Walking travel | 20,000 steps a day, we chatted and recalled walking through Nanjing, Suzhou, Hangzhou…

A week away from home,

The number of WeChat exercise steps exceeds 20,000 steps almost every day,

This is for me who like to walk

It is a small case that is not worth mentioning.

But for me who usually travels by car

For those who are too lazy to exercise,

It almost turned into a devilish training schedule.

20,000 steps a day,

Either yelling about back pain or yelling about leg pain,

I stared straight at the side.

Finally, do not forget to add:

Friends, how about some kidney tonic?

This walking tour started quite by accident.

In the beginning, it was because I said that I still had a lot of ideas to go out and play,

The little friend said that he happened to have annual leave and didn’t have time to take it.

or together,

I thought about it, and there’s nothing wrong with it.

Next decide where to go.

The first choice is Taiwan, which I have always wanted to go to.

Because the little friend has no time to apply for a pass, pass.

The second choice is the best place to experience the extreme cold – Mohe,

But November doesn’t seem like the best time to go there yet,

In addition, there are too many warm clothes and items that need to be prepared,

It is a pity to abandon this route.

Finally, considering various factors,

A walking itinerary starting from Nanjing has been decided.

without detailed plans,

There is no clear purpose,

I just remembered where

Or see some interesting place on the Internet,

Where to go the next day.

Often leave at noon,

Or come back early to watch movies or K songs.

Because we are old friends who have known each other for many years,

Along the way, I always talk about people or things in the past,

Compared with looking at the scenery, it takes longer to talk about memories.

Looking at it this way, they were really two incompetent tourists.

As an incompetent tourist,

I can only reluctantly share this unreliable itinerary with you.

Although unreliable,

But there are always surprises.

First stop: Nanjing

Let’s talk about it first.

Before departure, I booked two rooms on Airbnb in advance,

It is a two-bedroom house.

The landlord lives in the master bedroom, and the second bedroom and attic are used to entertain guests.

The landlord is a middle-aged couple,

A pair of sons and daughters are studying and working in Germany.

There are books and family photos everywhere in the house.

The first impression is that it is a veritable family of intellectuals.

Living here generally feels good,

The landlord will leave breakfast on the table in the morning

(the couple both go to work early in the morning),

A note warmed our hearts.

Walking travel | 20,000 steps a day, we chatted and recalled walking through Nanjing, Suzhou, Hangzhou...

But there are also inconveniences,

For example, the house is on the 7th floor but there is no elevator.

For example, under the same roof as the landlord,

I don’t always feel so relaxed.

So the next itinerary,

We no longer live in Airbnb,

Instead, I chose a more convenient hotel.

On the day of arrival in Nanjing,

We went out after a short rest at the residence.

The landlord enthusiastically recommended several places,

And carefully draw the route on paper,

Although it is a bit unnecessary (after all, I use my mobile phone to navigate when I go out)

But I am still very grateful to the host for his kindness.

Here are a few places we visited in Nanjing:

1. Xuanwu Lake Park

When I was cycling on the street, I saw that Xuanwu Lake was nearby.

So he went.

I didn’t know much about it,

Just walked around the lake,

The lake is quite small and is said to be the largest royal garden lake in China.

It is also the only remaining Jiangnan royal garden in China.

and the largest urban park in the Jiangnan area,

Known as the “Pearl of Jinling”.

Walking travel | 20,000 steps a day, we chatted and recalled walking through Nanjing, Suzhou, Hangzhou...

Walking travel | 20,000 steps a day, we chatted and recalled walking through Nanjing, Suzhou, Hangzhou...

2. Pioneer Bookstore

In fact, we only went in for a few minutes,

People who come out to play will inevitably be impetuous,

So I took a cursory glance, took a photo and withdrew it.

Walking travel | 20,000 steps a day, we chatted and recalled walking through Nanjing, Suzhou, Hangzhou...

3. Confucius Temple Qinhuai River Scenic Area

When it’s getting dark,

Went to the famous Confucius Temple Qinhuai River Scenic Area,

Of course, eating is more important than shopping.

I’m talking about my buddy.

For a non-foodie like me who can’t tell the difference between good and bad,

It doesn’t matter what you eat or not,

It was flashed in the hands of children

Colorful light balloons attract attention.

