Together through thick and thin, along the way

30, this is an ordinary number, but it has a different meaning to me, because this number represents my age.

On my birthday, I rejected my friends’ proposal to find a place to have fun, and just wanted to drive my Xiaomu to find a quiet place where no one was around.

As I grow older, I like to be alone more and more.

Every day when I get home from get off work, I will sit in the car for a while and finish listening to the songs I haven’t listened to, or just sit quietly for a while.

I know there are too many roles to play to open the car door.

Together through thick and thin, along the way

Together through thick and thin, along the way

In front of parents, they are filial children, in front of leaders, they are capable subordinates, in front of lovers and children, they can be relied on.

But among so many roles, I am the only one missing. That’s why I don’t want to get off the car downstairs when I get home.

Opening the car door, the world is full of people who need my care. Only sitting in Xiaomaki’s large seat can give me a little comfort, and only holding the steering wheel can make me feel at ease.

Together through thick and thin, along the way

Although the adult world is constantly compromising, I still haven’t given up half a point when it comes to buying a car, and I’m even demanding.

A good car interior design will really affect people’s mood. An unsuitable car is like a pair of uncomfortable shoes.

Together through thick and thin, along the way
Recalling the first time I saw mu-X Shepherd Ranger, it was indeed the kind of heart-pounding feeling. The sharp eagle-style front face made me feel full of fighting sense. It is definitely a car that a man should drive.

The best state of Together through thick and thin, along the way
when two people are together is to start with appearance, get trapped in talent, and be loyal to character.

I believe the same is true for a car.

At first glance, the appearance meets your own aesthetic requirements.

In-depth understanding of workmanship, quality, technology, and a trustworthy brand.

Together through thick and thin, along the way
Together through thick and thin, along the way
The humanized central control layout keeps everything in order. The wrapped seat and ergonomic design are equipped with adjustable lumbar support as standard, making us enjoy every minute in the car .

Together through thick and thin, along the way
high-steel body, non-load-bearing chassis, and 1.9T diesel engine with a powerful torque of 360 twist meters, combined with the Aisin 6-speed automatic manual transmission imported from Japan, make mountain crossings a breeze. Walk on flat ground.

Together through thick and thin, along the way
‘s 9 major mute technologies allow us to have a place to listen to our inner voice in this noisy society.

Turn on the sound system, and the music tuned by the YAMAHA sound system will come to your ears, as if you are in the sea of ​​bamboo and send the sound of every bamboo leaf to your ears.

Together through thick and thin, along the way
It doesn’t matter where you go, what matters is who you go with.

This is the reason why I choose mu-X Ranger. How about you?

Together through thick and thin, along the way

It’s not too early to post just right, I want to say goodbye to everyone, and I also want to say goodbye to my 29-year-old.

I believe that in the days to come, with the company of my family, lover, children and Xiaomu, my journey will be smoother and smoother.

Like in the song “The Catcher in the Rye”: We walked through the streets and alleys until it was golden.