Walk into the charming Wenchang and explore the Pika Village under the fishing village

Wenchang, also known as Zibei, not only has a long history of 2100 years and beautiful coastal scenery, but also the fourth aerospace city in China. History and technology are fused here, and culture and technology collide here, giving this pearl on the east coast a new vitality.

Walk into the charming Wenchang and explore the Pika Village under the fishing village

On December 28, 2019, on the occasion of the launch of the new Ruiqi 6 diesel national VI model, Zhengzhou Nissan “entered the pickup truck village and traced the happiness road” – China’s pickup truck village exploration tour came to Wenchang and walked into Wengtian Town, Wenchang , explore the Pika Village under the fishing village.

Walk into the charming Wenchang and explore the Pika Village under the fishing village

Wengtian Town is surrounded by the sea on both sides in the northeast, with a coastline of 38 kilometers and nearly 7 large and small ports. More than 60% of the town lives on fishing. During the exploration, we were pleasantly surprised that Zhengzhou Nissan’s pickup trucks also appeared in every household in the town.

Walk into the charming Wenchang and explore the Pika Village under the fishing village

Among them, 34-year-old Feng Suoxu is a typical representative. He is a loyal old car owner of Zhengzhou Nissan and has bought three Rich pickups.

Walk into the charming Wenchang and explore the Pika Village under the fishing village

Born by the sea, Feng Suoxu was in contact with the sea since he was a child. Feng Suoxu learned to fish by his ears and eyes. The fish that come and go in his hands every day are no less than 1,000 catties.

Walk into the charming Wenchang and explore the Pika Village under the fishing village

For fish selling, a good means of transport has become the key. In 2010, due to the expansion of business scale, Feng Suoxu bought the Zhengzhou Nissan Ruiqi pickup for the first time under the recommendation of his friends.

Walk into the charming Wenchang and explore the Pika Village under the fishing village

Walk into the charming Wenchang and explore the Pika Village under the fishing village

Since then, Zhengzhou Nissan Pickup has become his right-hand man in fish selling, loading and transporting fish, picking up goods at the pier, and delivering goods at street vendors. In him and his fish selling business, Rich has played an indispensable role. Strong power, low fuel consumption, durable leather, and most importantly, it can withstand the corrosion of seawater. This series of excellent qualities has been verified in Feng Suoxu’s 7-year 200,000-kilometer personal practice.

Walk into the charming Wenchang and explore the Pika Village under the fishing village

It is precisely because of this that Feng Suoxu became the best “spokesperson” for Zhengzhou Nissan pickups. When friends around him want to buy a car, the first thing he recommends is the Rich pickup.

Walk into the charming Wenchang and explore the Pika Village under the fishing village

Now 7 years have passed, and Feng Suoxu’s business is getting bigger and bigger. Due to business needs, he purchased two more Ruiqi pickups last year and became a diehard fan of Zhengzhou Nissan. Asked why he consistently chose Zhengzhou Nissan, he said, “There is no reason, just because people around use it. And the real knowledge comes from practice. Zhengzhou Nissan has never lost the chain in the past 8 years.”

Walk into the charming Wenchang and explore the Pika Village under the fishing village

“Believe in companionship and mutual achievement”, just like the corporate philosophy conveyed by Zhengzhou Nissan, car owners believe in product quality, so they choose to accompany each other all the way, and finally realize mutual achievement. With the strong support of Ruiqi pickup, Feng Suoxu made his fortune and started his own happy life.

Walk into the charming Wenchang and explore the Pika Village under the fishing village

Feng Suoxu, as one of the million car owners of Zhengzhou Nissan, has witnessed the achievements and brilliance of Zhengzhou Nissan pickup truck products. Up to now, Zhengzhou Nissan’s share in Hainan has reached 26%. Of course, Zhengzhou Nissan has also provided the greatest help and support for the development of the fishery business of users in Hainan by virtue of its solid and reliable product quality.

Walk into the charming Wenchang and explore the Pika Village under the fishing village

In 2019, Zhengzhou Nissan authorized 65 “pickup truck villages” across the country, with nearly 10,000 car owners. Their real car experience has proved that Zhengzhou Nissan has the most stable product reputation and is well-known in the domestic pickup truck industry. It can be said that “Pickup Village” is the benchmark of the quality and reputation of pickup products, the bridge and cornerstone of the relationship with car owners, and the reference and reference for more consumers to choose pickup trucks. This has become a position for the Rui Qi series of pickups . With the continuous upgrading of Zhengzhou Nissan’s pickup truck products, this hot spot will grow more and more, and bloom flowers of happiness.

Walk into the charming Wenchang and explore the Pika Village under the fishing village