Western Sichuan | Drinking and chatting in Gongga Temple, only love is above Buddhism

Western Sichuan | Drinking and chatting in Gongga Temple, only love is above Buddhism

From the fork of Xindu Bridge to the direction of Shad, I walked happily with a bag on my back.

Western Sichuan | Drinking and chatting in Gongga Temple, only love is above Buddhism

I am quite familiar with this road, so I contacted Gele and said that I would go to Shangmuju today. Gele learned that I was alone, and kept calling me along the way to ask my whereabouts.

Strange, there are so many bikers, hikers and self-drivers on Zheduo Mountain, why there is no car in the direction of Shad. After walking for a while, I finally saw the first car – a big truck. I waved hurriedly, and the truck stopped far away from me due to inertia, so I hurried over.

The two Tibetan drivers looked at me blankly, I quickly squeezed out a smirk, and said cheerfully, can you take me with Shad. The truck driver said: We only go to the village ahead, come up. Good luck, but, seeing this giant, how do I get up there. The door of the truck was higher than mine, so I had to smile flatteringly at the truck driver: Excuse me, how can I get up.

The truck driver said: Tread the wheel, the wheel. Then he reached out and grabbed me. After jumping into the car, I started chatting with the truck driver.

Western Sichuan | Drinking and chatting in Gongga Temple, only love is above Buddhism

When I was a child traveling to Jiuzhaigou with my father, I had ridden in such a large truck, and I was deeply impressed by the tall and mighty image of the truck driver. It didn’t take long to reach their village. The truck driver asked me to step on the wheels, but I jumped off without thinking. The truck driver said: You are in good health. When I waved goodbye to them, the truck driver said softly: Be careful when riding a car, and watch people a lot, some people are good and some people are not. Such is the kindness of strangers.

After several rounds, I finally came to Shangmuju. Gele was already waiting for me at the entrance of the village. When he learned that I wanted to go to Gongga Temple, he said that he would take me there any night without worry. Gele rode his small motorcycle, took me to the house and set off. The motor roared, and the exhaustion along the way instantly turned into the relief of seeing friends.

Western Sichuan | Drinking and chatting in Gongga Temple, only love is above Buddhism

There is also a lama who went to Gongga Temple with us, and we replenished supplies at this place.

I saw Gele wearing a gold brand on his waist, looked at it and said: This is pretty, what is it for? Gele said: “Miaozi asks for safety.” I said: Oh~~~. Gele immediately said again: I will give it to you. I quickly shook my head: This is for safety, you give it to me, isn’t it safe for you? He said: It’s okay, I can ask again.

Then we discussed who was more unsafe. I said, I don’t do much get off work in the city every day. You need this more. Then Guller did not send me his peace under my preaching.

Western Sichuan | Drinking and chatting in Gongga Temple, only love is above Buddhism

When he encountered wild flowers on the cliff on the road, he asked me: Do you want it? I said: “Flowers can’t be eaten.” don’t want. When I met I said: If I want this, should I cook it at night or take it home to raise? He chuckled.

Then when I was going down the mountain, I saw a wolf, and the lama chased it away, so I asked Gele: Why didn’t you ask me if I wanted it? He said: This is not necessary. I laughed out loud.

When we arrived at Zimei Pass, the weather was terrible. As I was going up the hill I asked Guller if it was going to rain because I heard thunder. Geler said it won’t rain, you look at the weather. I said: I only thought it was going to rain after looking at the weather, otherwise how could there be thunder. Guller said: It was just a random beating. Hahahaha, this humorous young man.

Then I asked him: Then can I see Mount Gongga. He said: It depends on your luck.

Western Sichuan | Drinking and chatting in Gongga Temple, only love is above Buddhism

In fact, I have been to Zimei many times, and I have also seen the magnificent Gongga Mountain. Sometimes, if there is no purpose, I will not be so disappointed. I think, I just come to live in the mountains for two days, to meet a friend, as for the holy mountain, just follow the fate.

From Zimei Pass down the mountain, it has always been such a duodenal road. (The name I took) Gele drove more carefully, and always deliberately slowed down at the corners. He said that someone in his village fell from here. He used to ride very fast, but now he is much slower. But his so-called slowness can still blow up your pores.

Gele sang while riding, and the song was blown to my ears by the wind. This is God’s gift to Tibetans. Their voices are as clean and clear as the sky on the plateau. I also hummed the song Guozhuang according to the occasion, and sang indiscriminately in the back seat. This section of the road goes down to Zhongzi Plum Village, and the real off-road road is about to begin~

Western Sichuan | Drinking and chatting in Gongga Temple, only love is above Buddhism

There are 9 families in Zimei Village. There are 3 in Shangzimei Village. Because I have only been to the pass and never come down, Zimei Village makes me feel like I am in a paradise. One way I measure whether a place is a paradise is to see whether there is a signal or not. Where there is no signal, it always makes me happy~

When we arrived at Zhongzi Plum Village, we started the real off-road road. I never thought that it is possible to ride a motorcycle on the rocky path that is usually used to climb mountains. The Tibetans have brought the performance of the motorcycle to the extreme. On the bumpy road, I asked Gele, won’t your motorcycle be damaged when you ride like this? It feels like the wheels are being trampled with every step. He said it would be bad. If it breaks, fix it.