Then there is my big friend

hand holding balloons with colorful lights

Walking on the street of the Confucius Temple, sitting on a cruise ship on the Qinhuai River,

Lose yourself in the memories of the past and the good feeling of that moment.

It’s a pity that within a few days, this Internet celebrity balloon that attracted me

Because of hurting people, he was disgusted by all kinds of people.

Walking travel | 20,000 steps a day, we chatted and recalled walking through Nanjing, Suzhou, Hangzhou...

Walking travel | 20,000 steps a day, we chatted and recalled walking through Nanjing, Suzhou, Hangzhou...

4. Niu Shou Mountain

The second day in Nanjing,

The little partner accepted the landlord’s suggestion very seriously,

I insisted on going to Niushou Mountain to see the underground palace where relics are stored,

Well, in fact, it is based on the original mine

The Buddha’s Palace is artificially built.

After walking around, the only impression I had was that there was a big smell of paint inside.

Choking makes people’s brain hurt.

Not recommended to go.

Walking travel | 20,000 steps a day, we chatted and recalled walking through Nanjing, Suzhou, Hangzhou...

Walking travel | 20,000 steps a day, we chatted and recalled walking through Nanjing, Suzhou, Hangzhou...

In the evening, I went to Nanjing Da Pai stalls,

A food place highly recommended by Dier, a foodie.

Pretending to be a foodie, I ordered some snacks.

The result is that the eyes are big and the stomach is small,

There is still a lot left after eating it.

In the end, I had to drag my little friend who was yelling for low back pain to walk on the road.

Walking travel | 20,000 steps a day, we chatted and recalled walking through Nanjing, Suzhou, Hangzhou...

trip to Nanjing,

Not too many memorable moments.

I have no liking or dislike for this city,

It’s just that it’s okay.

Compared with the following Suzhou and Hangzhou,

Less character.

Second stop: Suzhou

The first day in Suzhou,

We are in Luzhi Ancient Town.

It has been introduced before:

Walking trip | Luzhi Ancient Town: It is both a surprise and a pity, the water in my dream

The next morning I left Luzhi with regret,

Arrived in downtown Suzhou.

The hotel is near Guan (guàn) Front Street.

Guanqian Street is named for its location in front of Xuanmiaoguan.

It is a bustling commercial street,

Probably the same as Wangfujing Street in Beijing and Nanjing Road in Shanghai.

1. Humble Administrator’s Garden

Take a break at the hotel,

In the afternoon, I decided to visit the nearby Humble Administrator’s Garden.

walk all the way,

We noticed that there are almost no high-rise buildings on both sides of the road,

They are all low buildings or bungalows,

Perhaps because of the wide field of view,

without any cover,

My mood has also become more relaxed.

The Humble Administrator’s Garden is located in the northeast corner of Suzhou City.

The whole garden is centered on water, surrounded by mountains and rivers, with exquisite halls and pavilions, and lush flowers and trees.

It has strong characteristics of Jiangnan Han Water Town.

The garden is divided into east, middle and west parts.

The East Garden is open and sparse,

The Central Garden is the essence of the whole garden.

The buildings in the West Garden are exquisite and each has its own characteristics.

Walking travel | 20,000 steps a day, we chatted and recalled walking through Nanjing, Suzhou, Hangzhou...

Walking travel | 20,000 steps a day, we chatted and recalled walking through Nanjing, Suzhou, Hangzhou...

Walking travel | 20,000 steps a day, we chatted and recalled walking through Nanjing, Suzhou, Hangzhou...

There is a free explanation registration office at the entrance of the park.

There are several fixed departure times each day.

It is best to listen to the explanation while visiting this kind of park.

This way you won’t miss the essence.

Walking travel | 20,000 steps a day, we chatted and recalled walking through Nanjing, Suzhou, Hangzhou...

Walk around the whole park,

The biggest surprise is the ingenious borrowing of the Humble Administrator’s Garden.

From the east garden through the gate of the middle garden,

People just stand by the rainbow pavilion,

The tour guide will introduce the magic of the garden to borrow the scenery outside the garden.

The line of sight extends to the distance along the classical architectural flowers and trees,

Skimming the lotus pond and the curved bridge,

You can see most of the figure of an exquisite pagoda not far away,

It seems that this tower is also part of the park.

