Travel is not the cure, but it is an aspirin

Are you feeling extremely tired from work?

Is life feeling boring and boring?

Do you want to escape from the trivialities of chicken feathers all over the place?

which moment

you suddenly don’t want to think about everything

What about traveling with a backpack?

Travel is not the cure, but it is an aspirin

you leave the city you’ve been in

And imagine coming back with sunshine one day?

in fact

Things are still waiting for you when you come back from the trip

life is still plain

can’t escape the problem

can’t change life

Travel is not the cure, but it is an aspirin

 So why bother traveling?


Travel is not a cure for the world

but it’s an aspirin

Although I can’t cure the poison of life

But the bitterness of life can be overcome

Travel is not the cure, but it is an aspirin

if you are tired

then go on a trip

If you are tired, go to Hulunbuir

The wilderness becomes colorful when the spring breeze blows

It’s like a dream, it’s not a fairyland, it’s better than a fairyland

Travel is not the cure, but it is an aspirin

If you are tired, go to Danba

nowhere anymore

to be like it, clean and pure

Travel is not the cure, but it is an aspirin

If you are tired, go to Sanya

Let the gentle sea breeze brush your face

Let the soft sand reach your ankles

Travel is not the cure, but it is an aspirin

If you are tired, go to Qingdao

Take a walk on the beach

looking at the vast sea

There is naturally more peace in my heart

Travel is not the cure, but it is an aspirin

If you are tired, go to Gannan

Magnificent and magnificent scenery

may not be able to shake your heart

where there is a soul

to be truly refreshing

Travel is not the cure, but it is an aspirin

If you are tired, go to Chengdu

It’s like a soft sofa

The hasty steps can’t help but slow down here

Can’t help but fall into the embrace of the gentle country

Travel is not the cure, but it is an aspirin

If you are tired, go to Gulangyu Island

The most suitable thing for the island is to wander around at will

Look at the old houses and eat real local snacks

Strolling along the secluded path, everything is simple and natural

No need for excessive words and decorations

Travel is not the cure, but it is an aspirin

If you are tired, go to Tibet

You may be nostalgic for the warm sunshine in winter in Lhasa Square

Persisting in the desolation and magnificence of Ali in autumn

Listen to the Sanskrit sounds from the temple

No matter what you do, it always has a scenery that can impress you

Travel is not the cure, but it is an aspirin

If you are tired, go to Sertar

Lamas and nuns in red robes come and go

There is a peaceful atmosphere in the air

What I’m looking for is inner peace

Travel is not the cure, but it is an aspirin

If you are tired, go to Kanas

Here the magnificent glaciers reflect the tranquil lake

The vast grassland contains the deep virgin forest

Mysterious lake monsters, ancient Tuva people

The changing lake water and dazzling scenery are all fascinating

Travel is not the cure, but it is an aspirin

If you are tired, go to Xiapu

if stay here all day

even a whole year

What you see every day is different

It can always bring you infinite surprises

Travel is not the cure, but it is an aspirin

If you are tired, go to Lujiang Village

With the majesty and magnificence of the northern mountains and rivers

There is also the beauty and freshness of the southern landscape

Get away from the city and return to nature

Travel is not the cure, but it is an aspirin

If you are tired, go to Chaka Salt Lake

Walking on the lake is like entering the world of salt

Watch the spectacular scene of spraying water and spitting salt when the salt dredging ship is mining salt

Admire the gorgeous pictures of sunrise and sunset in Salt Lake

Travel is not the cure, but it is an aspirin

If you are tired, go to Hoh Xil

You must be as devout as a pilgrim

Talk to the grass and trees here

Only in the sound of strong heartbeat on the plateau

Feel the sanctity and tenacity of the snowy land

Travel is not the cure, but it is an aspirin

If you are tired, go to Hukou Waterfall

Huge waves, after the formed drop pours into the bottom of the valley

Arouse clouds of mist and mist, suddenly feel the insignificance of human beings

Travel is not the cure, but it is an aspirin

If you are tired, go to Zhangjiajie

The strange peaks are steep and steep, in various poses and with different expressions

Either a solitary peak stands alone, or a group of peaks depend on each other

The brave can also challenge the glass plank road

Travel is not the cure, but it is an aspirin

If you are tired, go to Wuzhen

There are not too many people, but there are too many stories

Walking here, as if walking into a distant dream

Travel is not the cure, but it is an aspirin

If you are tired, go to Wuyuan

morning scent

Floating out from the quiet and far-reaching alleys

The unique aroma is refreshing

Travel is not the cure, but it is an aspirin

If you are tired, go to Qinghai Lake

Rent a bike and cycle around the lake

Forget all the noise and worries

Let the beauty in front of you cleanse your heart

Travel is not the cure, but it is an aspirin

If you are tired, go to Fenghuang Ancient City

The wet wind blows by the river

Towers on stilts hanging over the river

The lights in the building are bright or dark

From a distance, it looks like an ink painting

Travel is not the cure, but it is an aspirin

If you are tired, go to Dunhuang

The long-standing Mogao Grottoes, the wonderful Crescent Lake and Mingsha Mountain

And the incomplete Yumen Pass

Telling about the vicissitudes of history and beautiful legends of Dunhuang

Travel is not the cure, but it is an aspirin

If you are tired, go to Zhangye

See the Danxia landform at sunrise or sunset

brilliant colors

It’s like entering a colorful dream world

Travel is not the cure, but it is an aspirin

If you are tired, go to Yuanyang Rice Terraces

The sunrise and sunset of Yuanyang Rice Terraces are beautiful

The fairyland created by the sea of ​​clouds is even more addictive

Travel is not the cure, but it is an aspirin

If you are tired, go to Huashan

All the troubles are at the moment when you reach the top of the mountain

will be forgiven

Travel is not the cure, but it is an aspirin

If you are tired, go to Xuexiang

Simple Xuexiang people hang red lanterns in their homes

The white snow as white as jade is illuminated by the red lanterns

Like the white clouds in the sky falling into the world, the illusion is endless

Travel is not the cure, but it is an aspirin

There are many reasons to stay where you are

But we always have a firm reason to start

after seeing the outside world

you will know

I’m just a frog in the world’s well

There are so many better ways to live

we never knew

So after seeing the world

We are looking for the best kind in ordinary life

Source of text and pictures Travel the world for dreams