Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (7)

D23 Kailash ~ Guge

    Because of bad knees, I didn’t dare to go around the mountain. I went to Serlong Temple, which is the closest to Gang Rinpoche, to feel the holy mountain up close.

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (7)

The red line is the outer circle of the mountain, and the blue line is the inner circle. The altitude of the outer circle is low, and the altitude of the inner circle is high, with an altitude difference of 500-800 meters.

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (7)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (7)

Serlong Temple is the closest temple to Mount Kailash. Serlong Temple presides over Qulang. He does not speak Chinese very well, so he can barely communicate.

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (7)

In the distance is Gang Rinpoche

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (7)

He also showed me the certificate of honor he had just obtained, as if he had rewarded him with a new mobile phone.

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (7)

It was still cloudy and foggy this morning, and it didn’t start to disperse until more than 11 o’clock.

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (7)

I will pile one up when the clouds clear.

If it weren’t for the severe knee pain, I would have walked to the foot of Mount Kailash.

From where I stand to the high hill in front, the distance is the same as my return to Serlong Temple, which is 3000 meters, leaving a pity.

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (7)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (7)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (7)

A close-up of Mount Kailash

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (7)

This mountain is also very stylish

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (7)

From where I stand, looking back at Serlong Temple

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (7)

On the plateau at an altitude of 5,300 meters, there are more animals and plants than we imagined.

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (7)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (7)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (7)

A fox was chasing a hare on the hillside.

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (7)

wild donkey

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (7)

wild goat

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (7)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (7)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (7)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (7)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (7)

Arrive at Zanda County Checkpoint

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (7)

Mountain road at an altitude of 5100 meters

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (7)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (7)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (7)

Walked to the Loess Plateau in a trance

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (7)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (7)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (7)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (7)

When I arrived at Guge County, because I wanted to take pictures of the sunset at the Guge ruins, I didn’t go to the county and drove directly to the ruins, but when I got to the ticket office, the gate was closed and no entry was allowed.

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (7)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (7)

The hotel I will stay in tonight is at the ticket office of the scenic spot, and it is not expensive, 280 yuan/day. It is said that the price is also the same in Zada ​​County. The key is to avoid running away, and the hotel also has a restaurant to eat.

From the Guge site, go to Zanda County for lunch. Then continue to Shiquan River.

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (7)

From Zanda County, the navigation guides Y709 in the north instead of X705 when you come. At that time, I looked at the map and I could get there, but I didn’t expect that the more I walked, the less people would be there.

In the end, I finally met a car and stopped it to ask if I could get to G219. The master said that now the road is being built, and I have to take X705 from Zanda County to get to G219.

This time I was stupid, I ran for more than 40 kilometers in vain, and the round trip was 90km and more than an hour wasted in vain.

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (7)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (7)

wrong way

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (7)

more and more nobody

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (7)

back on track

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (7)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (7)

I’m about to come down from the mountain

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (7)

Exit from X705 county road, turn left onto G219 national road, towards Shiquanhe.

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (7)

Twenty or thirty kilometers of straight roads, let’s play straight-line acceleration racing.

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (7)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (7)

Shiquanhe Checkpoint

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (7)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (7)

Shiquanhe Town

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (7)

The largest supermarket in Shiquanhe is indeed not small. I bought compressed biscuits, tea eggs, ham, drinks…

D25 Shiquan River~Sanli Barracks 700km

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (7)

Ran 689.7km, refueled 95.95L, average fuel consumption 13.91L/100km, 1.37 yuan/km.

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (7)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (7)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (7)

If you encounter a military vehicle on the road, stop and give way to wait

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (7)

Arrived at Jieshan Daban at 5:00 p.m., just in time for the sleet (it was ice particles), so I didn’t stay long because I was afraid that the snow would become bigger.

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (7)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (7)

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (7)

out of Tibet

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (7)

I’m still running fast, so I can only wait on the side of the road

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (7)

It’s still dark after 9 o’clock in the evening

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (7)

When I arrived at the Sanshili barracks checkpoint, this old volunteer soldier wanted to detain my binoculars, and finally made a fuss with his leader.

The leader is still competent and let it go, but it took a lot of time.

Walking alone in G219~ to see the long-awaited Gang Rinpoche (7)

We successfully arrived at the Sichuan Hotel in the Thirty Mile Barracks, which is also the home of the cross-country e family.

Because I came late, I asked all the hotels where I could live, but there were no rooms, so I had to spend the night in a temporarily converted room in a residential building.

(to be continued)