In fact, this is the North Temple Pagoda in Baoen Temple 1.5 kilometers outside the garden.

This pagoda built during the Three Kingdoms has a history of more than 1700 years.

The Humble Administrator’s Garden, which has a garden age of more than 500 years, borrowed this scene when it was built,

It not only cleverly makes up for the lack of private gardens that cannot build towers,

It also makes people feel that the garden landscape is more profound when looking west.

Walking travel | 20,000 steps a day, we chatted and recalled walking through Nanjing, Suzhou, Hangzhou...

This magical pen borrowing the scenery outside the garden,

It also answered the doubts we had along the way.

It turned out that in order to protect this scene,

Previous Suzhou municipal governments have clearly stipulated in urban planning and construction:

From the North Temple Pagoda to the Humble Administrator’s Garden,

All buildings must not exceed the height of the North Temple Pagoda.

Because of this protection,

Only modern people can enjoy the superb view of “entering the garden and seeing the tower” like the ancients.

In addition, the height of the buildings in the entire ancient city is also controlled.

According to the protection plan, the ancient city of Suzhou has a height limit of 24 meters.

Within the scope of 14.5 square kilometers of the ancient city,

There is no tall building with more than ten floors.

In recent years, new buildings in the ancient city,

The height of the eaves is limited to 9 meters.

People have to sigh.

Coming out of the Humble Administrator’s Garden is the Suzhou Museum.

It is famous because the designer is the famous architect I.M. Pei.

Walking travel | 20,000 steps a day, we chatted and recalled walking through Nanjing, Suzhou, Hangzhou...

2. Pingjiang Road Historic District

Pingjiang Road, with a total length of more than 1,600 meters,

Water and land run side by side, and river streets are adjacent.

There are many branch alleys separated on both sides.

Facing the street are various small shops.

Walking travel | 20,000 steps a day, we chatted and recalled walking through Nanjing, Suzhou, Hangzhou...

It was dark when we arrived,

There are not many tourists on the street.

Maybe it’s because of the night,

I can’t fully appreciate its Jiangnan taste.

Next time I have a chance to visit during the day.

Write a postcard in the cat’s sky city,

Send it to your friends.

Walking travel | 20,000 steps a day, we chatted and recalled walking through Nanjing, Suzhou, Hangzhou...

Walking travel | 20,000 steps a day, we chatted and recalled walking through Nanjing, Suzhou, Hangzhou...

3. Tongli Ancient Town

go to Tongli,

I went entirely for the indoor sitcom “Ink and Wash”.

The lighting and choreography are stunning,

The plot is very ordinary,

It is not very understandable to always add some acrobatics to each chapter.

Walking travel | 20,000 steps a day, we chatted and recalled walking through Nanjing, Suzhou, Hangzhou...

Walking travel | 20,000 steps a day, we chatted and recalled walking through Nanjing, Suzhou, Hangzhou...

Walking travel | 20,000 steps a day, we chatted and recalled walking through Nanjing, Suzhou, Hangzhou...

Walking travel | 20,000 steps a day, we chatted and recalled walking through Nanjing, Suzhou, Hangzhou...

Strolling all the way in Suzhou,

The more you know about it,

The favorability is also stronger.

It’s quiet and slow,

People here are seldom in a hurry,

Even the cars on the road are rarely chasing each other

Rarely does the horn sound.

Crossing an intersection without traffic lights,

Passing vehicles will also actively stop or slow down to give way to pedestrians.

It makes me feel like a great blessing

when it is time to leave,

me and my friends are joking

Say you want to live here,

Because I know it’s hard to achieve,

So each other just listened to a joke that wasn’t funny,

Just laugh it off.

Third stop: Hangzhou

The Suzhou trip is over,

Originally, I wanted to go to the seaside of Zhoushan,

But because of time constraints,

had to choose in comparison

no matter the time or the way

Hangzhou is much easier.

The last two days of the trip,

Decided to spend it with a more relaxed mind.

I came to Hangzhou once last summer,

Just in time for the rainy season,

Two days were spent in the patter,

Fortunately, I secretly thought that Jiangnan should be like this,

So it didn’t affect the mood of wandering in the slightest.

