Traveling through Inner Mongolia slowly – Touching surprises along the way (3)

When it comes to where to live, everyone has their own place. We live in the green standard room in the photo, and the kids live in the adjoining space pod on the west side. The two children were too excited to allow me to enter. One day, he took advantage of his unpreparedness to steal the key card and slipped in. Sure enough, he had his own cozy and secret world. No wonder the son said he slept well, and the sun couldn’t even shine on his buttocks!

As for diet, the meat, milk, and pasta of grassland people do have natural flavors.

Traveling through Inner Mongolia slowly - Touching surprises along the way (3)

Traveling through Inner Mongolia slowly - Touching surprises along the way (3)

The children’s two-person space capsule, they say it is spacious, comfortable and fun.

Traveling through Inner Mongolia slowly - Touching surprises along the way (3)

Hold the meat in your hand, hold the knife, hold the meat, and eat with “hands”.

Traveling through Inner Mongolia slowly - Touching surprises along the way (3)

It was raining on the first day, it was cold, and I was hungry, so I ate three cages of Mongolian dumplings.

Traveling through Inner Mongolia slowly - Touching surprises along the way (3)

After eating, there is oil floating in the bowl! The aroma of the gravy can be seen from the source.

Traveling through Inner Mongolia slowly - Touching surprises along the way (3)

Traveling through Inner Mongolia slowly - Touching surprises along the way (3)

Traveling through Inner Mongolia slowly - Touching surprises along the way (3)

This is called Juke Stir Fried Rice, and it tastes strange. Later, I went to the herdsmen’s house and ate it again, only to realize that it is an expensive food for grassland people to entertain guests!

When we need to go deep into Inner Mongolia, we will inevitably pass through Baochang Town. This prairie town with a combination of farming and animal husbandry has a population of 200,000. There are many vacant new buildings in the new area. The old street is full of life, full of shops, and some traces of the old era can be found. There are not many people and cars showing the momentum of bustling.

There are many Shangmeng restaurants in the town, and the meat and sea meat are all sold at the counter. The taste is good, but I always feel that it is not as good as the food in the pastoral area.

Traveling through Inner Mongolia slowly - Touching surprises along the way (3)

Traveling through Inner Mongolia slowly - Touching surprises along the way (3)

Traveling through Inner Mongolia slowly - Touching surprises along the way (3)

In the old street, everything is piled up on the side of the road for sale, showing a particularly lively atmosphere.

Traveling through Inner Mongolia slowly - Touching surprises along the way (3)

Where we order a la carte, here is pointing at the meat at the counter.

Traveling through Inner Mongolia slowly - Touching surprises along the way (3)

Going to the yellow flag is where the excitement comes from. That day, I talked with the owner of Yuanshang Rainbow, and I really wanted to experience the real life of a shepherd. It happened that she was asking her friend in Wulan Muqi, Taipusi Banner, a Mongolian girl Wuyingga who married to the Yellow Banner, to help her make a Mongolian robe. Speaking of us, the other party warmly agreed for me to visit, because her home is deep in the ranch. The place.

Xianghuang Banner is located in the central part of Inner Mongolia, southwest of Xilin Gol League, on the edge of Hunshandake Sandy Land. Based on animal husbandry, it is a pure animal husbandry flag. Gongbaolage Sumu in Taipusi Banner, which is where I am about to leave, was once the seat of the Chahar League, and Xianghuang Banner is one of the Eight Chahar Banners.

From Taipusi Banner to Xianghuang Banner, you have to pass through Baiqi and other banner counties, nearly 300 kilometers, and they are basically provincial and county roads. We run to the shepherd’s house!

Traveling through Inner Mongolia slowly - Touching surprises along the way (3)

Exit the Taipusi Banner, head towards Xilinhot, and then go to the direction of Baiqi.

Traveling through Inner Mongolia slowly - Touching surprises along the way (3)

S222, the closer it is to the white flag and yellow flag, the terrain is flat and wide with less ups and downs.

Traveling through Inner Mongolia slowly - Touching surprises along the way (3)

Although it is a small road, the cameras are quite dense. The speed limit varies from 30, 60 to 80, 100. pay attention!

Traveling through Inner Mongolia slowly - Touching surprises along the way (3)

There are many small gas stations on the road, but there are not many gas stations with the prefix of the country, and you can fill up when you encounter them.

Traveling through Inner Mongolia slowly - Touching surprises along the way (3)

There are two toll booths in the whole journey, this is one of them, Ming Antu, 15 yuan.

Traveling through Inner Mongolia slowly - Touching surprises along the way (3)

The water pools on the side of the road, the traces of shrinking circles, the more you go to the yellow flag, the drier the grassland feels.

The road condition of S105 is good, and there is a toll booth, which is also the last one on the way, and it costs more than ten yuan. There are several flooded areas along the way. Lots of speed limits. Enter G511, the closer to Huangqi Road, the worse it is. go slowly. 289 kilometers, about three and a half hours.

Traveling through Inner Mongolia slowly - Touching surprises along the way (3)

Traveling through Inner Mongolia slowly - Touching surprises along the way (3)

The No. 7 toll booth reminds me of the No. 3 toll booth before arriving at Taipu Temple Banner Gongbao Lage. I don’t know if they are arranged in one go?

Traveling through Inner Mongolia slowly - Touching surprises along the way (3)

Traveling through Inner Mongolia slowly - Touching surprises along the way (3)

Inlaid yellow flag direction

Traveling through Inner Mongolia slowly - Touching surprises along the way (3)


Traveling through Inner Mongolia slowly - Touching surprises along the way (3)

border mark with yellow flag

After entering the yellow flag, head towards Xinbaolage, which is the banner town of Xianghuangqi. Uyinga was there waiting for us. The climate changed gradually along the way, and later I heard that the yellow flag has gold, and the yellow flag has oil, and they are all golden things. However, the herdsmen clearly felt that the pastures were becoming more and more dry year after year, that the ground had subsided after the gold and oil were exhausted, and that the environment had deteriorated. Although the natural environment does not seem to be as beautiful as Taipusi Banner, it goes deep into the hinterland of Inner Mongolia and is dominated by Mongolian herdsmen. The atmosphere is different from the lively Taipusi Banner. Our slow travel is approaching the discovery of another kind of real life.

Traveling through Inner Mongolia slowly - Touching surprises along the way (3)

Traveling through Inner Mongolia slowly - Touching surprises along the way (3)

The roadside scene is quite bleak

Traveling through Inner Mongolia slowly - Touching surprises along the way (3)

Hard obo on the stone hill by the roadside

Traveling through Inner Mongolia slowly - Touching surprises along the way (3)

S208 straight into the new Paulage

(to be continued)