Lama Gongpot said that the road ahead was bad, Gele couldn’t take me, so he let me get into his car. As soon as you get in the car, you can smell ghee and Tibetan incense. I was intoxicated by this taste, and the Lama Kampot drove straight towards the cliff, with the front wheels halfway out.

He immediately stepped on the ground, controlled the front of the car, then turned around and said to me calmly: It’s okay, just pour a little.

Before I could react, he had already taken me up the mountain by bike. I was thinking, if one day I hang up, it must be caused by racing in the mountains. This way, it flew off the cushion a few times. My butt and the cushion are like young couples who have just fallen in love, arguing and separating for a while, and sticking together again for a while. But I have to say that Gele’s driving skills are really good.

On such a road, he also worked hard. The front of the car seems to be alive, always passing through the hard rocks just right, looking for a relatively flat road.

Looking at the mountain road full of rocks, I was very scared and wanted to speak slowly, but at the same time I felt that it was too exciting. I didn’t say anything when I got to my mouth, I just kept screaming and screaming in the back seat~

Western Sichuan | Drinking and chatting in Gongga Temple, only love is above Buddhism

It was dusk when we arrived at Gongga Temple. This temple hidden in the deep mountains, under Gongga, is like a hidden practitioner, watching you quietly and waiting for you to leave quietly. I like it here very much, and I keep saying to Geler: Thank you for bringing me here. It seems that the thrills and excitement just now condensed into clouds and smoke, permeating the entire temple.

Western Sichuan | Drinking and chatting in Gongga Temple, only love is above Buddhism

I don’t believe in Buddhism, but I like temples. When I was in Tibet, I often went to different temples to listen to scriptures. I like the green and simple place of practice the most, the secluded empty valley, the Tibetan Buddhist temple with the golden roof and the red wall, the Juemu in the crimson cassock, the never-ending sound of chanting in the temple, and the bell rings after a sentence Drumming, although I can’t understand scriptures, but this kind of sound can calm my heart.

In order to understand the life of practitioners, I went several times, but found nothing. I failed to climb to the top of the mountain once, failed to find it once, and was trapped outside the threshold of language once. In short, although I have been to the place of practice, I still don’t know anything about practice. Is it to make people calm down and repeat one thing, is it to torture one’s body to sublimate the soul, is it to give up all being alone, is it not to settle down in a cave a few feet until death. There were so many questions when I came, and it was the same when I left. I respect people who have faith, so I no longer want to analyze another life, but just stand outside the threshold and watch silently.

Western Sichuan | Drinking and chatting in Gongga Temple, only love is above Buddhism

We worked together to prepare dinner, and we drank and chatted.

Gonpo finally told me his story, the woman who took his heart away, the woman who will never come back, the woman he can’t forget for a long time. Gonpo said: I feel like this is the end of my life.

I saw that he was too negative, so I wanted to make him sober. I cruelly told him that tourists should not leave garbage and feelings during the journey. However, these two things are too easy for us, because there is no need to be responsible. Maybe a place will never come again in this lifetime.

I still clearly remember the disappointed expression of the Lama of Kampot when he heard me say that.

Western Sichuan | Drinking and chatting in Gongga Temple, only love is above Buddhism

Just like the scene shown by Niu Chengze in “Love”, Peng Yuyan came out of the septic tank laughing and laughing, and someone said to him: Xiao Ni is gone, she will not forgive you, and you are not serious. Then Peng Yuyan showed that disappointed expression, which made people feel distressed in the backlight. In fact, how can I guess the thoughts of other tourists, I just want to make my friend not so sad.

Then I immediately comforted him: You have to look forward. He said: But it was pitch black ahead. I said: That’s because your heart lamp is broken. If you fix it, you will see a bright future and a lot of beauties.

Gonpo smiled and said: I don’t need these. I will go to Lhasa, Tibet, and many other places. He agreed to go to Tibet with the French tourists, but because he had a Ganzi ID card, he was banned from entering Tibet at that time. It is these seemingly inconspicuous coincidences, some things are broken as soon as they are said.

I think that the reason why the Buddha let us let go of our feelings and have peace of mind and body is because the Buddha is protecting us. Only by staying away from emotions can we live safely. However, love makes you blind, makes you give up everything, and makes you easily subvert your own values.

Western Sichuan | Drinking and chatting in Gongga Temple, only love is above Buddhism

If we are the ones who are sad, will the people we love feel a little bit relieved to have such a silly X like us? I don’t want to think negatively about love, now I belong to myself, so I’m more true to myself. Don’t think about who you have to meet and do things, just be loyal to your own heart.

This is the Buddha I feel. In Gongga Temple on a rainy night, we all heard our most faithful thoughts about love. This is also the first time I understand that only love is above the Dharma.