAIC Volkswagen’s new Clean Air air purification control algorithm takes into account various indicators such as air quality inside the car, air-conditioning comfort, and driving safety, and achieves the optimal balance of the entire system. It can intelligently optimize the duration and air volume of the vehicle’s fresh air exchange to ensure that the CO2 concentration in the vehicle does not exceed the standard, realize the natural and fresh air in the vehicle, and provide a clean and healthy cockpit space for drivers and passengers.

To fight the

Tip 2 : Replace air conditioner filters frequently

The air conditioner filter element is the protective umbrella for the air in the car, and it is also an important part of the epidemic prevention in the car. The high-performance filter element of SAIC Volkswagen is recommended to be replaced every 10,000 kilometers or one year. If the owner is not at ease under the epidemic environment, he can also replace it at 5,000 kilometers in advance.

To fight the

Tip 3 : Disinfection in the car must be kept in mind

During a long journey, exposure to pollution and germs is inevitable. Regular disinfection in the car is essential for epidemic prevention. Prepare masks, gloves, watering cans, buckets and clean towels, and then use 84 disinfectant or chlorine-containing disinfectant to dilute according to a certain ratio, and wipe the entire interior of the car once. After all the work is completed, open the window for about 30 minutes to ventilate and you’re done.

Write at the end:

In order to allow car owners to have a clean air environment in the car, SAIC Volkswagen has launched the air quality purification strategy in the car as early as 2015, and has continuously optimized and improved it. In the future, as the level of intelligence continues to deepen, this system will continue to evolve to bring consumers a comfortable and safe car life.