[Topic] How do people in the industry view the siege of the RV industry

Those inside the city wanted to escape, and those outside the city wanted to rush in. At present, the domestic RV industry seems to be under siege. We interviewed several industry veterans, Liao Hongbin, Chairman of Aiwei International RV Co., Ltd., Zhang Bin, General Manager of Shanghai Shunlv RV Co., Ltd., Chery River Special Vehicle RV Co., Ltd. Guan Jingzhao, marketing director, and Yin Yu, co-founder of Speed ​​RV and founder of Yoohoo RV Travel Club, listen to their views on this.

[Topic] How do people in the industry view the siege of the RV industry

1. What was your original intention or opportunity to enter the RV industry? What is the difference between entering this industry and what you have learned before?

Liao Hongbin: The original intention of entering this industry is to inject new vitality into China’s outdoor camping industry, so that people have more leisure and entertainment choices. Of course, after actually engaging in this industry, there are indeed some gaps between what I imagined. I originally thought that this industry would develop rapidly and prosper, but judging from the current situation, it still needs a long process of understanding, because after all, this kind of RV Camping culture has a history of hundreds of years in Europe and America, but it has just started in China.

Zhang Bin: I joined the RV industry in 2006. At that time, I was faced with finding a job just after graduation. I chose the automotive industry among many industries, and then selected the modified car in the automotive industry. Before entering the industry, I always thought that RVs were high-end products. It is a product of the real upper-class people. Working in the RV industry means driving a RV to travel around, making money and enjoying life at the same time. However, after entering the industry, I realized that the RV is also a product that ordinary people can afford and enjoy.

Guan Jingzhao: At that time, I was actually looking for a job, and I was more interested in cars. Before entering the RV company, I went to an auto show, and there were RVs at the show. Later, by chance, I applied for a RV company, and I have been doing it for more than ten years.

For me, there is no gap, because when I first entered this industry, there were only two or three domestic RV companies, but now there are two to three hundred, an increase of hundreds of times. The sales volume of RV has also increased from zero to tens of thousands of units per year. It can be said that an industry has grown from scratch. I have also witnessed the leapfrog development of the RV industry.

Yin Yu: The first time I came into contact with the RV industry was in 2008, because the factory partner had been renting RVs for a period of time. At that time, the customers were mainly B-end customers such as film crews or work units. At that time, everyone thought that the RV project was good, so they hit it off and planned to build a RV with more technical RVs, which later became the Speed ​​RV.

It has been nearly ten years since the start-up of Speed ​​RV, and there will be a certain gap between the heart and the market. But the market is moving forward, especially in recent years, everyone is no stranger to the word “RV”, and the future market will be even better.

[Topic] How do people in the industry view the siege of the RV industry

2. What do you think is the most difficult thing about doing RV business in China?

Liao Hongbin: The most difficult thing about this industry is that the market environment and national policies have not yet achieved a sufficient and relatively relaxed environment, and relevant laws and regulations have not yet been perfected. This is a dilemma for the entire industry at present. This requires the country to introduce relevant policies to guide.

Zhang Bin: I think the most difficult thing about domestic RVs is that the current industry standards are low, the market is chaotic, service awareness is poor, organizations are complicated, the country does not pay enough attention to the RV industry, and the promotion of RV tourism is too slow. At the same time, there is also a lack of professional RV knowledge training institutions in the industry, resulting in many problems affecting the development of the RV industry from the production status to the sales status and even to the driving status.

Guan Jingzhao: The most difficult thing is to educate the market, almost starting from zero, discovering and cultivating customers. Although the income of some people in China has reached the level of discretionary control, but because they don’t know about RVs, they don’t know that there is such a way to play, so informing users of this new product and new way of playing, and letting them accept it, is actually is a particularly difficult process.

Yin Yu: I think the most difficult thing in the domestic RV field is to insist on yourself. Due to the constraints of the market and the influence of the general environment, the original intentions of many people in the RV industry have changed a lot. For the speed RV, it is more about the pursuit of craftsmanship, and how to do better in production and R&D, but this is too neglecting the market. In the future, we should work more on the market.

[Topic] How do people in the industry view the siege of the RV industry

3. What is the biggest harvest brought to you by the RV industry?

Liao Hongbin: When it comes to the biggest gain, I think we have fully realized that the market prospect is still broad, and there is a large profit margin, or we still need some time to explore it step by step.

Zhang Bin: The greatest achievement brought to us by the RV industry is the resources of riders from all walks of life. I am very pleased to be able to move forward with a group of friends who are silently striving for the RV industry.

Guan Jingzhao: The biggest harvest is actually people. The people I met in the RV industry, whether they were peers or customers, they were all excellent. Especially the RV customers are a relatively successful group of people. Dealing with them every day can broaden their thinking, broaden their horizons, improve their knowledge level, and improve themselves.

Yin Yu: The biggest achievement brought to me by the RV industry is that I have the opportunity to step into the early development stage of a certain industry. I think this is a big achievement for me. Because the initial stage of the industry is actually a big challenge for practitioners, or it can be considered to be a big risk. But on the other hand, risks and future benefits coexist, and I think this is a good thing. It is also something to be proud of being able to become a group of people who ate crabs in the early days.

[Topic] How do people in the industry view the siege of the RV industry

4. What advice do you have for those who want to enter the RV industry?

Liao Hongbin: When you enter this industry, don’t dream of making a fortune and earning a certain amount of profit. You must have a little perseverance and patience, settle down with your heart, and spend time working hard. Only in this way can you truly understand this industry and step into it. this industry.

Zhang Bin: Those who want to enter the RV industry, especially those who are in the manufacturing industry, should understand clearly that they must be able to endure loneliness and afford time to engage in RV production. For friends who want to enter the RV sales industry, my suggestion is to treat RV sales as a career, not for short-term profits.

Guan Jingzhao: It is the right choice to first enter this industry. Judging from the current level of my country’s GDP development, more people will enjoy the product of RV soon. As a sunrise industry, there are many opportunities, but beginners should not rush for quick success, but lay a solid foundation to become an expert and an expert. As long as you work hard, you will have a good future and benefits.

Yin Yu: For investors who want to enter the RV industry, I dare not say that I have any suggestions, but for every start-up, everyone should enter the industry with a good attitude. Secondly, they must hold A good goal to do things with. In this market, don’t think about everything, do everything, and think strategically. Grasp a certain market, and then expand slowly after it is done well. The development of the market must have a gradual process.