Traveling in spring, has your caravan been checked?

Winter goes to spring, and the heart that has been lonely for a winter begins to stir again. Have you already started packing your bags and getting ready to go—take a lover, drive a car, and lead a pet dog for a trip around the world. Is the RV that has just ended hibernation ready to go on the road at any time? If the RV is still in a “drowsy” state, then do a medical examination as soon as possible.

Traveling in spring, has your caravan been checked?

Vehicle Condition Check

The caravan has been placed for a winter and needs to be carefully inspected when it is reused. For self-propelled RVs, the inspection of the core components of the vehicle is the most important thing. This part includes the whole vehicle oil, engine, brakes, lights and many other items. If conditions permit, the 4S shop of the vehicle brand can be used for inspection. The trailer-type caravan is relatively simple. It mainly detects the connecting wiring harness, exterior lights, batteries, chassis, etc., and can be tested by itself. Special attention should be paid to the need to have a certain amount of patience when testing the battery, because batteries that have not been used for a long time are prone to various problems.

Traveling in spring, has your caravan been checked?

circuit detection

The circuit of the RV is divided into three parts: 220V, 12V and driving lines. Although the driving line is also 12V, it is not a system with the 12V in the car. It mainly controls the brakes and driving lights, which have been tested at the beginning. The detection of the 220V line is actually very simple, just connect the external power supply and observe whether the electrical appliances are normal. 12V needs to be tested once when the 220V power supply is turned on and when there is no external power supply, to ensure that the 12V electrical appliances, inverters, and chargers can work normally. The same as the vehicle condition detection, the focus is on the battery, because the battery of the RV and the battery used for driving are usually separated, even for self-propelled RVs.

Traveling in spring, has your caravan been checked?

Waterway detection

The waterway system of the RV is the most troublesome problem for new players who are new to the RV. If you are not careful in winter, various problems will appear in spring. Water tanks, water pipes, water pumps, water heaters, and showers are all worry-free. Check carefully. If there is a problem and needs to be repaired, it should be noted that the accessories of the water system generally have high requirements, and the price will naturally not be very low. Don’t suffer losses because of greed for cheap.

Traveling in spring, has your caravan been checked?

Gas path detection

The gas tank is usually placed in a storage compartment with forced ventilation or directly outside the car body. Although this ensures safety, it also makes the gas system more vulnerable to corrosion and damage, so it is necessary to check the safety of the gas system of. When testing the gas equipment in the car, don’t just turn on the fire and finish it in a hurry. For example, the water heater should be heated until the hot water can be used before the test is completed. In addition, when testing the safety of the gas system, don’t forget to check whether the gas alarm and fire extinguisher are effective at the same time.

Traveling in spring, has your caravan been checked?

Body Inspection

Body inspection should be the easiest of these, just take a bath for the RV. While taking a bath, pay attention to check whether the body has scratches, bubbling, whether the doors and windows are tightly sealed, etc. The thing to watch out for here is the aging of the sealants, especially the roof.

Traveling in spring, has your caravan been checked?

other tests

After a lot of busy work inside and out, the caravan has finally been inspected, and the documents and spare tools can be checked again before it can go on the road. Check whether the driving book, insurance and other documents of the vehicle are within the validity period, and don’t forget to bring them with you. After all, the RV is still very popular when you go out. In addition, it is best to print out the relevant legal provisions for trailer-type RVs and carry them with you. After all, trailer-type RVs are still relatively rare, so you must be prepared for legal lectures at any time.

Traveling in spring, has your caravan been checked?

Summary: After a careful physical examination, the RV has completely woken up from hibernation. Then feed and drink the RV (fill up with oil and clean water), load the already packed luggage into the RV, and don’t forget to bring your lovely pets. Now go on the road with a heart that can’t wait, pay attention to safety on the road, and have a smooth journey! Remember to send me a postcard to the most beautiful distant place.