Walking travel | 20,000 steps a day, we chatted and recalled walking through Nanjing, Suzhou, Hangzhou...

Walking travel | 20,000 steps a day, we chatted and recalled walking through Nanjing, Suzhou, Hangzhou...

Walking travel | 20,000 steps a day, we chatted and recalled walking through Nanjing, Suzhou, Hangzhou...

This time it’s early winter,

compared to the north,

The meaning of winter here is not so strong.

look around,

Most of the things that catch the eye are still vibrant greens.

The hotel is very close to the West Lake,

After a full rest, I went to the West Lake for a stroll.

Although it didn’t rain this time,

But it’s also gray and cloudy

Plus it’s getting dark,

I can’t get excited for a while.

Walking travel | 20,000 steps a day, we chatted and recalled walking through Nanjing, Suzhou, Hangzhou...

The two walked and chatted along the lake,

When I was tired, I found a chair and sat down.

By the breezy West Lake,

Looking at the flickering light in the distance and the people coming and going nearby,

we open our hearts

Talk about the difficulties and troubles you have encountered

And those moments of near-hysteria.

It’s all about the past,

But there will still be shock, anger, despair…

Those who listened were also filled with shock, anger, and despair…

I also talked about my doubts about life

And a topic that I may not be able to figure out in this lifetime.

Even if you can’t feel it,

Even if you don’t fully understand,

but at that moment

It does not prevent two people from being honest with each other

Uncover the scars in my heart.

Walking travel | 20,000 steps a day, we chatted and recalled walking through Nanjing, Suzhou, Hangzhou...

We only visited a quarter of the West Lake that day,

Can not be seen as a musical fountain,

I haven’t finished watching the Ten Scenes of West Lake.

But now that I think about it,

It was the most impressive day,

It’s the pain mixed with memories and the joy of pouring out

A long and fulfilling day.

The second day in Hangzhou,

Abandoned the Qiandao Lake plan,

Temporarily decided to go to Meijiawu and Yunqi Bamboo Path.

There is only one reason to choose here:

The name sounds quite poetic.

Although the decision was made hastily,

But these two places gave us a complete surprise.

Walking travel | 20,000 steps a day, we chatted and recalled walking through Nanjing, Suzhou, Hangzhou...

Walking travel | 20,000 steps a day, we chatted and recalled walking through Nanjing, Suzhou, Hangzhou...

Meijiawu is one of the first-class protected areas and main producing areas of West Lake Longjing tea.

It is also an ancient village with a history of more than 600 years.

Looking around here is a stretch of tea gardens

And tea houses all over the streets.

Just walk into a tea house,

Facing the green tea garden full of vitality,

Drink a cup of the most original and mellow Longjing tea while eating melon seeds

While chatting about ideals, chatting about life,

The little friends can’t help but sigh:

What a joy it is to live here.

Walking travel | 20,000 steps a day, we chatted and recalled walking through Nanjing, Suzhou, Hangzhou...

Walking travel | 20,000 steps a day, we chatted and recalled walking through Nanjing, Suzhou, Hangzhou...

From Meijiawu, you can walk directly to Yunqi Bamboo Trail.

The Yunqi Bamboo Path is a landscape of lush forests in Yunqiwu:

In the ancient temple in the deep mountain, the sound of chime on the bamboo path.

Here the green bamboos are shady, the streams are tinkling,

The path winds deep,

The gurgling stream flows down the path.

into it,

As if in a green ocean,

Can’t help but take deep breaths frequently,

It seems to wash every cell in the body.

Walking travel | 20,000 steps a day, we chatted and recalled walking through Nanjing, Suzhou, Hangzhou...

Walking travel | 20,000 steps a day, we chatted and recalled walking through Nanjing, Suzhou, Hangzhou...

Walking travel | 20,000 steps a day, we chatted and recalled walking through Nanjing, Suzhou, Hangzhou...

These two pretty good places,

It was a nice ending to this journey.

This journey full of memories,

A particularly coincidental start,

Also a very coincidental ending,

like so many years

From a particularly coincidental encounter,

It ended with a particularly coincidental miss again and again,

Although sorry,

But what remains in my heart is still

Whenever and wherever I remember

All heart-warming memories,

about youth,

Also about the memories of this trip.

no matter what,

Still want to be happy.