Vision 丨 “Aerial Photography of China” Ganzi made a stunning appearance!

-This article is reproduced from the public account: Tibet Travel Online-

Vision 丨

Open aerial view

See China like never before

As China’s largest

Documentary with the most flight time

“Aerial China” Season 2 Sichuan Chapter

▲Aerial photography of Ganzi, Sichuan, China

“Aerial Photography of China” premiered in Sichuan

Overlooking the beautiful Sichuan, more than 40 scenic spots

Among them, Ganzi prefecture has 3 seats

Overlooking the Dege Sutra Printing House , Gongga Mountain , Daocheng Yading

Eye-catching every frame

Without further ado, let’s go take a look

Derge Printing House

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The Dege Sutra Printing House, built in 1729, is the largest Tibetan Sutra Printing House in China and is known as the “Encyclopedia of Tibetan Culture” .

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“Turn around mountains and rivers, turn around Buddhist pagodas, kowtow to embrace the dust”, believers here, holding prayer wheels, worship Buddha with devout faith.

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The engraving printing technique , which can be called a living fossil, is circulating in the courtyard , which is an immortal legend that has lasted for a hundred years.

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The maple tree is used as the printing plate, and the wild wolfbane is used as the raw material for papermaking, so that the scriptures will not be eaten by moths or bitten by rats, and will be immortal for thousands of years.

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Gongga Mountain

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Mount Gongga , 7556 meters above sea level , is the highest point of the Hengduan Mountains, so naturally he did not miss the opportunity to show his face this time.

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Known as the ” King of Shu Mountain ” , it overflows the screen with majesty and magnificence every minute, stunning you and me.

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Hailuogou No.1 Glacier

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There are 74 mature glaciers in Mount Gongga, among which the No. 1 glacier in Hailuogou is the lowest in Asia .

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Here, you can get close to modern glaciers and feel the uncanny craftsmanship of nature.

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Hailuogou Red Rock Beach

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Under the glacier is the largest red rock park in China – Hailuogou Red Rock Beach .

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The red stone beach formed by strange algae is bright red and dazzling under the sunlight.

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Daocheng Yading

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Daocheng Yading, the ” Soul of Shangri-La in China ” , has a magical power that attracts thousands of tourists.

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Zhuoma Lacuo

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Zhuoma Lacuo is a green emerald falling at the foot of Xiannairi Mountain, quietly beautiful in the forest.

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Chonggu Temple

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Chonggu Temple has an almost exaggeratedly blue sky in front of it, green and yellow grass in the background, and a holy and proud mountain in the back.

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Sanhu Lord Shenshan

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Daocheng Yading’s three guardian gods are independent of each other and closely adjacent to each other, guarding this paradise together.

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▲Xiannairi Mountain is 6,032 meters above sea level, and its peak is covered with snow all the year round, resembling Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva sitting proudly on a lotus seat.

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▲ Yangmai Yongshen Mountain , 5958 meters above sea level, stands proudly between the sky and the earth with its ice crystal and jade. The snow peak is like a sword in the hands of Manjusri Bodhisattva, pointing directly at the sky.

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▲Xianuoduoji Mountain is 5,958 meters above sea level. Its stern face is majestic and resolute, which fascinates people at a glance.

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saw such a beautiful view

I invite you to leave now

Come to Damei Ganzi to see the beautiful scenery

·  END  ·

Text source public number self- driving geography